Erik and the Mandarins (that would be a great band’s name lol)

I found the youtube channel through a friend and since first day I eagerly read many of the entrances, saw most of the videos and so on. I got so excited to have found Erik and his team and the cornucopia of information they had to share. I felt like we became good friends since the beginning. I started to have dreams about him very often, but I dont take my dreams too seriously because many times my tricky mind creates a whole story.

In the first dream I saw the team (Jamie, Elisa and Amy) dressed in oranges t-shirts and I was part of it, he looked so handsome there btw, we were kind of discussing about some things that should be done, but never really understood what was the meaning of that dream, after few weeks later I saw that the orange color is used by many women around the world to manifest their support to the Non violence against women’s movement. I still havent figured out what he meant, but I guess I should try to help women under those conditions, to join a group and give my support.

In other occasion, I saw in my disqus account the phrase “howdy, april” and I didnt know what howdy meant, so this word really got my attention as it was weird for me to not have heard it before. Anwyay, a couple of days later I opened a sack of mandarins (orange again) and there it was this sticker “Howdy, cutie”…some other stickers appeared later in the fruits mention the word “cutie” as well, as this is the way mandarins are called in california. The labels said: cuties 4 a cutie, batter up cutie, etc and somehow I felt all these messages were from Erik.

I have asked him to prank me, but at same time I feel a little afraid he appears in front of me, etc. so I think he knows and finds other ways to let me know he is around.
Last night I started watching one of his videos and there it was this picture with him in the clouds, I stared at the image and start talking to him, that I needed some help, that I didn’t know what to do with some of my problems. The energy started to feel stronger and I just stopped the video as I felt a little uncomfortable (scared yes! lol)

Less than 5 minutes later Alison sent me an inbox msg telling me she was available to do a channeling session that I had waited for several weeks (I must mention it took so long because of my fault, not Alison’s) and luckily I was available too! I had short and precise questions and the answers were the same, just what I needed to know, and of course I thought Erik heard me asking for his help =)

One of the last questions were related to my love life and something interesting happened to save the best for the last. I’ve been knowing a guy for a while and I really wanted to know what should I do to know if he is interested in dating me or so, because right now we are only friends. Erik’s message was “just ask him out, do the first move!” Well, just after the session with Alison ended, it was already late, but this guy sent me a msg saying he wanted to come to my place and talk a little while and I was….what? right now?…I thought if that was some kind of pushing Erik put on me to ask this guy out? I didn’t ask him by the way… yet, but I guess I’ll have to do it soon.

He has let me know he is near…and I am so thankful for it dude! 😀

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