The Erik Encounters are really piling up, so here are two of the ones that are next in queue!
First story: A funny thing happened to me today . I was driving home from work, kind of on autopilot, when I looked into my rear view mirror and there was this silver Sion riding right up my bumper. I’m like dude, really??? Then we came to a stoplight and I tried to get a look at the driver and it was a young guy curly hair wearing a baseball cap backwards and dark sunglasses, (he looked just like the person in the smoke picture I posted earlier) Then the light turned green and I looked in my rear view mirror again and the car was gone! I just said “Erik, good one!”
Second Story: Was not going tell the story but I guess I have to.Yesterday was a very long day for me. I had stayed over night at my daughters so I would be there in time for my granddaughters graduation from High School. All the events went as planned. The grad, the lovely lunch, picture taking, all of it. When it was time for me to leave I was so very tired that when I got in the car I said, Erik I need you, please don’t let me fall asleep at the wheel. That is how tired I was. So I am driving home, an hour and a half drive. I am relaxed and my hand was resting on my purse, next to me, and a drop of water hits my hand…..out of nowhere. Other then my open bottle of water there was no place for water to come from in the car, windows closed and my A/C doesn’t drip. So where did a drop of water come from? So I said to Erik, “Okay, I am awake, I promise.” I smiled all the way home. This morning in thinking about it I had a tear in my eye. Erik has my back! How marvelous is this. Erik has my back. With all my heart I say, “Thank you, Erik. You are a gift to all of us.” Oh I am 76 yrs. old, not his playmate. I love him like a grandson.