I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Now, enjoy the fourth and final part of Leonardo’s interview!
Me: I see. Can you tell me what sort of things you like to do in your afterlife?
Leonardo: Throughout all of my lives, I will remain the inventor.
Me: Are you a muse to different inventors here?
Leonardo: Yes, but I’m especially disappointed with the ones who don’t get the help they need.
Me: Aw. Were you a muse for Steve Jobs?
Leonardo: Yes.
Me: I hope you’re friends there now
Leonardo: Yes, we are.
Me: Good. What do you think about the state of humanity now?
Leonardo: I think it’s sick with mental disease.
Me: Insanity. Yes.
Jamie: The image he’s showing me is—it’s like if you could take society and then take the pillars of what society is rested on like government, education of our children, the support for the elderly, you know, these pillars. The one he shows that’s just rotten and has this fungus on it is the education.
Me: Oh, yeah. That’s the root. That’s the root. Sometimes I wonder if we need to unschool our children and teach them how to learn on their own. I wonder if we just spoon feed them crap—indoctrination.
Leonardo: Yes!
Me: Let them find knowledge on their own with a little guidance and encouragement. That’s what you did, Leonardo! You didn’t fare too badly!
Leonardo: Yes! And my biggest invention will involve this: the change in the school system throughout the world.
Me: Exactly. Because you taught yourself. Kids need to learn how to learn. Knowledge must be interest or student driven. We need to foster a love for knowledge or learning. And there should NEVER be any grades. I’m totally against grades.
Leonardo: If I were alive during this day and age, I would be considered a brilliant artist but very inadequate in other areas—in speech. It was very hard for me to talk about what I could see. That grew with me as a young man. My love for mathematics grew when I found the joy of painting the body.
Me: Oh, because of the ratios of—
Leonardo: Yes!
Me: The Pi ratios?
Jamie (giggling): He just did that little childlike thing again!
Me: Aw, yeah! Life follows mathematical ratios perfectly.
Leonardo: Yes. I enjoyed numbers so much, because they never lied to me.
Me: Aw, wow, that’s goose bumpy. Now, tell me what you do with the education system then?
Leonardo: I would gently take it apart starting with what you call the sixth grade and down, becauses the children who have gone through one through six already have their foundation of who theu want to be when they are older. Then I would do as you say. Have interest led, student led learning. No grades. Mastery, yes, but no grades.
Me: Okay. Do you have any other advice?
Jamie: He smiles and does that combing thing through his beard.
Jamie (to Leonardo): You want to say it like that?
Jamie (giggling): I don’t understand! Nothing. Nothing. Wait. Tell me again! (Pause) I don’t get it!
Me: I wouldn’t get a word he says. He’s too brilliant.
Jamie (laughing): He’s talking about nothing good comes from being ignorant.
Me: Okay.
Jamie: Um, but then he does a follow up sentence with “ignorance—”
Me: —is bliss.
Jamie (giggling): “Ignorance shows—“ (pause) It’s something like this—and I’m sorry it’s not his exact words—Ignorance shows that a person is done with their life.
Me: Oh! Because learning is life!
Jamie: Leanring is life! Learning is growth. And I think the way he uses the word ignorance feels different than the way that we use it.
Me: Oh, okay. Well, it’s like learning is the dance that is life.
Jamie: He agrees to that.
Me: What about you, Erik? Do you have any questions for Leonardo? And please don’t say you he was your favorite on the Mutant Ninja Turtles. I feel that’s coming.
Erik: God, that would be so good, but I won’t embarrass you, Mom.
Mom: That’s okay. I can’t be embarrassed. I usually embarrass myself, anyway.
Erik (to Leonardo): You built all these hand-built models that were so successful and that worked like trains and helocopters and airplanes and hot air balloons. Why didn’t you build them full sized?
Me: Oh, yeah! Great question!
Leonardo: Well, I did!
Me: Really?
Leonardo: For some. And then I saw what devastation and destruction they would cause—
Me: In what way?
Leonardo: To humanity and to the Earth. I saw, in visions, how they could be used for harm.
Me: So, you were psychic.
Leonardo: Yes. So, I then, after that, never made them full sized and kept them as little inventive imagination trinkets.
Me: Okay. Well, thank you so much! It was such an honor. I just feel such love for you, Leonardo.
Leonardo: Thank you so much.
Me: Bye.
Leonardo (to me): Take care.
Leonardo (to Erik): Take care.
Leonardo (to Jamie): Take care.
Leonardo leaves.
Me: What an interesting guy!
Erik: Whoa, really?
Jamie laughs.
Me (laughing): Dur.
By the way, one of our Channeling Erik family members needs our prayers sent for a dear friend of hers. I hope you all oblige. Here is the email she sent this morning: