Going with the flow and your purpose!

Before we have a message for all of you from our boy Erik, I have a couple things to share.

Thank you to everyone who has been emailing in questions for our first Ask Erik Blog Post!  We have received several emails and will publish the first group This Friday, March 5. We will be posting Erik’s answers on the first Friday of each month! Thankyou for all the kind messages and Support as well! It really means so much! The next piece of Exciting news is about the release of “Beyond the Human-Behind the Medium” Produced and Directed by Paola Marino~ Movie producer, and director, founder of Acquamarina Productions. The Release will be live on the Channeling Erik YouTube Chanel, Sunday March 7 @ 3pm EST!

YOU DO NOT want to miss it!

That’s it for me today, but here is a message from our favorite guide from the other side, Erik!


“What’s up Everyone!  Have you heard the term, going with the flow? Ever wondered what that really means?  The biggest question we hear from many of you, is…. Why am I here? What is my purpose? How long do I have to wait?

We want to offer you a little help!  You have more than one purpose here on earth.  There is a bigger picture from the perception of spirit that may be connected to humanity. A mission of Service. There is purpose in the physical, like where you go, and what you do. How that contributes to society. There is also emotional purpose. Purpose in relationships, connections and personal growth, and of course to Love. Love, know and understand yourself, and spread that love to others.

There really is not one total purpose, but an accumulation over your lifetime of

Being in many purposes. Many get caught up in the goal of one focus, and then are at risk to disregard the other, just as important.  Whatever stage of life you are in, has purpose. It could be that you are re-discovering yourself, guiding a child, or children. You could be of service to someone elderly or providing service in your community. Regardless of what it is that you are doing, ask yourself who you are being in this moment you are in. Being in flow, is taking your hands off the bars of your bicycle and feeling the breeze!  You will find meaning, and purpose in each stage of your life if you surrender to any control and resistance.

When you practice finding meaning, in each moment you are being, you will notice a flow that takes place. Your life will continue to present opportunity, and the option to grow with deeper meaning and purpose.  Flow is a state of being.

Humans are Beings. You will reach your more fulfilling states of purpose, as you flow with where you are now. Trusting all is in divine time.

Erik xo

Channeled by Michelle Gray~thehealinghart.com

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Elisa Medhus

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