Here are a couple of Erik Praise and Encounters to share !
Please keep them coming, Your experiences with Erik mean so much to all of us! Enjoy!
Hi Elisa, I want to thank you for all you do. I came to know about Erik through Renuka in 2016. It started with two autowriting readings. At present I actively attend Renuka’s workshops and watch your YouTube channel. Erik has guided me through the readings and videos. I feel like he’s a close friend I can trust. Also congratulations on your new venture in scalar. I am sending you good vibes and thank you.
My name is Celestia Messenger, Yes my real name. lol. I have been a sensitive, psychic, and can channel. I have been this way since I was a child. I became aware of Erik when a medium, who I can’t remember her name came to the Unity Church here in Phoenix Az and said that Eric started speaking with her and she has spoken with you after he had come to her first. Well, Erik lead me after that night to your youtube, I have been watching. I “hear” what Erik is saying to the mediums before they say what he says. I love Erik he is dynamic and what a great sense of humor, but he can be very serious when he is adamant about getting his point across. I have recently had cancer, I had to have a hysterotomy. I started what they thought was a class one, I have had one of the best doctors in the country, Dr, Dennis Scribner did robotic surgery. I felt if I wanted to leave I could, I decided I would stay because my wonderful husband needed me. When I woke up they said I was singing Kumbaya and little bunny foo foo. I was ready to get off the table and go home, I felt great, I was then told I would be staying the night. That is not a normal procedure for Dr. Shribner. His patients can go home. I told them that and they said they changed their minds ….. lol. I was staying. I was taken to my room and asked if I needed pain meds I said No, I am not in pain. I asked if I could walk the hallways they said no. I was going to stay in bed. I felt better than I have had in a long time. During the evening I was dozing and I heard the door open and the room bright, I thought the light was turned on. Some sat in the chair next to the bed, I thought a sitter came in or a nurse, I open my eyes there is no light was on but the room is so bright, and I look at the chair you can see an imprint of someone sitting there but no one you can see via the eye. That was Erik. the nurse comes in and said this room is bright do you need pain meds, I said no, I am not in any pain. The next morning they call my husband and said she can go home and they said your wife was a joy. She didn’t want anything except a pudding and no extra pain meds. The labs came back I was actually a class two for uterine cancer, I had endometriosis, they took the lymphoid. There was no spread. They are flabbergasted by the fact there is no spread. I am here because of Divine intervention. I have been trying to fully heal and avoid stress. I have a son 34 named Anthony. I wasn’t a great mom at first. I got help when I left a handprint on his bottom. I was sexually abused and beaten from 10-14 as a child,by one of my stepfathers. My father Charles Henry Spears was found on a cot at his job in a plastic bag, He went to take a steam bath to lose weight. They at first didn’t know if it was a suicide, accident, or murder. Dad didn’t leave a note and said to my Aunt Ev he would be right back and did she need anything. So it was deemed an accident They found a blood clot in the back of his neck and said he became overwhelmed and passed out So Being said I had a baby at 19 and a half. I was way too young. But I worked two jobs, went to school, counseling and was determined to get my head out of my rear. My son has ADHD, like myself but with defiant syndrome. He had a suicide attempt 2 years ago and was doing well. Since my surgery he tells me everything wrong in his life was my fault, he is going to commit suicide and speaks about it like it is a normal conversation. Erik told me he was trying to manipulate me and I needed to concentrate on myself and heal. I was not put on this planet to be Anthony’s punching bag and he needed to get on medication and deal with his issues, he is 34 years old and needed to Grow The F UP. My and his situation was is not the same as yours and his. The last draw was when Anthony said he wanted Matt my husband to buy him a $60.000 dollar condo. My husband was an actual 80’s rockstar. So and invested well We are not rich but are comfortable. Erik told me to tell Anthony that in order for us to do that he needed to get back on meds, go to counseling and get a car. My son had a cow. So now he isn’t talking to me. I as Mom want to help and give my son everything. But as someone who knows about choice, I needed to get a clear picture, I needed a medium. Erik told me about this website, and help me find Jennifer. I had a session with her today, Erik told her to tell me to tell her what was going on , he had told me he would tell Jennifer to ask me. I just mention Anthony his name, She picked up that he is manipulating me and how he is using suicide to get what he wants from us and reactions he wants. We were toxic and in this life, there was an opposite relationship he was my father, She didn’t know how he died. But he came in while I was young to experience what he has. She said that in a past life he was my husband and murdered me. He was supposed to have killed himself after he murdered me but was stopped. She saw my husband Matt and said he is one of the most loyal people she has ever felt. He is very loyal and she said I knew I would marry Matt. I have been in love with Matt since I was a little girl. I didn’t know he was a rockstar. My mother was his mother’s best friend, My grandmother was his mother’s boss. I just thought this boy is so cute. I dated him after I had another and before college, he was separated from his first wife, (she was a groupie). She was the one cheating. I went to college and we went separate ways. We reconnected after he lost his 2nd wife to cancer. She also knew Matt was the cook, I can’t cook not my talent . She picked up that I have vertigo. She also knew Erik has been around me And what I am getting is indeed accurate. I thought I am blooming crazy. Guess not so crazy, lol. I have worked with many people, but Jennifer was truly right on, It was like we knew each other. I didn’t have to explain. I will be continuing to work with Jennifer. Erik said he would like me to get to my true potential and use my channeling and medium skills. I was told to hold writing you until after speaking with Jennifer. He wanted me to wait until the correct time. I have told him I have ADHD and am long-winded and all over the map, His exact words were ” That is fine, We get you. I am like HUH? Jennifer reminds me of a woman named Edna Stumpth who was a t medium. She was one of my best friends, I was 20 when I met her. She was like a mom to me. When she passed I wanted to leave this planet. I am a star child and use to pack a shoebox and wait on my porch for them to come and take me home. Lol. Jennifer also picked that up. I feel so blessed to have met Jennifer and Erik. I have no idea what to do with this, I have had quite a life, an amazing one , but I don’t feel my challenges were curses. Erik said there is more of my healing because it is going to show others that we can overcome if we put our mind to . He said there will be a book, I can’t write a book, Look at my write, I can’t write a book, This is not t he first time I have been told this. I have subject matter though, lol. Thank you so much for all you do.
Much Love and Light
Celestia Messenger