Brexit, Part One

Well, it’s over. Time to heal. I hope we can all rally around as Americans rather than separate parties and pray for Donald Trump and our country. My feeling is that as terrible a candidate as he was, he’ll make a wonderful president, but that might just be wishful thinking and anxiety on my part. Send healing energy across the country, people.

I think it’s so funny that the next topic in queue to post is on Brexit since the outcome of the election was sort of Brexit-esque. Enjoy.

Me: Hey, Robert. The lighting looks good. You got a new desk lamp, so we can see you! That’s awesome.

Robert: I had it on my to-do list. I just never got around to it until you brought it up!

Me: Hey, I’m a taskmaster. How are you, Erik?

Erik: I’m great, Mom. A little solemn today.

Robert: Why are you solemn?

Me (concerned): Yeah, why?

Erik: I spent a lot of energy this weekend.

Ah, the Channeling Erik Weekend in Denver!

Robert: So why would that make you solemn?

Erik: People had a lot of sadness.

Me: Aw. How do you think the event went, Erik? Apparently people were amazed.

Erik: It was fantastic!

Me: That’s good.

Erik: I was running around pulling all that sadness away from them. That’s why everyone felt so related afterwards.

Me: So you took all that pain on top of your own shoulders? That’s not good.

Erik: Well, it’s not like I really took it on. Think of it like cleaning house. You get tired afterwards.

Me: I know! I just lower my standards for my house.

Robert: I just don’t let anybody come over.

We laugh.

Me: I just hide it all. My house looks pretty good until you open drawers and see gummy bears covered with lint and random pennies and stuff. Whatever. It’s okay.

Robert: Mine looks good until you come in.

Me: Uh oh! That’s not good!

Robert laughs.

Me: Well, I just have two subjects. The first is pretty quick. We have a lot of blog members from the U.K. so I want to know your take on Brexit, Erik. You know, the U.K. voted to leave the European Union.

Erik: Mom, I’m just full of opinions. You know that.

Me: I know.

Robert: Talk a little slower! He’s talking really, really fast.

Me: Uh oh. Rein it in! Rein it in, Erik!

Erik: It’s about people trying to take back their power. They felt like they weren’t in control of every scenario, so they’re trying to take it back. “Look, no. No. Let US decide what we want to do.” The initial vote was about a rebellion against that, against being told what to do and feeling like they’re losing their individuality. So people are trying to take some of that back.

Me: Well, it is kind of weird that people in Brussels who weren’t elected are making decisions for them, things like how many refugees should be allowed in and things like that. I can kind of understand that.

Erik: Yeah, it’s ultimately about them reasserting their individuality, their sense of autonomy, but it doesn’t mean that a union is a bad thing. You just have to remember that the individual is what creates a strong union, not people who are over them telling them what to do.

Me: So do you think that, all in all, Erik, that Brexit is a good thing or do you think it’s a mistake?

Erik: There has to be a consensus. It’s not a mistake. What it will do, in the long run, whether the union will fall apart or not, is when we create unions, it will be something that will help us evolve in a way that ensures that the individuals will be involved.

Robert: There are other people here so it’s distracting me! I can’t think of what I’m supposed to say!

He laughs.

Me: All right, everybody. Pick a number!

Robert: I know. There are several people around me and some are looking over my shoulder! It’s making it so I can’t get my words out.

Me: Just a bunch of nosy people! You should sell tickets.

Robert: For sure! I don’t think that made much sense, what I said.

Me: No, it did! Do you think other countries will leave the union, too, Erik?

Erik: This is part of a shakeup. It’s meant to shake up that union and say, “Hey look. There are people who want to have a say. It’s about consensus not people dictating things.”

Me: I know!

Erik: In the long term, it can make the union stronger or, if the union dissolves, whatever the next one is will be stronger.

Me: That makes sense. So do you think other countries will leave the EU?

Erik: There will be other countries that will do similar things. There will be rumblings. The same thing happened in the States. When we first formed, we pushed back against what we thought was being ruled by somebody else. Then later on, we had our struggles, and we had to constantly manipulate and chisel away at how we wanted to do things as individuals. That same thing is going on right now in the United States. There’s a constant battle of chiseling away at what you want. There’s always a push and pull between the small number of control freaks who want to tell everyone else what to do and the majority. The majority of people are “live and let live,” but if they’re pushed far enough, and this is what’s happening globally, they’ll push back against the control freaks, and ultimately human are evolving to a place where it’s more of a collective. Hierarchies will not be about who is in control and who is not. It’ll be more like if someone is considered to be in a place of power, it’ll be looked at more as they’re a guide or teacher. Right now, they’re like the sergeant, the guy that gives the orders. It won’t be like that. They’ll just be guides there to help whatever the consensus of the population is to make sure those things happen in a way that doesn’t create suffering for other people or for themselves.

Me: Well did some of this start in the U.S. with the populace movement of Trump and Sanders? Did that influence the Brexit?

Erik: No. There have been things going on in other countries. Britain is just one we’re hearing about. People are feeling pushed around and that they’re having more and more taken away. That’s not unique to the United States. They’re just reasserting their power again.

Mark your calendars: tomorrow at 7 PM CT is Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show. Call 619-639-4606 15 minutes prior to talk to Erik.

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Elisa Medhus

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