I just sent this in but I forgot to add in an important piece of information so this is the edited version:
I purchased the Empath Protection through Atlantis Scalar as per suggested by Erik. Him and Elisa also completed the entire Trifecta Service for me free of charge which is a priceless gift that I am so unbelievably thankful, appreciative, and grateful for and this testimonial is the least I can do to show my thanks.
Almost right away I wasn’t able to stay in low-vibrational emotions, even if I wanted to..it’s like I am literally unable to stay angry. Now that being said, I am still struggling with my depression and whatnot, (I have more work to do and packages to purchase to help continue this journey of bettering myself, so the fact that I am still struggling is definitely not a mark against the Empath Protection/Trifecta Service at all) but the negative emotional bursts that used to be all-consuming, sometimes to the point of that is all I can see, think, and feel with no access to logic, has calmed down an incredible amount (it was almost frustrating at first because of the moments where I wanted to stay angry, but I was literally unable to lol but I appreciate it now and its making things a bit easier.)
I have also had a lot more synchronicities (which is saying something because thats already been a weekly if not daily thing this past year), and I feel a lot more connected to Erik and my other guides/friends/angels, etc (as in, I can feel them more and I’m getting messages and signs more clearly).
I also get Intuitive Distant Energy Healing done on a regular. The first session I had after Erik and Mama Medhus did these services for me (I had the packages done on April 1st and the energy healing session on April 7th, so a week), the lady who works with me (she didn’t know I had this done) said: “you are a bright light now. What a difference from your very first session. You are more at peace and lighter and brighter. You are more grounded and solid. You have a better stronger foundation. Things are looking up for you – even financially more stable is a possibility! Your Soul colours came in like pastel cotton candy – so beautiful and peaceful! You were grounding 5 minutes in.” So that was really cool and validated that changes I had been noticing.
I’m not sure if this is the correct place to send you the testimonial for this, but I wanted to submit you one and made sure I said again thank you so much, Elisa and Erik.
You guys have gone above and beyond what you had to for me and I am eternally eternally grateful.
I love you both so much more than my human words can ever say. I just hope you two can feel it, because you so deserve to.