ASK ERIK May Edition!

Hi everyone!
A message from our boy Erik!
Hi Everyone!  Hey, I want to share a little something with you….do you remember when you were a kid, and you were told that the imagination was this fun little space to play, and create ?  Well, it is! You know what else it is?  It is an IMAGE center to receive visuals from your guides, your loved ones in spirit.   IMAGE is part of imagination!  it is your computer screen, your drawing board, your big screen T.V!  The point here is, that it is all part of your amazing communication system.  The one you came into this life with.  Never Discount that as something you are just “making up”.  We are always dropping something in there for you!
Mothers day is being observed for many.  Happy Mothers Day to all those that have the role of a mother, in every form.
Happy Mother’s Day to my Mama!  Thankyou for supporting me, and allowing me to support you! Love you mom!!!!xxxooo
Here are some ASK ERIK Q&A for May!
Please ask Erik when would my son Darius find employment, he graduated in 2019 as a Mechanical Engineering Design Technologist and he is unable to find a job since. I want him to get started in life, he is stagnant.

Also my son K.O. passed in 2008 does he have any messages for me please.

Thanks very much.

Light & Blessings
Hi Gerry!

Erik has a message for you!
Erik here!  For Darius, there is definitely opportunity for some work.  He may not get the job he truly wants right away, but by putting his energy into a form of employment that gives him some new routine and stability, he will create the right energy that will lead him into the right direction! If he takes action,, the right opportunities will come!
Erik is also bringing in a message from
He says to not worry . That it won’t help you, but make you sick. He also acknowledges a dog with him, and an older woman that has passed in your family recently.
K.O also shows a light bulb that flicks on and off when he is around, so be on the look out for him!  K.O sends love, and wants you to pay attention to the tingle on your left shoulder that you think is an itch.   It is a “hey! its me! I love you!”
Hey Erik… How are you?

I am sure you remember me… I wrote you an email last week… but by the time I finished the email I basically had the answers I was looking for 🙂
I am a Health & Fitness Coach and I do a lot of Mindset training and understanding that your mind controls everything going on in your body!!
I have always been amazed at how the subconscious mind is able to heal disease and literally change the physical body… to make it healthier!!
But… now that I am really getting involved with my spiritual side and reading your books with your Mom… among many others… I am pretty confused!!
I feel as though all those meditations I read about (I am not very good and doing them personally… to be honest… but I will be) are not real??  It’s not that I don’t think they are working I feel like they are working in a different way than I thought before!  I don’t feel like I am tapping into my subconscious mind like I thought??  Now I feel like I was just trying to contact to my spirit guides… and they were the ones that healed me???
I am getting pretty lost on what to believe… when I try to tap into my subconscious mind I am really asking my angels for help??  Or is a little bit of both??  I don’t know I am just becoming really confused and lost about this… because I know I healed my lower back pain I used to have!!  But  was that from me controlling my body or was that my spirit guides healing me… I don’t really know!
Sometimes I think because I thought I was able to use my mind to heal that the guides were able to fix me!!  Because it literally happened in a couple days… after having back pain for years… I think I was able to play volleyball all weekend after I read Dr. Sarno’s book and started thinking about healing my back??
If you could give me some guidance on this that would be awesome!!  I have always helped people get healthier and physically better… my wife always calls me a “Healer”… which I used to kind of get upset when she would call me that?!?!?  I always felt like I wasn’t “good enough” to be called that… if that makes sense… I always felt a guilty feeling when she would call me a “Healer”!!
If you could please help me clarify this I would be so grateful 🙂  I feel like I have many more people to help… but sometimes I feel like I need to help them in a different way that I can currently doing… I’m just not sure:]
Thanks again buddy… I know you are doing awesome… but I always wish you and your family well… Thanks for everything!!


Hi Arqum!

Hey, its Erik here! You are having an awakening to A new level of consciousness.  Many levels of consciousness are part of  the human experience.  Even your body is made up of cells that have a consciousness. For example, your liver is made up of many cells. All of those cells are a collective consciousness within your body.  We communicate to the body through different levels of consciousness. The power of the mind and body is not one thing.  The Divine Consciousness is where we communicate with our Guides, source ect.  This is where we open up to deeper thought and meaning that isn’t always described by human language.
You are currently going through the process of linking body, mind and soul.
You are opening to new levels of awareness. You are a healer. That means that you have the ability to be a conduit for divine energy for yourself and others.  You have always had this ability within you to heal, and it works in many forms.  it will grow, as you do!
The process of  understanding, and awareness is a journey.  Be patient , as you will come to understand what this means in time. Keep meditating, and  focus on your breath. Practice being present.  Be gentle with yourself. Nourish your mind, and your body each day. Get plenty of rest.  You are inviting on messages through animals and dreams.
Keep a journal to write things down.
I am visiting you, and you will get the hang of it soon enough! Keep being curious!
Hi Michelle and Erik,
I am sorry to be writing to you again but I am getting to be quite desperate.  I am having upper abdominal pain nearly night.  I have been to a medical doctor and have had scopes, stool analysis and ultrasound but no real identification of my pain.  I have been to at least 5 healers and nothing seems to help.  Through muscle testing, I believe it to be a spiritual cause, and that it is something that I am supposed to heal myself, not others, which might be why nothing else seems to help.  The thing is that I don’t know where to start.  I have tried identifying and eliminating limiting beliefs, meditation, diet changes, reiki, healing crystals, visualization, prayer, and a few scalar treatments, all to no avail.

Can you tell me if I am wrong about this having a spiritual cause, like a spiritual contract or something, and confirm if I am supposed to be the one to heal it?  How can I heal this or where do I begin?

Thank you for any help you can provide,
Hi Eureca!

  The spiritual path is beautiful, but not necessarily easy.
 Erik wants to remind you that everything starts as an an energetic root, connected to a spiritual purpose. As we carry through life, those roots eventually work into our physical body. You   are highly sensitive to energy. Being so sensitive is truly a gift, but until understood can come with great struggle , and difficult to bear. The  non physical energy of other people,  as well as spirit has effect on you.  It is not only the energy you take in to consider, but to also check the energy you put out.  How do you use your own energy?  How do you project that into the world?  Your higherself is helping you recognize the abilities to channel healing within you. As you had felt, and are correct, that is to happen within you first.
The work that has been done through the scalar field has helped to prime you energetically, but it is within yourself that will open your path brighter. Erik says that there is an energy of fear that is held within you.  He wants you to know that  you are safe, and have no need to fear. He recommends using some Palo Santo to clear your energetic space.  With a clear , loving, but firm voice tell anything, any energy that is not for your highest and best to move on, and leave . On a spiritual level clearing your personal field, and living space is for you to do, and see that your sensitivity does not make you vulnerable, but instead makes you aware. This is a very powerful lesson in courage, and empowerment.  Work on balancing your own personal energy daily. You can do this by grounding, prayers of protection, and affirming your safe and strong.  You can look up prayers for cord cutting and protection prayers. You can also create one on your own.  You are expanding spiritually and the more light you become, the higher requirements to care for your energy.
Erik also suggests using writing as a way to express any feelings. Daily work with yourself will clear unwanted energy and create space to receive insight.
Erik hears you, and wants you to know he is there.  Your guides, and a male who has passed that you were connected to are around you as well.
Sending lots of love.
Erik, and Michelle

Michelle Gray
The Healing H-Art
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