Dropped the soap

Everyday for weeks when I’d take a shower, the soap would fall off the ledge and soap dish and I’d get this strong feeling that someone was in the room…not watching me but more so just in the room behind the curtain. Every time the soap dropped I’d pick it up and it would fall several times without being bumped or disturbed in any way. It wasn’t until a reading with Raylene that Erik confessed it was him! He said he wasn’t being inappropriate is just that was the time my guard was down and he was able to send me a sign letting me know he’s around. When saying goodbyes and thank yous I laughed and told Erik to drop the soap and I’ll say hi…he responded with “okay, it’s a deal…smell you later.” Erik has also played sings for me when I was down like “the middle” by Jimmy eat world and I also can sometimes pick up when he’s sending me thoughts that I know are not my own….I kept getting this Cat Stevens song stuck in my head and it wasn’t until I said “Ok-ok, Erik I’ll listen to it!” Then it finally stopped. He said I need to listen to lyrics closely and music is healing for me so I need to pay attention to the words. Sorry this is long, I just wanted to share that Erik had become such a friend and guiding light in my life and I feel blessed to have him as a spirit guide.

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