Dog Days of Summer

Dogs days of summer? In December? Yes! Having seen for myself the “commode” water reverse its flow and prove the northern hemisphere is backwards (or is it the other way around?) it’s also now becoming warm and comfortable down under; the dog days of summer. (Do Chileans, Kiwis, Brazilians, Aussies and Argentines call the Northern Hemisphere “up yonder?” I’ve been to those places and never heard it…South Africa, maybe?)

My recent references to Erik and dogs sparked his latest prank; my steel chain choker dog collar the victim: 

 C= The Committee ST = substitute teacher and Erik

 ST:       Erik, I liked your explanation of the universe, quantum physics holds hands with string theory.

Erik:      (smiles, bows and commits a gaseous emission) Hey, professional pranks have to know these things.

ST:         Mind if we get The Committee in on some expansion of that?

Erik:      Nope. Blow your wad, dude.

ST:         (Sorry Elisa, I know, but…..) Does my steel chain dog collar “fit” into this?

Erik:       Yes and no.

ST:         (I should have seen that coming)

Erik:      Tsk tsk, no parentheses, I can read your thoughts!

ST:      I should mention Erik couldn’t resist electricity nearby, and caused the light over the stove to flicker, now fixed like magic. Hmmmm. Right, Erik?

Erik:      (silence)

ST:         Esteemed Committee, I’ve heard the term string theory but the very brief explanation I read didn’t say much. What is this?

C:           It is recognition of the interconnectedness of existence, the way things string together.

ST:         It’s called a theory because it can’t be proven, right?

C:           Yes, for the moment.

ST:         Why “for the moment”?

C:         Earth science advancement, through current civilizations and previous development also, seeks to insert the unknown into the known, it looks to fit the outside within. The urge to compress expansion is the default, until demonstrated otherwise.

ST:         It should be seen differently?

C:           Yes, to understand more thoroughly and with less holdup. These give rise to confusion and disputes, all creating misunderstandings and delays.

ST:         Can you give an example?

C:           Certainly; is a bright round lighter area, seen against a darker background, a circle or a hole? Does the surrounding color create the object or the object its surroundings? Advancement requires measurement and calculation for its nature to be understood; if the hole or circle, as you choose to see it, cannot be sized, then it is deemed an illusion.

ST:         How does this relate to string theory?

C:           Because the interconnectedness is not proven within the accepted parameters, it exists not, we are given to understand. This is the challenge of your communication; true communication as it happens away from dense matter you all do, all the time. This is called thought; you know your thoughts and your ideas and what is going through your head. These are both created by you and picked up from others, yet physical communication, principally through vibrating air, is the preferred way. We cite the increase in video use to report news; many people prefer to see and hear another person speak about the event if given the choice to read or listen. This has been common since television and news broadcasts and increases with video sent to computers. Others, such as you, prefer written news but accept the spoken.

Communication is by thought, and the speaking, listening, writing and reading are overlays of your existence, soon to be discarded.

ST:         Good example; can you explain a few specifics of string theory and is it correct? Is it on the “right track”?

C:           It is very much on the right track; it explores relationships between all types of matter and will soon run up on the newer definition of matter, to include what is not recognized on Earth.

ST:         How does quantum physics fit in?

C:           This is just a name for measurement; it will always have value but will fade from the perceived cutting edge it now occupies.

ST:          Why?

C:           Existence on Earth connects to all existence; measurement of what is seen and felt on Earth cannot be complete without including all measurement of existence; as the subject has been explored, it has examined half the equation. No mathematical formula can include half the variables and reach a precise conclusion, this is understood well. Soon, the remainder will be more visible.

ST:         A great time for scientists, huh?

Erik:      I’m changing careers!

ST:         You’re already a scientist, a prankologist.

C:           Indeed this will be a fascinating time of discovery and enlightenment for those attuned to your states of science and mathematics, yet we say this will also be a fascinating time for all. The same nature of spirituality and science will become apparent to nearly everyone.

ST:         Erik, can you give an example of what will develop and what you’d do with it?

Erik:      I’d be involved with transportation, ’cause I always liked that stuff. The land vehicles that can also hover, stuff like that.

ST:         Like hovercraft?

Erik:      Yeah, the way they blow air against the ground and reverse the effect of gravity? This uses the same principals that will create hovercraft using electricity, to do the same thing.

ST:         You have access to some cool stuff, don’t you?

Erik:      Sure do….

ST:         El Grande Committee, in your new name as coined by our member here John Adams…

C:           We thank you all for this name, as we enjoy it.

ST:         ….can you suggest what other developments of science and spirit will come together?

C:           Body functions, sickness and disease will be different and the changes will take place more quickly than now anticipated. Diets will change as availability of many things consumed drops away. Consumers will adapt far more quickly than is expected, concepts such as chakras will be understood from what is now science and the effect on what is understood as spirituality will be linked. The world might seem to be growing more complicated; it will be more simple. Much complication humanity has generated for itself will now be drawing to a close.

ST:         Will life challenges and troubles go away?

C:           The cycles of life will not be changed; your purpose is to have these experiences. It is far too easy to view the changes through the lens of the unchanged, to see modification from the place where things are not modified; it is simplistic and easy to see solutions in the hands of others such as leaders or saviors, the problems to be resolved by them also created by villainous others, out to usurp happiness for their selfish ends. Extrapolate not the examples of this you might see, and we do say examples there are; see that challenges and solutions are always, and the generation of issue and answer alike, are your individual and collective acts.  Your switch from inches to centimeters requires a new measurement stick; remember your old yardstick fondly as your meter stick serves well a new purpose.

ST:         Erik, parting words of wisdom or sounds of distress?

Erik:      Quack, quack.


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Substitute Teacher

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