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If you missed the Hour of Enlightenment, PLEASE check it out below because our guest was none other than JESUS CHRIST, Himself! Veronica did a superb job channeling both Erik and Him. Check her out at
And now for today’s topic, Erik’s perspective on ego. We all have one but we differ in how much we have and how we use it. Thanks, Jennifer, for the masterful job channeling, as always. Check her out HERE.
Here is the transcript, but PLEASE let the video run through until the end (even if you have to put your phone or computer on mute.) It’s the only way I get the ad revenue that helps me pay for the overhead. Thanks!
Elisa: Hello Jennifer, again. Long time no see—not! We just did a wonderful session about energy vampires. Fascinating. So, if you haven’t checked it out, check it out now. Hello again, Erik, and guess what? I still love you, just like I said 20 minutes ago!
Erik: Yes, well I love you too. I can never hear that enough.
Elisa: Aw.
Erik: Who can, really?
Elisa: No.
Erik: Who ever gets sick of hearing that?
Elisa: Yeah. No, especially if they really mean it, and I do.
Jennifer: Yes. Oh, absolutely.
Elisa: When he was growing up or all through—I always made sure that every telephone call ended with, “I love you,” and the same when my kids left the house to go somewhere. But anyway, living in ego. First, Erik, do we need an ego, and if so—
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: ―and if so, why?
Erik: Yep. We do need an ego. Well, it’s a very human, it’s a very human characteristic, trait. Well, basically without it, humans wouldn’t be humans without the ego.
Elisa: Well, do other living, like organi—like other aliens or species or races, races, I should say, have egos? Do some of ‘em?.
Erik: Some but not. The ego is the biggest with the human race.
Elisa: What about animals here, any other living creatures here on Earth. Do any of them have egos?
Erik: No, it’s not ego. That’s just animal instinct.
Elisa: Ah, okay.
Erik: Animal instincts is what they have, not ego.
Elisa: Okay. So, why do we need an ego?
Jennifer: (laughing) Sorry.
Erik: Sometimes to teach other people lessons about—sometimes to irk other people.
Jennifer: But he’s just playing.
Erik: We need an ego for the well-rounded experience of being human, of the insecurity. It helps with the range of emotions.
Elisa: Oh.
Jennifer: Without the ego, there really wouldn’t be, like, self-esteem issues. There wouldn’t be—it’s just, like, okay, well this didn’t work. I just move on. There, there wouldn’t—
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: Sometimes, in a good way, the ego drives us. It drives to learn and to do and to experience things. So, without it we’d be a lot more peaceful, but we wouldn’t need to be here.
Elisa: Yeah. So, but how does ego have to do with evoking a range of emotions? Why is that? Is that that little inner me that says, “Don’t hurt me! Don’t hurt me!” or why is it?
Jennifer: Yeah. Well, he’s connecting it, like, to the brain and to the brain function, and it’s just all—
Elisa: Mm.
Jennifer: It all works together. It all goes hand in hand. Emotions or feelings, it’s all connected to the ego.
Erik: Now, we’re not talking about ego, like, when we say, “Oh, that person’s got a big ego.”
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: The ego in general.
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: It helps us process feelings. It helps us process emotions.
Elisa: I see. Probably it helps us with this illusion of separation, like, I am a separate person with this little thing that gets offended or whatever inside me. So that, otherwise there really is no separation. We’re all a collective. So, in order to experience everything in the human experience and that polarity, is that it?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Elisa: You have to feel the separateness?
Jennifer: Yes. The—
Elisa: The illusion of separateness?
Jennifer: ―separateness. Yeah, I guess that’s what he—and it ties all into the emotions, into the feelings.
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: So, without that, yeah, I guess we would be just all part of the collective a bit more.
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: With a much greater understanding—
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: Of how the big picture works. So, yeah, the ego keeps us, I guess, individualized.
Elisa: Okay, so what about the early, early man. If they had ego, was that mostly just for survival?
Jennifer: Mm hm.
Elisa: I mean, does the ego have something to do with the urge for survival at all?
Jennifer: Well, yeah, yes.
Erik: It’s connected to all of the emotions.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: Ego is connected. So, yes, it would be connected to the urge for survival—
Elisa: Like fear. I gotta get away from that saber tooth tiger.
Jennifer: Yes.
Elisa: I don’t think they were—I don’t think they were [unintelligible], but—
Jennifer: Yeah (laughing)
Elisa: ―gotta get away from that bear!
Jennifer: Yeah.
Erik: Way back in the beginning of the human race, ego was good because it—ego actually did help form hierarchies.
Elisa: Ah, yeah.
Jennifer: So, like when societies started to form—
Elisa: Like I’m better, you’re inferior. The caste system, all that kind of stuff?
Jennifer: Yes, but then what happened is it got too extreme. It got too extreme. But at first it was like there needed to be—I guess for the survival—there needed to be that structure of kind of like a couple of people in charge—
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: ―to help survive. Once actual survival wasn’t really the biggest issue, that’s when it became too, a bit, too much.
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: The different hierarchies and that ego, that drive, that—
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: ―me, me, me kind of thing.
Elisa: Exactly, so now but, we still have the global elite, this oligarchy that sort of wants to rule the world, when, really, we don’t need them.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Elisa: And big government, we don’t really need that. All right, so ego served its purpose. Does it still serve its purpose in any way?
Jennifer: Yeah, it does, it does.
Erik: For as long as the human race exists, it serves a purpose.
Elisa: Okay.
Jennifer: It’s like without the ego, if we just had no ego, there’s like an evolved feeling to that.
Elisa: Mm.
Jennifer: Again, back into the collective consciousness.
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: Back into the collective, and so without that, without the need for that, there would also be no need to be here.
Elisa: Yeah. Understood.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Elisa: But the ego is what makes us compare one to another, makes us sort them into different categories or hierarchies, and that can cause—that can cause war, I guess.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Elisa: I mean, that can cause so many problems.
Jennifer: Yes.
Elisa: So, are there people that don’t have any egos?
Erik: No, everybody has some.
Elisa: Yeah. Even the Dalai Lama, for example?
Jennifer: Yes, there would still be—now, if you’re talking about on a spectrum of—
Elisa: Oh, yeah, yeah.
Jennifer: ―Like the Dalai Lama would be practically down here at none, but there still is some because he is still human.
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: This is a human characteristic.
Elisa: Okay.
Jennifer: Every human has it.
Elisa: So, what use is his ego, however small?
Erik: He would not have gotten to where he is without some ego pushing him—
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Erik: ―without some kind of drive to get there.
Elisa: Sure. But now, does he still need it? I mean, really?
Erik: No, no. He doesn’t need it, but it’s still there.
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: It’s still there. It’s like—
Erik: If you think of rage, okay?
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: Most people don’t walk around having rage. A lot of people have never even had an episode where they went into rage—
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: ―but we all have the capability of doing it.
Elisa: I see, yeah.
Erik: Ego’s the same way, you don’t—and maybe the Dalai Lama doesn’t really need to use his ego and so it kind of is, like dormant.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: But if he needed it, it would be there.
Elisa: Like chicken pox—
Jennifer: Yeah
Elisa: ―turning into shingles!
Jennifer: (laughing) Yes, yes, exactly.
Elisa: So, did Jesus Christ have an ego when he was here in a human body?
Jennifer: Well, technically, yes. Technically, yes. Again, it’s kind of like—
Erik: For people who become notable figures and have the notoriety and are kind of out there, there is a little bit of the ego of, like,—
Elisa: The drive, yeah!
Erik: ―I need to teach this.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: I need to be—so, yes, there is some ego there, but not—it’s like ego means, the word “ego” kinda has a complex meaning.
Elisa: Yeah, I mean, there’s some good of it, but there’s also—
Jennifer: Yes.
Elisa: ―ego that wields a sword of harm, so—
Jennifer: Yes.
Elisa: ―there’s ego that creates drive for beneficial purposes,—
Jennifer: Yes.
Elisa: ―there’s the ego that’s gone awry and can be hurtful—
Jennifer: Yeah, yes.
Elisa: ―And cause wars and stuff. So—
Jennifer: Absolutely.
Elisa: ―What can you tell a person that has way too much ego, and it’s causing themselves or others a lot of pain? Or what do you tell—and what do you tell the person that is inflicted with that?
Jennifer: (sighs)
Elisa: That has to tolerate that?
Erik: Okay, so for the person who has a lot of ego, that usually carries a lot of stubbornness with it.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: So, the only thing you can do is tell them how their behavior makes you feel and hope they hear it. If somebody’s doing something out of ego that’s bothering you and affecting you, you be honest with them, put it right out there to them, but a lot of times with a big ego like that, there’s a lot of stubbornness of, like, I am right. This is what I’m gonna do. So—
Elisa: And there’s no changing their minds.
Erik: Whether they’ll listen or not, yeah, that—
Elisa: Because that makes them—they don’t want to be less than. So, having an ego, they’re using that to be in a position where they are more than—
Jennifer: Yes.
Elisa: ―Or whether they are just enough, basically. So—
Jennifer: Yes.
Elisa: So, what makes people that way? Insecurity, I guess? Lack of self-love? I don’t know, what?
Jennifer: It can be, it can be insecurity. Sometimes it’s the reinforcement. If they’re –
Elisa: Ah, yeah.
Jennifer: ―If they are good at something and they get all this reinforcement and too much praise and too much—it can kind of boost that ego to a level that’s not containable anymore. So—
Elisa: Oh, god. A big head.
Jennifer: Yes. That can happen. From childhood, lack of structure, lack of parenting, always being made to feel like you’re so great and so wonderful and everything you do is—
Elisa: Right.
Jennifer: Wonderful and beautiful. That can, that can cause—
Elisa: Everybody gets a star!
Jennifer: Yes.
Elisa: Everybody gets a trophy.
Jennifer: Yes, yes.
Elisa: But it seems like ego, though, is a demonstration of the lack of self-love because, otherwise, why would they need an ego to boost them up? So, it seems like if somebody gets praised all the time, they would, like, not need an ego to bolster themselves and their self-esteem.
Jennifer: Yes, but just because they get all this love from the outside doesn’t mean that they feel that way about themselves.
Elisa: Ah, I see, yeah.
Erik: Those are two very separate things because—
Elisa: Oh, then, maybe they’re thinking, “Oh, my god, I have to live up to that—
Jennifer: Yes.
Elisa: ―because I don’t feel like I’m really that great.
Jennifer: Yes, yes.
Elisa: Oh, I see. Okay.
Jennifer: So those two things can go hand in hand.
Elisa: Yeah, wow.
Jennifer: With all this outside praise and then feeling like, “Oh, my god,” like if I step out of line or I don’t live up to this, then nobody’s gonna love me.
Elisa: Oh.
Jennifer: Oh, conditional.
Elisa: Yeah, conditional love.
Erik: That ends up feeling like conditional love.
Elisa: Yeah, yeah. So, to raise a child that is not living in ego in a negative way, anyway, you have to let them fail and give them praise for overcoming, or for tolerating, or for dealing with frustration in a way that—“I’m proud of you,” no, but say, “You must be proud that you failed that test but you studied all night for the makeup test.”
Jennifer: Yes.
Elisa: You must be proud. So, they have to say, “Well, am I proud? Yeah, I guess I am,” so they learn how to self-praise. Instead of, “Well, I’m proud of you.” Then they think, okay, I’d better keep doing whatever’s making my dad proud.
Jennifer: Yes. Yeah, that’s a great way, that’s a great way to do it, and when they do fail, let there be consequences. Let them have to—
Elisa: Sure.
Jennifer: ―figure their way out of it—
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: Don’t be doing their homework for them and—
Elisa: Mm mm.
Jennifer: And that kind of stuff.
Elisa: I know, yeah, exactly. But we don’t want to see them hurt—
Jennifer: Ugh.
Elisa: ―but in the long run it is so much more painful to—
Jennifer: Yeah.
Elisa: ―to, when you shield somebody, a child from failure and frustration and disappointment and conflict. It’s just—they’re not able to function in the world as—
Jennifer: Yeah.
Elisa: ―in adult life.
Jennifer: Yeah. You prevent them from having the life skills that they are going to need.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: Make no mistake, people will need these life skills, and by doing that, you prevent them from learning the life skills that they’ll need as adults.
Elisa: Okay. So, are there any people who come in as being very humble with—
Jennifer: Oh, yes.
Elisa: ―a whole bunch of humility?
Jennifer: Oh, yes, absolutely.
Elisa: And what is their spiritual contract? Why do they come in like that?
Jennifer: So, I keep being shown, like, Mother Teresa.
Elisa: Oh, yeah, I bet.
Jennifer: So—
Elisa: I don’t know—I, I, we interviewed her. She seemed to have a little bit of an ego. Of course, everybody does.
Jennifer: Well, it’s just my reference for somebody who—
Elisa: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Jennifer: ―is incredibly humble, so that’s—
Elisa: I got it.
Jennifer: What I keep being shown—
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: ―somebody who’s incredibly humble. But yes, there would have to have been ego to get her to where she was.
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: But people who are incredibly humble are absolutely here to teach other people—
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: ―about being humble, about how you don’t have to get praise for every single thing that you do. You can kind of pay it forward. You can do kind things for others.
Erik: There are definitely people who come in that are very humble and actually kind of spread that love—
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: ―are here as lightworkers.
Elisa: Ah, I see.
Erik: They’re here as lightworkers.
Elisa: And I do think it helps create a sense of humility when you do humanitarian things, when you just smile at a stranger. Make a—
Jennifer: Yes.
Elisa: ―It can be so simple. It doesn’t have to cost anything, but I guess it raises your vibration—
Jennifer: Mm hm.
Elisa: ―and sort of chips away at your ego a little bit.
Jennifer: Yeah, well, and it can bring it more into balance. You know, it’s okay to have a balance of being humble and having a little bit of ego.
Elisa: Oh yeah, yeah.
Jennifer: Some people’s ego would never show. You would never know, but maybe in their head, they’re thinking—
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Jennifer: ―egocentric things when they might appear to be a very humble person. So, humble and ego do kind of balance each other.
Elisa: Yeah.
Elisa: Being humble it is actually something that can be learned.
Elisa: Oh!
Erik: You can learn to be humble. You can’t learn to be empathic. You either come in with empathy or you don’t.
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Erik: If you don’t have have empathy you can’t learn empathy.
Elisa: Oh, that’s terrible.
Erik: You can learn to be humble. It takes practice.
Elisa: Sometimes, it just takes a lot of hardships and tragedies—
Jennifer: Yes.
Elisa: ―and it takes you—I think that’s slapped a lot of the ego out of me. I mean, just also raising 5 kids who were—that some of them were hellions, but yeah, it just really, sometimes you have to go that route, where it just—
Jennifer: Yes, yes.
Elisa: Why does that beat the ego out of people? I don’t understand that.
Erik: Well because when you have the big ego like that, it really is all about you and all about what’s going on and what’s your life and what’s my next car. There’s all this—
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: When you have these major massive things that happen to you, all the day-to-day stuff is less important.
Elisa: Oh, yeah. I never really had—I mean, my parents, the way I was raised, nobody was allowed to have much of an ego anyway.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Elisa: I mean, we had self-esteem issues, if anything, but okay, so, so then everything else—I mean, you have resetting of priorities.
Jennifer: Yes, yes.
Elisa: And that makes all the little things the little ego in your head wants meaningless. Is that what you mean?
Jennifer: Or, if not meaningless, less important.
Elisa: Less important, okay.
Jennifer: Absolutely less important, that you have so many other things to think about. It can be, that can actually be a turning point for somebody that’s maybe egocentric to humble them more, having a major—losing a major job, getting fired, getting arrested—
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: ―losing a child or a loved one. That can change things. That can be a turning point for some people in this area, for sure.
Elisa: Yeah, it definitely can. It’s interesting. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but is there anything else you can tell us about ego and how we can make the best—use our ego for good and avoid using it for not so good. There’s no negative or positive, but—
Jennifer: Yeah.
Elisa: From the ego, people with ego really protect it [unintelligible] they right.
Jennifer: Yes, yes.
Elisa: Got to be right, got to be right, gotta control. Yeah, so what advice can you give all of us. Erik?
Erik: Just step outside of yourself. Try to see your behavior from somebody else’s point of view, or—
Elisa: Ah.
Erik: ―try to see your behavior, like take your behavior and what would you think of somebody else who was acting like this and behaving like this? Maybe you’d think great things. Maybe you would think, well, maybe I shouldn’t do this, maybe I shouldn’t do that. You need to have, to be kind of a self-reflective person to be able to that anyways.
Elisa: Yeah, and that’s hard for somebody with a big ego, though.
Erik: Yes, it is, it is. People with the big egos, they are driving force. They can be, so they can accomplish a lot, but people who don’t have big egos can accomplish a lot, too.
Elisa: Yeah, I was gonna ask that, good.
Jennifer: Yes.
Elisa: Okay, so, well, look at the Dalai Lama and Gandhi and all those. I mean, they accomplished a great—and Mother Teresa.
Erik: Yes. So, it’s kind of, like, maybe more in the corporate world, like the Fortune 500.
Elisa: Mm.
Erik: [Unintelligible] Maybe where you see a lot of ego, those kind of accomplishments that would have a financial, a vast financial—
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: For people who have a Fortune 500 company, maybe they got there on ego, but look at all the people that they provide jobs for. So, maybe it was ego that it took to get them there—
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: ―but if they’re employing thousands and thousands of people—
Elisa: But it wasn’t necessarily ego that was meant—that they used to hurt people, right?
Erik: Right, but it could still be ego that maybe is a little annoying.
Elisa: Oh, I gotcha, I gotcha.
Erik: Ugh, that sort of thing, but it has its place.
Elisa: Yeah, well, annoying because somebody might be jealous of the executives that brought his company to the Fortune 500 ranking, is that it?
Erik: Mm hm. Or yes, and like the ego of, kind of like, “I’m better than you, so I’m just gonna”—like there’s that kind of—
Elisa: Oh, yeah, if they had to get there by stepping on other people, then yeah.
Jennifer: Yes, yes.
Elisa: But I don’t think that’s always necessary, is it?
Erik: No, it’s not. No, it’s not.
Elisa: But a lot do.
Erik: But yes, especially in that, like, corporate—there’s a lot more of that type of ego in that corporate—
Elisa: Dog eat dog world! Hm.
Erik: Yes, yes, and almost like you need to survive there.
Elisa: Yeah. All right, one last—yeah, you don’t want to be under a chair in your cubicle—
Jennifer: (laughing) Yes!
Elisa: ―whimpering and singing show tunes and sucking your thumb.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Elisa: Okay, so one last question: Can spirits have an ego if they choose? I mean, what if they want to feel that little bit of separation?
Erik: Well, no. Not in the way that a human has an ego, but there is a way to feel the separation. Spirits can feel like individuals—
Elisa: Ah.
Erik: ―but it’s not really like ego. It’s not comparable.
Elisa: Oh, I see.
Erik: Not the right word.
Elisa: Okay, do you like to feel like an individual sometimes, Erik?
Erik: Yes, absolutely, absolutely.
Elisa: Okay, well I guess that’s it. Anything else you want to add, Erik, before we close up shop?
Erik: Just that I love you.
Elisa: I still love you, too, and, Jennifer, I love you too.
Jennifer: Love you.
Elisa: And you guys can check her out at, which I will put right here. Please subscribe and share. Thank you.
Jennifer: Thank you. Bye.
Elisa: Bye.
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