Many of you have either battled cancer personally or have a family member who has been plagued by it. I hope what Erik says helps.
Me: Let’s talk about cancer.
Erik: Okay.
Jamie: Here’s acting up so I’m trying not to let him throw me off.
Erik: What kind of cancer? Everyone has its different—
Me: Well, in general.
Erik: Mom, that’s like, (he puts his back and utters the sound of frustration.)
Me: There’s got to be a common thread.
Erik: The specific cell in the disease can no longer function the way that it needs to.
Jamie claps her hands and laughs. She knows Erik is purposely trying to aggravate me. It’s working.
Me: No, like is it bottled up emotions, bottled up anger or…?
Erik: Mom, Mom, there is no common thread for different kinds of cancers. The only common thread is that the cell is misbehaving and turning over and not working right.
Jamie (smiling): He’s getting up in front of the camera and yelling that cannabis will work for that.
Me: CBD oil
Erik: CBD oil.
Me: There have already been lots of studies, particularly on gliobastoma multiforme, a brain cancer.
Erik: It’s incredible.
Me: All right. Let’s take one, then. Breast cancer. I’m very disappointed, though. We could have just distilled this to just one cause.
Erik: You can’t because each cancer has its own identity like the breast cancer.
Erik must have just said something funny because Jamie just starts to laugh.
Jamie (still laughing): You had to choose breast cancer!
Me: Sorry!
Erik: The breastisizz. They are beautiful, they’re lovely and they feed the babies. They’re a nurturing element and an intimate sexual part of a woman’s body, and when cancer is there, it’s basically a very huge sign that says, “You’re not nurturing yourself.” Period. That’s what that one is about.
Me: Okay. Well, are there any other approaches to it besides cannabis that—
Erik: My favorite.
Me (chuckling): Yeah, I know. –that would target this inability to nurture yourself?
Erik: Oh, god. You need to hook up with a life coach or a therapist and go, “All right. What am I not doing for myself? How am I not loving myself, and why am I choosing to do that? Most of the time you’ll find that it’s related to family, what you’re afraid to say to your family or give to your family for fear of judgment or not being good enough. That’s a personal judgment that you only place on yourself, and when you start addressing and handling these, you’ll notice that, if you have the beginning stages of this cancer, using this treatment along with energy healing, you can eliminate the cancer. You really can. If you have a fast-growing cancer, I would use cannabis.
Jamie: He likes to say cannabis. CBD.
Me: Cannabinoids. That’s a fun thing to say. Cannabinoids. It seems like a lot of these cancers have to do with emotional honesty, emotional honesty with yourself and others.
Erik: Amen!
Me: That’s your favorite subject. All right. Anything else on breast cancer?
Erik: No, it’s very straightforward, and you can look at the cancer of anything or everything. Your eye. What are you really not looking at? It can be pretty damn self-explanatory. I think what we’ll do is talk about each of [the major] types of cancer and get more information about them. (With emphasis) And they’re all cured by cannabis!