Erik and Jamie on the Phone Today

Here’s another one of your wonderful stories!

Today 22 April 2015 I had my first group reading with Jamie Butler. Erik showed up and rocked the house, he and I are buds as we both play guitar; thank you Erik!!! I recorded my session and inbetween Jamie’s words, where she pauses, you can plainly hear a rapid fire EVP. I will try to post this brief mp3 audio to this website somewhere. I am still not sure what the female voice is rapidly saying despite having isolated the audio and putting on the headphones. It sounds like
“taretan echos” or “tree’s and echos.” It’s been my experience that the fast talkers are angels.

FYI: A Goolge search of the words ‘taretan echos’ shows me pictures of fabrics.

During my reading today with Jamie, my guides and Erik, I asked specific questions about my NDE and the gift I was given as a laying on of hands healer. Because I am a bit skeptical myself, one of my many questions today (and in the past to numerous psychics who have verified my gifts as well) pertained to why I am not seeing more immediate results on my clients healings. Erik stepped in and told me that I am trying to see the healings with a human eye filter. For example, if someone comes to me with a broken bone (no one ever has) and I ask for a very quick healing but nothing obvious happens physically, then, Erik said, that I am supposed to ask how they feel emotionally. They could leave my sessions feeling better mentally and would not have received that particular kind of emotional cleansing anywhere else.

I wish I could see more miraculous physical healings but they are very, very rare. Practitioners write about helping to heal people over linear time and not always in one session. We are paid for our time and the gift comes directly from prime source energy through the healer and to the client. We are just a conduit. It is a part of my personal life contract to experience what it is like to be a healer and a musician.

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Elisa Medhus

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