I’ve been fortunate enough to have both dogs and cats, some rescues, and have loved them all deeply, but after having Bella as one of the loves of my life, I’m in the dog column now. What about you? Erik shares what he knows about cats, dogs, cat owners and dog owners. Very interesting.
But first DON’T FORGET that there will be no Thursday night radio show until I return from Norway. I’ll be there, visiting relatives (especially my 96 year-old father-in-law) and staying in our little mountain cabin. Sheila Quinn has graciously allowed us to share her BlogTalk radio channel! Thanks, Sheila!
Here are a couple of videos of my weekend taking care of Arleen, Easton and their 3 year-old cousin, Phoenix. (I had never met Phoenix and I kept messing up, calling him, “River.” Haha!)
Enjoy this fun session channeled by the lovely Jennifer Doran (psychicmediumjenniferdoran.com.) The transcript follows but PLEASE click on the YouTube anyway so that I get some help with ad money. And thanks SO much for the donations, guys! They mean so much to me, and it helps a lot with the overhead!
Elisa: Hey, Miss Thang! How are you doing? Miss Jennifer Doran.
Jennifer: Good, good, how are you?
Elisa: Good, good. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and happy new year and I look forward to an awesome 2019, by the time this is (inaudible) it might be more but I don’t know, but we are going to talk about cats and dogs and cat people versus dog people, you know they always have these things on the animal planet channel, whose smarter cats or dogs? Or humans, I could answer that one. They are! I’m kidding. So, Hi Erik, how are you doing? I love you.
Erik: Hi, love you.
Elisa: All right so, are you a cat or a dog spirit Erik?
Erik: I love all animals but I am partial to dogs.
Elisa: Oh, I figured. Can you tell us a little bit about some of the differences between cats and dogs? We’ll start with the animals themselves, their differences in personalities or anything else.
Erik: Cats and dogs, they are sort of similar beings in that they can come in as a cat or a dog, they can kind of switch, so their souls can be cat or dog when they come into a life. Sometimes, people know that they have a dog, and it’s like that dog had to have been a cat in a past life because some dogs behave very stereotypically like cats and some cats behave very stereotypically like dogs.
Elisa: Exactly, like Ringo, the black cat of Lukas’, he acts like a dog, comes when called, very vocal, very loving.
Erik: Yup. So, that’s why because cats and dogs can switch it up. So, typically the dogs they’re just going to be more loyal than a cat.
Jennifer: I’m sorry, he’s made a joke about cat, if you die in a house with a cat, the cat will eat you but if you die in a house with a dog, the dog will lay there and cry.
Elisa: Oh my God, that’s probably really true! I don’t think a dog would eat a dead body, unless it was starving.
Jennifer: Yeah, so he’s just cracking jokes a little bit.
Erik: I do prefer dogs. Cats just tend to be more standoffish, believe it or not some people like that.
Elisa: Well, let’s talk about that. Why do some people like the independence or the standoffishness of a cat as opposed to the clean, unconditional love of a dog?
Jennifer: Love of a dog.
Erik: For some people, it’s just because cats are low maintenance, lower maintenance, so some people it just fits their lifestyle better or they like to have a living creature around but not necessarily so in your face, so all over you. For some people they can’t have dogs or they can’t have cats because of allergies, so they may want the other but if you’re allergic to cats, you might just decide okay, I’ll have a dog because I can’t have a cat. Some people just like that independence, it’s like the person is in their lane and a cat stays in their lane and there’s some cross over, where a lot of times with dogs, everything you do the dog wants to be a part of, be involved in.
Elisa: I know, Lukas’ husky, she’s actually still a puppy, she’s 8 months old but she’s pretty big, any time I go to a sink, to brush my teeth, to wash dishes, she’s up there at the counter, “hey, what are you doing, what am I missing, hey what’s going on, what’s going on”? She is so nosey, the dogs follow me everywhere, whereas our cats would not. Of course, you could get a hairless cat if you have allergies, I guess that would work,
Jennifer: Yeah, and there are dogs that you can get too that are hypo-allergenic, they’ve been bread to be that way.
Elisa: Yup, that’s right. I’m sure, like Bella, she doesn’t really have an undercoat, maybe she’s, so was Ringo a dog in a past life?
Erik: Oh yes.
Elisa: I figured. Okay. What was it I was going to ask about cats? Oh, why are they so finicky about food sometimes?
Jennifer: Erik just flashed me an image of a meme that I had seen, and it’s like the Egyptian cat and it says in ancient Egypt cats were considered Gods and they’ve never forgotten that.
Elisa: Oh, my God that’s so true.
Erik: Cats do just kind of have a bit more of an arrogant attitude, and so if they don’t like something. Dogs want to please, dogs truly do want to please their owners, cats don’t really want to do anything that’s outside their comfort zone.
Elisa: Oh, but is there a spiritual reason, for a cat to come into our life versus for a dog to come into our life? Is there anything, certain specific things that each are here to teach us?
Jennifer: What Erik is telling me in general with both of them, that they are here both cats and dogs, this is not a distinguishing difference between the two of them. Basically, he’s kind of saying we agree to come here, and it does kind of suck here, so we have these animals that make it suck less, and so it’s kind of like a gift for us from the Universe, from God whatever you want to call it, it’s like okay, you have to do this but you can have these animals that will love you.
Erik: Truly, truly without animals, without pets, specifically pets and I don’t want to limit that to cats and dogs because other people have all kinds pets.
Elisa: Of course.
Erik: Humans would not be able to come and do what we do without pets. Now, there are people who don’t have pets and of course that’s a whole separate thing, but in general if there were no pets the human race just wouldn’t survive.
Elisa: Oh, wow!
Jennifer: We would implode.
Elisa: Can you tell me anything else different about a dog lover versus a cat lover as far as maybe they need unconditional love, maybe they have low self-esteem, I don’t know is there anything to it as far as the differences?
Erik: Dog lovers, truly are seeking companionship, they need that kind of energy of something that’s not going to betray them, that’s not going to let them down, so a lot of times dog lovers will have an undertone of working on that, betrayal or feeling betrayed in this lifetime, so they are drawn to that dog energy because dogs are just so loyal and so that is one there. As far a cat people, sometimes cat people tend to be a little bit more isolated, they tend to be a little bit more withdrawn, so cat people might be looking more, like you need to get out there, you need to stop hiding, a lot of times cat people tend to hide themselves, hide their emotions, they kind of block their emotions, they’re a bit more guarded.
Elisa: Probably not all but yeah there maybe a tendency to do that.
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: So, of course I see on Animal Cops Houston, this lady has 50 cats in her home and things like so, that seems to be more common than hoarding dogs, right?
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: Okay, so what’s up with that? Why?
Erik: Number one, there is some typically mental illness involved there.
Elisa: Oh yeah.
Erik: The cats breed quicker.
Elisa: Oh! Okay, yeah, yeah.
Erik: Cats breed quicker.
Elisa: Okay, that makes sense.
Erik: And they have more, not always but a dog might have 1 or 2 puppies, cats there’s 3 or 4 kittens and then their getting pregnant, and they can get pregnant at 4 or 5 months old, cats breed faster.
Elisa: Yeah, wow! Okay, so are there any other differences? Cat lovers do they tend to be more intellectual, I just made that up, I don’t know where it’s coming from.
Erik: No, it’s not really about that, a lot of it has to do with what we’re here to work on but not really one is necessarily smarter than the other or anything like that, it’s just what we’re here to work on. Cat people a lot of times, there’s a theme of not isolating yourself.
Elisa: Oh, and the other is the dog lovers need to work on betrayal, even if it’s from another life, I guess.
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: What are the strengths and weaknesses of cats and dogs? As a general rule. Let’s start with cats. One strength, one weakness.
Erik: Survival is a strength for cats because of their independence, they have a survival strength. I want to specify, we are talking about domesticated cats and dogs, not wild. The strength for dogs.
Jennifer: (laughing) He says dogs are smarter, but I don’t know if he really means it or not.
Erik: Dogs are smarter.
Elisa: It isn’t how you measure intelligence, they might have more emotional intelligence but as far as pure instinctual intelligence maybe the cats.
Erik: Dogs you can train, you can train dogs to do so much, like the service dogs, you can train dogs to be so much, so that is one of their strengths, like a big strength that dogs have is that they understand language, they understand us, no matter what language we speak.
Elisa: I saw a really, I saw this great documentary, Dogs the untold truth or something like that. They talked about how they can read our energy, they can read facial expressions, and feel the emotions behind it, they can read our emotions. Whereas cats either they can read it and ignore it or they can’t read it.
Erik: It’s more that they can’t read it.
Elisa: I see.
Erik: Dogs and horse are very similar in that way.
Elisa: Oh, okay.
Erik: Dogs and horses, there is a lot of similarities in the emotional connection to humans between dogs and horses.
Elisa: Wow, because I know that dogs, I mean horses, if you’re up on that horse and you’re afraid they sense it and they will take advantage of it.
Jennifer: So, he kind of puts those two together in that way. He just really does love dogs, not that he doesn’t love cats, he’s such a fan of dogs.
Elisa: That’s true.
Erik: You can never train a cat to do what you can train dogs to do.
Elisa: You know it’s like herding cats, that saying is there for a reason.
Jennifer: Oh absolutely!
Elisa: What about weaknesses.
Erik: Okay, one of the weaknesses for dogs is their dependency, they are very domesticated of course, they’re very dependent on their humans. The weakness for cats is their curiosity.
Elisa: Curiosity killed the cat.
Erik: It truly is a weakness that they have.
Elisa: The fact that cats have 9 lives, they don’t really have 9 lives, well they have infinite lives but because they survive so easily. Do dog lovers tend to be more nurturing than cat lovers or vice versa or neither?
Erik: In general, dog lovers do tend to be more emotionally vulnerable, this is just in general, they do tend to be more emotionally vulnerable than cat people do.
Elisa: And maybe that’s why they want that unconditional love. Empaths would they choose a dog or a cat?
Erik: It doesn’t matter. See, it’s more like empaths would want pets, whereas people who are maybe less empathic won’t be drawn to have pets.
Elisa: I got you. All right, do cats and dogs see spirits?
Erik: Oh yes!
Elisa: Do they equally?
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: I get the feeling that cats can see energy, entities better.
Erik: Cats are more easily spooked by it.
Elisa: Oh, so it seems like they are, oh.
Erik: Whereas dogs they see it but they don’t always seem to pay attention to it, it doesn’t seem to startle them like it does cats.
Jennifer: Erik scared my, I’m a cat person, I love dogs too but I have certain allergy issues, I can’t have dogs but, Erik scared my cats once. I was talking to him and I said Erik could you please come around, let me know you’re here, and I had 2 cats sleeping right on the couch next to me and the both popped up and looked right up over my shoulder and both of their eyes were huge, and I was like okay. But it was like that, it was clearly obvious whereas if a dog had been sitting there, the dog may have just turned and casually looked and you wouldn’t really think anything of it whereas a cat the startle, they run, so you’re like what the heck did they just see, where a dog is more cool about it.
Elisa: Ah, yeah. They cool like that. So what kind of spiritual contract make a spirit want to incarnate as a cat? And then also as a dog? I mean do they have spiritual contracts to go through, like we do for one thing?
Erik: Yeah, they do but it’s more like they do want to come and be with the people and help the people.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: It’s not as much that they’re learning like our souls are learning and really trying to learn these difficult hard lessons. They come in because it’s part of their job to come in and be with the humans.
Elisa: I got you. All right, do they often return to us?
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: I figured. I know that Bella used to be my one marauder Zoey. I’ve accidentally called her Zoey several times.
Erik: They’ll come back in pretty quickly if they can to be with us a couple times, they will travel with us through different lifetimes as well.
Elisa: Oh cool. Here’s a blog member question, can our pets, pet cats and dogs understand our thoughts or only our energy? Or maybe it’s our emotions, I don’t know.
Erik: They can’t really hear your thoughts it’s more that they pick up on your energy, they are very intuitive, even cats, even though they don’t tend to be as emotionally available as dogs do, they’re very intuitive so yes it would be more that they are picking up on your emotion. If you want to think of it like almost as if they can read your aura.
Elisa: Wow! Interesting.
Erik: So, they can tell when you’re sad, they can tell when your happy, excited, mad, even cats.
Elisa: Even without the tone of voice, wow that’s pretty cool.
Erik: Yeah, they can just feel it.
Elisa: And it’s cool how some can detect whether a seizure is coming on or whether somebody’s becoming hypoglycemic, so I guess your energy changes with that and they can, that’s so cool.
Erik: You’re energy and your smell with some of it, it’s about the way the person smells, there’s a change in the smell, which of course cats can probably sense that, they couldn’t indicate to you, whereas a dog can be trained to indicate to you that something’s going to happen where a cat might notice it but they wouldn’t be able to indicate to you.
Elisa: Yeah like Lassie. (laughing), Yeah that’s funny. There was one guy whose guy kept sniffing, sniffing, sniffing one side of his head, and he thought okay, I’ll get a cat scan and he had a tumor, caught it early, it was cool.
Erik: Yup.
Elisa: Cancer does have a special smell.
Erik: Also, those pets, service animals who can come in and do these things, on the other side it would be in our soul contract that we would have this animal come in who could help us and so the animal agrees to come in and help us and then some of the stuff that the dogs do is very well guided by souls on the other side.
Elisa: Oh, wow! Do you they have their own spirit guides?
Erik: Yes, especially in particular these one who are here helping us save our lives. Yes, it’s almost like when that tumor, it’s almost as if somebody from the other side, made that smell like bacon or peanut butter or something so the dog would sniff, sniff, sniff, like that drawing the attention.
Jennifer: That’s pretty interesting. So, the dogs that do that kind of stuff are very well guided through spirit guides.
Erik: You can kind of think of it more like it’s one of the person’s spirit guides helping, the dog, with this, it’s like they work in tandem.
Elisa: All right. So, when they transition and go to the other side whose there to greet them.
Erik: Everybody. They can just go around to who ever they want, they’ve got the freedom and they can just kind of go around to whoever, and of course everyone over here loves animals, even if you were in a life where you don’t necessarily care for an animal, some people aren’t animal people, they’re afraid of animals or whatever the reason is, everybody when you get over here you just adore animals.
Elisa: Ah, that’s just awesome. So, is their afterlife any different than ours?
Erik: In a sense they don’t go over there and do the same things, they’re not still trying to learn and grow their soul but they’re in the same place.
Elisa: It’s probably a lot easier to lick their butts over there, don’t you think?
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: They’re probably much more flexible. Okay, I don’t know whey they smell each other butts, I thought they had a really good sense of smell and why would you want to get that close to a turd too?!
Jennifer: Yeah, I don’t know, I just don’t know.
Elisa: I guess you just have to be in their shoes, but no thank you. I am a light worker, this person says, I wonder why the animals brought in my home seem to follow my every move, I do not feed them or do things for them, I do send my love to them, I don’t want them hurt. Are animals drawn to light-workers?
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: Oh, I figured.
Erik: They can see the light, dogs and cats are very good judge of character.
Elisa: Oh!
Erik: So, they’re very drawn, it’s one of those things, if you have a dog and they don’t a person, that’s something to pay attention to.
Elisa: I do! When workers come in or somebody comes into my house, they copy the same sense that I get of that person’s energy. I feel like that’s a good soul and they’re real sweet or. All right, here’s one, do cats evolve into humans or do they stay cats in general for all their incarnations?
Erik: They stay animals, they don’t necessarily stay cats they can be other animals but they don’t evolve to humans. It’s a different kind of being.
Elisa: Oh, okay. Some people asked personal questions about their pet but I really can’t do that. I think that I am a cat and dog person but I really appreciate the sassy and independent nature of a cat, does it say anything about the owner of the pet if one prefers cat, so we did that. What causes so many pets now a days to be overweight?
Erik: It’s actually the poor nutrition in the food. The chemicals in the food, plus this is more relevant for dogs but it’s getting harder, people are so busy that they don’t have time necessarily to walk the dogs and to exercise the dogs like they should but it is the food quality, a lot of it.
Elisa: Yeah well, they have those things where something automatically tosses the ball or you can put them on a little treadmill.
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: I put mine on my treadmill really going slowly and all of a sudden, she pooped all over my treadmill and the belt was going.
Jennifer: Oh no!
Elisa: Aw, right in the mechanism. All right, why is there an increase of cancer in pets, in cats and dogs?
Erik: Again, it’s chemical, so chemicals in the food that they are eating, chemicals in the grass, the treatment of the houses that sort of stuff does increase that. Part of it is that there’s more people, there’s more animals and there’s more awareness so animals have always died of cancer we just did not know that was what they had.
Elisa: I see. Well some people think that Round Up the weed killer, and what farmers put on a lot of crops or used to, I don’t know if they still do, is responsible in part for the increase in cancer. Glyphosate I can’t remember.
Erik: It is the chemicals do increase that, it also increases the joint problems.
Elisa: Oh yeah, that’s no good.
Jennifer: No.
Elisa: So, because of that I’ve changed all my dogs to well there’s a number of them, but we give them Taste of the Wild, it is wild sourced or wild caught meat, salmon, wild caught salmon, venison, whatever, no grain, so you don’t have any chance of whatever, but even no chicken because poultry, they’re feed corn that could have this Round Up stuff in it, so what do you think about that? What is the best food for our cats and dogs?
Erik: Anything all natural, organic, no grains, or low in the grains is the best thing to feed them.
Elisa: And low in meats, animals that eat grain.
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: Like beef and poultry and stuff.
Erik: Yes, so the wild caught stuff is the best and organic.
Elisa: Okay, any other recommendations for diet?
Erik: Vitamins, can be very, very good for the animals.
Elisa: Like which ones in particular? Are they usually not given enough of?
Erik: Anything for joint health, anything for the bones, for the animals is really good for them.
Elisa: Okay.
Jennifer: I don’t know enough about pet vitamins to be able to tell any kind of brands or anything but he says anything for the joint health and the bones.
Elisa: Okay, so we can find that out by Googling it probably. Any other advice for their care?
Erik: Just love them and give them attention and affection, that’s really all that they need.
Elisa: That’s important. You know I’ve read a number of stories of people being at the vet about to euthanize them but then they ask their vet to try low dose naltrexone and you know 6 weeks later the dog is cancer free and you know running around an all so happy, so does low does naltrexone often help our cats and dogs?
Erik: Yes but most vets would never even think, you would have to ask.
Elisa: Oh yeah.
Erik: You would have to ask, and you would have to be up front and say something about it because vets aren’t going to think of it.
Elisa: Yeah, no I sent mine a story of the LDN research trust, I think it’s called Family Success stories because it helped their pet survive cancer and somebody with dementia, so what kind of conditions would LDN help in cats and dogs.
Erik: Cancer.
Jennifer: He’s drawing me to the kidneys, so kidney disease.
Erik: It can help with a lot of stuff, animals, it’s more that it’s in our contract that when we have an animal that we love, that when they actually do go, it’s because it’s in the contract that this is when they leave us. So, you know for anybody who is thinking I should have tried that, no, they were suppose to go, that’s when they were supposed to go. Massage too is very, very good. Try to massage a cat (rolls eyes).
Elisa: I bet you could.
Erik: Some cats would just run off, or you’d be rubbing them and they would turn around and bite you a little bit.
Elisa: I know.
Erik: But dogs, in particular, like their hips, their joints, work on those. Energy work is very, very good for animals. They’re also very sensitive to the stones and crystals, you’ve got to be very careful though, if you’re somebody whose very into all natural stuff, because you can not necessarily put essential oils on animals.
Elisa: Oh! So are there holistic vets that can give us some guidance.
Erik: Absolutely!
Elisa: Oh wow! Good. And of course there are animal communicators too.
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: Let’s see, what are the most common mistakes that we make with our cats and dogs?
Erik: With dogs, one of the biggest things is them being left alone too long. Not the same with cats, cats because of their independent nature they can go longer without humans being home, but dogs get left home for hours and hours on end. If you have to do that, it is better if there is at least 2 dogs, they need company, if you’re somebody whose gone a lot and your dog is home by themselves it can cause depression for them, so it’s like they almost need to have another dog around to help with that and that’s one of the biggest things is people who work too much or work a lot having dogs that are alone.
Elisa: I remember my mother and father bought a german shepherd, not because they wanted something to love of course because they were so horrible, but because they wanted the house, we had been burglarized right before that, so they wanted a guard dog. I came home from college once, and there was Lindy, they had locked her up in this small area of the garage and he had is water bowl and his food bowl, the food was wet crawling with maggots, and I thought, Oh my God how awful.
Jennifer: Neglect.
Elisa: Neglect is terrible.
Erik: That is terrible. There are a lot of animals that end up neglected.
Elisa: Yeah, I see those Sarah McLaughlin, it’s so heart rendering, so are we to learn something from that, from the abuse that goes on?
Erik: We are, about opening up your hearts, helping. Shining light on stuff like this, helps to eliminate and limit that type of stuff. Actually, humans’ compassion towards animals is a lot of times more than humans’ compassion to other humans.
Elisa: Yeah. Well there’s a lot of people who like dogs or cats or whatever a lot better than humans, less drama.
Erik: Yeah. Actually, there is something to learn there about how we treat each other. Looking at how people mistreat animals and then how many people stand up to take care of animals and love animals, we can learn how to treat each other better by looking at how people treat animals.
Elisa: Cause we’re all one, even with the animals. Let’s see, are cats and dogs that we have in this life usually part of our soul family?
Erik: Yeah, they do often come back, but not always, sometimes there’s new animals that you’ve never been with before.
Elisa: Oh okay.
Erik: Just like people, a lot of times you travel with the same people, and then sometimes somebody absolutely new, you’ve never encountered before comes in. So, it’s very, very similar to that.
Elisa: Okay. Do we randomly choose our animal companions or are they selected to be with us?
Erik: They’re selected to be with us, or we select them.
Elisa: Prior to incarnation, I guess.
Erik: Yup.
Elisa: What do cats and dogs do with their time in the afterlife, we know they don’t go through evolving and lessons but what do they do? Run around and chase each other?
Erik: Yeah, play and interact with the other souls and with angels and they just kind of like they are little rays of sunshine.
Elisa: Aw.
Erik: It’s just like they just bring happiness and love.
Elisa: Just like they do here.
Erik: Yeah.
Elisa: Okay. Can humans communicate with their deceased pets just with their thoughts?
Erik: Yes,
Elisa: Oh, that’s awesome. Why do they pick one person in a large household as their favorite? I have 4 cats and each one has a different human they love the most.
Erik: I would be because that is the soul that they know the best.
Elisa: Ah, okay.
Erik: So, they’d be drawn to the soul that they’ve been with the most amount of times.
Elisa: Okay. All right, my question is, do cats represent the divine feminine more than dogs the masculine? I know that there are gray areas but in general.
Erik: No, both animals would have the feminine and masculine within them.
Elisa: Can an animal be your spirit guide?
Erik: Oh, absolutely. It’s like your spirit animal, a spirit guide would be a soul similar to ours, a human soul.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: A spirit animal, yes.
Elisa: Okay, if a dog has behavioral issues like excess barking, due to anxiety, how can an owner connect with the dog to help them overcome this and put them at ease.
Erik: Okay, those vests, or whatever those blankets are.
Elisa: Oh, yeah weighted blankets.
Erik: Yeah.
Elisa: Okay, the ones you use for autistic kids.
Erik: Yes, they make something for dogs that you can put on them, those are very, very effective. That’s really a good one.
Elisa: How do you ground an upset dog or cat? Beside that, of course that’s one thing.
Erik: If a cat gets really upset, the cat will run off and hide, for the most part, so the cat will hide until they have calmed them self down. Dogs, sometimes you do have to hold a dog tight.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: You know wrap them up, like swaddle them like a baby or hold the dog tight to get them to stop panicking. Sometimes dogs do need anxiety medications.
Elisa: Oh yeah.
Erik: Absolutely, if you try all the natural stuff and it doesn’t work, sometimes dogs do need anxiety medication.
Elisa: Okay. Also, we often hear that the owner has to show the dog that they are the ones in control, so how would an owner do this in a humane way? I think most dogs don’t want to be the leader of the pack anyway, I don’t know what do you think?
Erik: This is true, dogs do have to know that they are not the alpha in the house, one of the big reasons is because if you don’t do that then you have a dog that you can’t handle and you have to find a new home for. You have to re-home because the dogs become such a problem, and of course.
Jennifer: And I just happen to know this, one of the things that I have been told, if you play tug of war with their toy, you can never let the dog win the toy, so even if you have to open the dogs mouth a little bit and take the toy away from them, you can give the toy right back but you should never let the dog get the toy from you.
Elisa: Yeah, you’re fighting over prey, and the little squeaky is like the animal squealing in pain or something, that’s awful.
Erik: Yes, it is best for the dog if they know that they are not in control and not in charge in the home, a lot of people do have to get rid of animals that they love because they feel as though they can’t (inaudible).
Elisa: Do you like the techniques of Cesar Millan, the dog whisperer, Erik?
Erik: Some of them yes.
Elisa: Okay. What about. Oh, go ahead.
Erik: Some people don’t like to think about asserting your dominance, they feel like it’s mean to assert yourself over a dog, and so it’s okay as long as you’re not hurting the dog, you’re not mistreating the animal, it is okay to assert your dominance over the animals.
Elisa: There’s a lot of anxiety involved in being the leader, they don’t want that kind of responsibility. So, that’s why you get the little dog syndrome, people do not assert, give the dominant energy toward a little bitty dog, so they become yappers, every time the door bell rings, etc., I know. All right, what do you think about the cat whisperer, I’ll call him, I think his name is Jackson Galaxy or maybe it’s Galaxy Jackson, he’s the guy from My Cat from Hell, Erik what do you think about him?
Erik: I like him, that’s a little funnier to watch.
Jennifer: I don’t personally know anything about this, but he does like it.
Erik: Both of those animal trainers are very intuitive, very empathic to animals, that is why they are so good at it.
Elisa: That’s awesome. Which cat or dog are more emotion based as opposed to pure instinct, well we answered that? Which of the cat or dog are more territorial?
Erik: That’s a case by case basis.
Elisa: Yeah, yeah, I’ve seen animal behaviors put this hand up for the dog’s food bowl.
Erik: Cats can also be incredibly territorial, it’s in their nature and actually it’s in their nature from the wild, the not domesticated, it’s just part of their nature for them both to be kind of territorial.
Elisa: Okay. Do they pick their humans and can they be incarnation friends or family you’ve lost, okay that’s not true they come back as cats or dogs? Do they often pick?
Erik: It’s really more us that, makes the decision of the animal that we would need and want to come in with us.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: The animal doesn’t have to come if they don’t feel ready to come.
Elisa: Oh good, so they have free will, you can’t drag them kicking and screaming.
Erik: Nor would want to. We wouldn’t want to bring an animal back in that wasn’t ready to come back.
Elisa: Oh no. We could wave a cucumber in front of them, because you know how they hate cucumbers, have you seen the video when they look and there’s a cucumber and the (cat screech), what’s that all about, they must think it’s a snake or something.
Jennifer: (laughing) I don’t know what, it is weird though.
Elisa: It’s hilarious! I really want to do that, but I’m not that cruel. Why do cats and dogs live such short lives compared to humans?
Erik: Because there is just so much love to them, their energy can’t stay that long.
Jennifer: It’s very interesting because they’re so pure, their hearts are so pure and there is so much love, they can’t stay that long here, it’s too difficult, it’s too heavy for them, it’s why they age quicker than we do. It’s almost as if we as humans, where we have that other side of us where we have the negative and we have the darker side, actually helps us more here than it does with animals, they don’t have it, so like we have the balance here and they don’t.
Elisa: Okay, well do you think part of it is that it’s to teach us about loss? Especially children, sometimes that’s their first contact with the concept of death.
Erik: Yes, that is one of the things that they come here to teach us, is about loss.
Elisa: Will there be some sort of technology in the future that will help them live longer?
Erik: They’re working on stuff.
Elisa: Okay. Who is they? People here or?
Erik: Yes, it’s already stuff that is being worked on to keep the animals here longer.
Jennifer: I personally don’t know if this is already happening, but he said there will be transplants and stuff, animal transplants.
Elisa: Oh! Wow, I never thought of that.
Erik: Whether it makes it into mainstream or not, it’s experimental stuff.
Elisa: Okay. Cat’s get kidney disease a lot, right? I think.
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: It’s often the cause of death. Do our deceased cats and dogs come to visit us often?
Erik: Absolutely.
Elisa: All right, I guess this is the last question. How do we know when to euthanize them? Sometime they are ready to go, they want to go, so you can channel them through an animal communicator or something but.
Erik: We are never ready to do it, and it’s very, very difficult for us to make that decision here, sometimes you just know that it’s time and that would be your guides telling you it’s time, it’s time for this animal to go, they’re suffering. Often times we hang on, we postpone making a decision that inevitably needs to be made.
Elisa: Yeah. Well I think it would be a good idea to use the pendulum or dosing rods like Raylene teaches, you could ask their higher self, if they’re ready to go, or use an e-board or whatever.
Erik: Yeah, absolutely. Sometimes in a situation like this, it is good to consult somebody else or something else because your ego and your love is going to get in the way of maybe making the best decision for the animal. Definitely consult.
Elisa: Sometimes when I had a patient that was terminal, I could see the angst in the family of trying to make a decision to pull the plug, sometimes I would say would you like me to make the decision for you because they don’t want that burden and if they said No that was fine but they usually said Yes please.
Erik: And that’s what it is because there’s guilt because on the other side of making a decision like that whether it’s about a pet or person there’s guilt on the other side of that, that we don’t want.
Elisa: I know, oh I hope Bella lives a long life, will she Erik? Will you make sure she does but suffering free?
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: Oh, goody.
Erik: I will do my best.
Elisa: I’m going to hold you to it. Thank you so much, anything else you want to share about cats, dogs, cat people, dog people?
Erik: No. I just love the animals.
Elisa: And they love you and I love you. You guys check out Jennifer at psychicmediumjenniferdoran.com, I’ll put it right here. Jennifer, you want to add anything else?
Jennifer: No, just thank you.
Elisa: Thank you babe, this was awesome! You have a good rest of the week!!
Jennifer: You too.
Elisa: Bye.
Featured image courtesy of Pet Attack.
