This fascinating interview was the first one of a God. I’m wondering if Jamie should have worn a pair of Raybans. Wow. I just got the connection. Raybans. Banning rays! I’m a little slow!
Me: Erik, Can you bring the Sun God, Ra in for us?
Jamie (giggling): I can’t stop thinking about that Lady Gaga song!
Much to everyone’s dismay, she starts to sing it as Erik goes to “fetch” Ra.
Jamie: I’m going to be chanting it all day today.
Me: You know this’ll be on YouTube, girl?
Jamie: Oh, God, NO! That’s not going on!
Me (in my evil voice): Hm. Maybe we won’t, but maybe we will. So, is Ra here?
Jamie: Yes, he’s here. It makes sense. He’s very bright. I don’t see, um, shape to him, like a head, shoulders, arms. It just looks like light. A yellowish, golden light, and there are rays that come off of him. It hurts the eyes, you know, kind of right behind the eyes it I stare. (She grimaces and rubs her temples.) So, I’m just going to constantly look at the computer instead of looking up at him.
Me: Okay. So, Ra, is it okay if we ask you some questions?
Erik: Mom, isn’t that why we brought him here?
Me: Well, I just wanna make sure, smartass. Hey, what does his voice sound like?
Jamie: It’s very—I don’t know how to explain it. Can we say airy and masculine at the same time?
Me: Yeah, I understand that. Ra, can you describe your origins?
Ra: I am from God Source.
Me: So you’re not from a some special planet or galaxy? You come straight from God Source?
Ra: We all come straight from God Source.
Me: All right. Did you clip off right from God Source and come to our planet, or did you come from God Source like we do, go to another planet or galaxy or incarnate as another being—
Jamie: He’s talking. He’s saying you have speculations that he’s from some alternate dimension. He wishes you would just ask the question.
Jamie and I laugh hard.
Me: Okay, okay. Where are you from? Just tell me. I know we’re all from God Source, but where did you go afterwards? Are you from an alternate dimension?
Jamie: I don’t understand. Can you say it again?
Jamie (giggling): I gotta eye ache!
Me: Aw!
Ra: I’m from God Source in service of the people on Earth. I do have communication and work with people from alternate dimensions.
Erik: Yeah, we call those aliens.
Ra: That’s an appropriate human term.
Me: Why Egypt? Why did you come to Earth? Were you here to help Egypt and humanity?
Ra: The Egyptians had evolved to become people who could intuitively communicate to alternative dimensions. Just as there is an enlightenment movement in today’s time, there was an enlightenment movement in Egyptian’s time. There was an attraction to how the deity that governed over all—
Erik: Are you an alien that came over in a UFO and decided to fuck with the minds of the Egyptians?
Jamie (laughing): I don’t think that’s appropriate.
Erik: Or are you like a Jesus or a Buddha—
Jamie: He’s listing a bunch of other names. When we started, Ra was standing in front of me, but when we asked him to stand in another room, I hear him on this side (she points to her left ear.) so I wonder if he’s beyond that door to my left.
Ra: If we have to what we would know in today’s terms, I’d be like a Son of God or an angel of God. It was my purpose to help the humans on Earth to expand their belief in—
Jamie: I don’t know what that word is. (to Ra) Expand the belief in what?
Jamie: Well, we’re just going to call it “a bigger and a beyond.”
Me: Okay.
Ra: I came to the humans to help them have an intuitive structure. I helped with time. I helped with the concept of time that humans have.
Jamie: I can hear him talking, but it doesn’t sound like it’s necessarily to me. It’s kind of “away”. He’s talking about being a governor. But he’s not talking to me, so I don’t really know how to translate that! Your turn.
Me: Okay. Ra, do you have special powers that we don’t have?
Jamie: His first response was no, that he has the same abilities we have, but through time, we’ve talked ourselves out of them.
Me: Are you a god?
Ra: In your terms, yes. I don’t feel the title is necessary for me. I feel more associated with the title of governor. I help cultures and communities govern. I give them a purpose for understanding structures and measurements.
Me: How interesting! Including the measurement of time?
Jamie: That’s what he said before, but clocks and hours and minutes, that’s not what he was talking about.
Me: And so that’s why the Egyptians used you to understand sunrise, noon, sunset, and so forth. That makes sense.
Jamie: There’s a burst of joy in the room here. Yes!
Me: Okay, good! Do you speak a special language?
Ra: I speak true language. Those who can hear me will hear me in their native tongue. I transcend beyond space and time, and though my relevance has died out in this current age, what is here now is based on what I have created before. All great teachers have their time.
Me: Okay. Now, of course I think we answered this already. Why were you referred to as a Sun God? Was that because you were here to teach the concept of time? I just want to make sure.
Ra: That is correct.
Me: Good. Now, it is said that you traveled each day across the sky on a boat accompanied by a crew of other gods, then at night you died and descended into the Underworld.
Erik (leaning in toward Ra): That’s really colorful, ya gotta admit.
Ra: Yes, that was the story created to understand where I went when the light was gone. I did not die. I only died figuratively.
Me: Well, Is that how you taught them about time? Did you actually rise up in the sky and make this arc across the sky and then disappear? Is that what you’re saying?
Jamie: All right. So, you dumbed it down for us.
Ra: And it wasn’t just about the day’s journey. I also taught lessons about the moon’s cycle—months, and also the changing of the seasons.
Jamie: I asked him ‘What about years, yearly markings?’ But he didn’t really agree with what I said there. He just goes from the parts of the day, the day, to the moon cycle, to the seasonal cycle.
Ra: This helped cultivate an agricultural lifestyle. There was documentation then about agricultural lifestyle, what would grow when and where, how much light it needed.
Jamie: He’s very proud of himself for helping the human growth.
Ra: My reign was very short overall, but what I contributed was a foundation for everything to come.
Me: Well, how did you dovetail into the presence of an actual sun? I mean, there is actually the fact that the Earth revolved around the sun and rotates on its axis. How does this work with the fact that you were arcing across the sky at the same time?
Jamie: What’s the question?
Me: Well, of course there was already the Earth rotating, creating the sunrise and sunset, so that was the lesson in time, too. So, you, Ra, arcing across the sky, why would that have been necessary to teach the concept of time?
Ra: There can be words and terminology created to help form a structure. It was all for terminology—the expansion of knowledge we use (unintelligible.)
I wish I had clarified this more, but I went on because of time constraints.
Me: Did you have any interactions with humans?
Ra: Yes, and with aliens.
Me: And did they freak out when they first saw you?
Ra: I appeared to them as light. I also often came in animal form, similar to what your Native Americans describe: birds—
Erik: He said hawks, Jamie.
Jamie: Stop messing with me.
Me: They show him pictured with different heads: the ram, serpent, beetle, bull, cat, lion, hawk—
Jamie: The one with the horns, right?
Me: Right, right.
Jamie: He’s also showing me the cat and the bird.
Me: Yes, and why did you come as those? So the humans could relate to you better?
Ra: With the symbolism I was trying to relay. And also I came as different animals to reach all of the population.
Jamie: He’s describing a workforce—people being in different areas, so to communicate he had to morph into different animals.
Me: Interesting! That makes sense. So, it wasn’t the fact that there was a certain association with a falcon or a hawk. It was basically so you could somehow interact with certain populations. What was your affinity for Egypt or did you branch out beyond that? Oh wait, you already described your affinity for Egypt. Did you branch out beyond that area to other parts of the world?
Ra: Yes.
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Also, I’m compiling a list of media to approach for my publicist. Could you send me ideas ( I have several, including Coast to Coast and Oprah’s Soul Sunday, but I could use more help here. I’m talking about radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, ezines–anything! Again, thanks!