Erik took a back seat to this question, deferring to Elisa P.’s spiritual guides. Later in the day, I plan to post an amazing occurrence: Erik finds yet another blog member to pester!
Elisa P.’s Questions
I also had a crazy experience while driving in my car that I swear someone was in the car with me. The first thing was that I wasn’t paying as much attention as I probably should have been and suddenly a huge rock hit my window. I felt like I was being told I needed to pay better attention. Right after that it felt like someone was sitting in the backseat gently pushing on my seat…almost as if their feet were propped on my seat and they were pushing it. Then my hair swished from side to side a couple of times. I kept telling myself that it was my imagination but I wonder… If you get a quick moment to ask Erik, that would be great! If not COMPLETELY understand!! If it was in fact someone, then that means I am hearing, feeling when spirits are around and I just need to work on “tuning” in better. Elisa if I haven’t told you this before….I absolutely LOVE this blog. You and Erik are continuing to enlighten my soul and I thank you!!!
Channeling Transcript
Me: Let’s see. This next one is from another Elisa. She spells her name just like I do plus she’s also a doctor. Can you believe that? She lives in Tulsa, and—
Kim: Do we know her age?
Me: She’s 31.
Kim: Okay, okay.
Me: Anyway, she’s extremely spiritual, a very enlightened healer. But that’s not what I want to talk about. The main thing she wants to know is this. She says she had a weird experience while she was driving her car the other day. She could swear there was someone in the car with her. She felt she was being told to pay better attention, because I rock hit her window. Apparently she wasn’t paying attention all that much. So then she also felt like there was someone in the back seat gently pushing the back of her seat. Then her hair swished from side to side a couple of times. She kept telling herself it was her imagination.
Kim: These were two of her angels, Max and Marsha. And they’re telling me she told them, “Welllll, if you’re really there, I need more tangible evidence; I need interaction,” and they did! Oh, and there was a third one there. His name is Sam. So there were actually three of them in the car.
Me: Oh!
Kim: And they say they’re going to be creating, uh, they’re going to be speaking to her outside her head so she can hear their actual voices, and they’re also going to continue to speak telepathically.
Me: Wait, outside her head?
Kim: Exactly. So she’ll be able to hear their voices. And they’re also going to be materializing, so she’s going to be feeling them touch her—in a non-threatening way, of course!
Me: Yeah, of course.
Kim: She needs to understand that this is a very good thing and that no, it is not in her head! She’s not a person to imagine things like that. She’s a real pragmatic—um, she’s enlightened and very spiritual, but she’s a pragmatic, very down-to-earth kind of gal. She’s not given to flights of fancy. Oh, she’s got an imagination, but she’s not going to imagine things like this. So Max, Marsha and Sam are her guardian angels.
Elisa’s Response
Thank you Elisa!! I just got off a 24-hour shift, slept and then saw this. Very cool! appropriate that you even squeezed that question in, as I know there are MANY other people with more difficult questions waiting to be answered.
I had definitely been asking for more tangible evidence. Told them to just give it to me!
You are absolutely amazing Erik and Elisa! Thank you for everything! And Happy Birthday Erik! I hope you are having a grand ol’ party up there in heaven. If you get a chance, please stop in to give your Mom a huge hug. Hopefully she feels an ever incredible warmth throughout her body and knows that you are hugging her soul!
Love you both!