Enjoy the last installment in the series!
Q: What then can we do when we see something horrible happen?
AE: Match it to appreciation of something you have and like, but are not immediately thinking about. Upon witnessing a horrible violent death, think of a beautiful person you love, who is alive.
Q: What do world leaders think of the ETs that visit? Why don’t the world leaders get bypassed, and contact made with greater humanity?
AE: Who chose the leaders and how are they not you? We say, your governments and kings and queens and ministers and presidents and dictators and…choose your label, they are you. You create the roles, then you fill them.
Who are we to tell you otherwise, to arbitrarily discard what you choose with great energy and gusto?
Has any one person in a nation where elections occur, not seen the energy given to the process of acquiring leadership and governing with it? Who are we to say humanity should not do this? It is not our choice, not our place to interfere and NEVER our place to agree with your assertion that humanity and leadership are separate.
To your first question, we contact humanity, some of us, regularly. Are we not doing this now? How many among you would discount and discard this whole thing as fantasy? We have no control over this reaction, this idea and view.
The some who say a person offering contact with an ET is crazy, are as entitled to the right to express notions and opinions of sanity and craziness, as they are to define their idea of normality. The right of expression for the one means it is for all.
World leaders are apprehensive of the contact, for they dislike the uncontrol. We seek no control, the few who visit and make contact and will not allow it. We come hands open, arms outstretched and minds open. Because we display great power some of us – and we all possess it – the fear is just under the surface that we will misuse it.
World leaders, especially the more powerful among humans, who have great military force at their disposal, are uneasy with a force that suspends their ability at a literal snap of the fingers.
Q: Do ET civilization have weapons?
AE: Yes, for defense however these abilities are largely mental. There are some physical capabilities and these are the only ones suggested and used. Earth offensive capability is all easily suspended electromagnetically where a threat to an ET is possible.
Q: Isn’t it possible to sneak up on an ET and attack?
AE: No, for the thoughts of this act are read like a book. We can simply avoid it, before it can be manifest or neutralize it before harm comes to anyone. This alarms Earth world leaders.
Q: Does your civilization on Nameeda use names?
AE: For things yes however not for ourselves very often. We use codes for things like addresses, our locations and bases, and for identification. Taking away the name and assigning a number, you could say. Names in alphabets are numbers anyway, so little change is there. This allows easy and complete lists.
Q: How many live on your planet?
AE: About three billion.
Q: How large is it?
AE: By Earth measurement it is approximately 50% larger in diameter and has also abundant liquids on the surface.
Q: Water?
AE: Yes.
Q: Are all organisms carbon chemistry based?
AE: No, there are also silicon based organisms, mostly the vegetative matter. Green plants of Earth are largely blue. The water is reddish in color, where Earth water appears blue.
Q: What is the atmosphere’s composition?
AE: Similar to Earth, less oxygen however the planet is flatter and almost no higher altitude living there is. The oxygen content is similar to your mountains at five to eight thousand feet, one thousand four hundred to two thousand five hundred meters. There is less nitrogen and more carbon dioxide.
Q: How are you able to extract nutrition from silicon based vegetation with carbon based bodies?
AE: This answer is too long for this forum, yet we will say, Earth understanding of biochemistry is limited to Earth possibilities. It is done as easily as Earth nutrition and sustenance are accomplished.
Q: When will humanity see regular, open and unmistakable visits of ETs?
AE: Already. How obvious need it be? More than now occurs, we shall say with certainty, to convince the greater population.
It will be more obvious and we suggest in several years, beginning in a bigger way this year of your calendar two thousand fifteen. We must caution, bigger by what percentage? So little of what now occurs is acknowledged, a 10 or 15% increase will not likely raise the awareness or acceptance among the many of you.
We understand the civilizations now making regular contact, often with government and military leadership, might do it without provoking much response, because these leaders already understand there is little reason to have fear and moreover, there is nothing they can do to prevent it however, what explanation will the population expect?
If this happens openly away from seats of government, many people will demand at least an explanation or a response. What response can be offered that has not already been given the ETs? None we say.
What explanation? That leadership has been receiving these contacts for decades but not disclosed it? Do you wish to have leadership state the existence of a many decades long cover-up? We assure you, you will not, among the majority of you, be pleased with this. Your leaders, elected or otherwise, thrive on power and popularity and will do much to maintain it through imagery perceived to sustain satisfaction.
You are your governments, they are you, they reflect you, you create them and you control them. You also control your sensation you cannot.
Your leadership largely believes it knows better and can better do for you what you cannot collectively achieve, and proceeds with this idea. This is always the case and would be reinforced through the instinctive reaction most people would demand.
In the USA the population would demand an opinion and position; would none be offered? This would not propagate confidence and would undermine credibility, something no government wants to show and no populace wants to see. So a position would be offered but it would be largely a façade.
What does this achieve for humanity?
ETs are unwilling to circumvent humanity in a large way; we are respectful of your decision because we hope and want you to be respectful of ours. We must always proceed in this way, and always have.
We make regular contact and hope the contacted are not badly affected by our decision to do so, if they choose to reveal it. The many of you, although the few reading this, are quick to label anyone as crazy. This comes easily and sadly to humanity.
The vim and vigor expressed by the demanders of proof who are unable to state definitively what proof they shall accept, runs rough over the new idea so uncomfortable. The personalization of attacks is well understood and this slows our desire to disclose the existence of our beings.
The Flat Earth Society operates under a new management and premise still.
Q: This sounds like a collective communication from many ETs, not just you Nameedians.
AE: Correct, we have channeled thoughts from the many observing.
Q: What name do I use to thank you?
AE: Call me Nameedian One and you have; you are welcome. Your Guardian Angels ask that we return to visit if requested, both to Earth orbit and to your questions.
Q: That would be good, as soon as I think of some! So long for now…
AE: Good bye.
Thanks, Patrick, for a thrilling and eye-opening interview! For those of you with Kindles, here’s the link to his entire book: CLICK HERE