Here’s a post from October that I forgot to publish! Silly me!
Abundance. We all want it, but it eludes most of it. All of us can have abundance of anything from wealth to love and everything in between. Erik shows us how!
Here’s the video on Abundance channeled by the very gifted, Denise Ramon! The text follows.
Elisa: Hi Denise, how are you doing?
Denise: Good and well, Elisa, how are you doing?
Elisa: Good, it’s been a long time, I missed you!
Denise: I know but welcome back. Welcome back.
Elisa: Thank you, thank you. Good to be back in the saddle again. Erik, I want to say I love you and Happy kind of belated birthday.
Denise: Erik is, he’s sitting there kind of like he’s joking, like belated, but he knows that you were definitely with him on his birthday because he said you were celebrating.
Erik: Thank you!
Denise: He’s kind of trying to be diplomatic about how he says it, and then he’s like forget all that shit, he’s saying.
Erik: Now let’s get down to today and I love you very much! That is the upmost thing I always want you to know.
Elisa: Yeah I know, and I love you too. Wish you were here, but I’ll take anything.
Denise: Ugh, yeah.
Elisa: Those birthdays are hard, but anyway let’s just go on, plough through. You know I understand things like separation is an illusion, scarcity is an illusion, why are so many people battling scarcity, they want abundance of some sort, of love, of stable career, of health, of material possession, of whatever abundance. But some people just have such a hard time materializing that, so can you tell us about, talk a little bit about the illusion of scarcity and the reality that there is abundance.
Erik: Well the scarcity and I’m not talking about other countries where there’s scarcity like shortage of water and food. That’s another, that’s different compared to what I’m talking about, where people like in the United States or other countries where there’s abundance but people seem to not have it. Some of it is.
Denise: And he’s showing me also to some of the homeless people, that’s part of their contract is to experience lack of, scarcity and that’s part of it.
Erik: Some of them, were overflowing with wealth and they decided to experience the other side of it.
Elisa: Do you mean in the same life or in a past life?
Erik: Different life.
Elisa: Oh, okay.
Erik: But then there’s people here that have an abundance of money but they still experience the same illusion of scarcity, it’s like they don’t ever feel like they, they have that fear of not having enough, they don’t have financial freedom. The scarcity for people that are always trying to get it, they get that lump, like their income tax cheque or something and then something major comes up, a car breaks down.
Elisa: Oh no.
Erik: Not all of it, but a lot of it is how people think about money.
Denise: He’s giving me the feeling like this was talked about before, and making friends with money, writing a love letter to money, because money is energy.
Erik: You look at as if you don’t have enough, you’re looking at it as, even though you are saying abundance is flowing freely to me.
Denise: He’s making a joke about how we say it.
Erik: But your thought is that we don’t believe that.
Elisa: Oh yeah.
Erik: Start showing appreciation for everything you get, like this feels really good tying my shoes, this feels so nice putting on my jeans instead of saying “God, I’ve only got one pair of jeans”. Start changing your words, your thoughts. It’s not so much, it’s your thought, your vibration. You know that what you vibrate out the universe gives you back so. There’s a lot of fear behind scarcity.
Elisa: Why?
Erik: The way that you were brought up, it’s not just your parents and their parents but there is fear driven into you, you know like the economy is going to collapse, a lot of that fear came from, World War 2, when the depression hit, and you know.
Elisa: That was between 1 and 2.
Denise: Yes. Right before, and then he is showing me how we got into fear with that after that.
Erik: That’s one of the reasons why you create things, so that (inaudible), you create the fear, because you are so afraid that things are going to happen so you keep repeating history.
Elisa: Well is it related to just our survival instincts as a primitive, on a primitive level as an animal, I need enough to eat to survive and to reproduce and all that kind of stuff is it related to that at all?
Erik: Way back when, people knew there was always going to be enough, they didn’t have to go by a freezer full of steaks or a refrigerator full of produce and that because they knew what they needed to do for breakfast time or lunch time and people didn’t eat gross amounts of food like you do in the States.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: But it all comes from fear and also there is greed.
Elisa: Which is based on fear, of course.
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: Of not having enough, yeah.
Denise: But he’s showing me how greed and fear blend together.
Erik: That’s part of what’s going on right now around the world, there is such a fear going around about money and people are wondering should they invest in this, should they do this or should they do that with their money and it’s that fear so everybody’s got the money by its neck. Then the money can’t flow.
Elisa: That doesn’t sound like a love letter to money. Things have gotten so much more complex, there’s so many more things that you could possibly do with money, so many different investment avenues, so much more to buy, there more competition, there’s more of a, a bigger population of people to compete with for resources, even though they’re supposed to be abundant so maybe speak to that?
Erik: You got away from what is really going on, so you automatically think everything is about money. Some of your happiest people are living very minimal and they are very happy.
Denise: He’s showing me how we just keep thinking bigger is better.
Erik: It also has to do with you have really gotten away from about finding out about stuff within because when you are very content within, then that flows out to the rest of your space, the energy, the world, whatever you want to call it and then there’s not really room for lack, you may not have the brand new car or the brand new house but there is plenty of income to supply you with a roof over your head and food and your needs.
Elisa: Well you know, Anika, my youngest went to Peru to volunteer in their clinics and she was just so struck by how happy the people were that had so little. Most of them didn’t have shoes but their life was simple and maybe they had so much love that’s all they needed. You know money and desire and greed and all that kind of sometimes pushes out love, and I saw that in my own practice too, some of the happiest people were the ones that had the least, and some of the most depressed and angry people were the ones that were wealthy, not all but.
Denise: Right.
Erik: In that aspect, like with the people in Peru, there, those people were using their creativity to create, their imagination to create things in their life to have fun and stuff. It’s just an illusion of lack, and it’s an illusion to have an abundance, you know, either way you can shift that because really none of this stuff is real, it’s just our perception of it.
Denise: He keeps playing this song in my head, by a current singer, The Royals or something.
Erik: They sing a song about not having, they just make use out of what they have around the place, like a tin can for (inaudible), you just got away from using your creativity and you keep thinking you have to find everything on the outside. The scarcity, there’s people that have had a lot of money or they had a decent job and they lost it and it’s because, some of it, it’s not one answer for everyone, but some of it is, that person needed to get humble or that person work on other things within their lives and the money kept them from going there. So, the universe says this is what you need to work on.
Denise: When he is saying that he is showing me there’s some great philosophers and mediums that had a lot and then had it all taken away so that they could work on and become what they intended to come here to be.
Erik: Money’s a big distractor, because you think money can buy everything, and then there’s that old saying that money can’t buy you health.
Elisa: Yeah, or love.
Erik: Yeah, well some people think it buys them love.
Elisa: Yeah well, the girl on the corner maybe I don’t know but yeah, I think money crowds out and distracts our attention away from figuring ourselves out becoming our authentic self, trying to appreciate the value of love and health and so many things. So, in one session Erik you said that manifestation of abundance over reality over all can be like on a cellular level, like you have a thought of something you want to manifest and the cells change their vibration and emit a vibration that helps create that reality, is that true.
Erik: That’s absolutely true.
Denise: He’s showing me how when you are doing that the cells, like the cells are living entities within us, you know so they, he’s showing me how it just starts filtering down and it’s almost like you’re changing that thought and the cells just start trickling down happy and then you start feeling better.
Erik: There is some truth to when they say go exercise, because it can help change your perspective about things.
Elisa: Okay. Yeah, and I know a lot of people who have thought “Oh my God, I’m going to get colon cancer” and you know 20 years later they do. One particular person that I know, so yeah, I guess with your thoughts change yourself on a cellular level to manifest certain health issues for example.
Erik: Absolutely. But you are so clueless, so unaware, you like to hold other people responsible for that stuff.
Elisa: Yeah. It’s like we’re looking to the outside, for entertain me! Make me happy! Instead of finding it within, so what do you think was the trigger, what changed from us being a society where we knew we had enough to the society where we are afraid we won’t and we have a lot of fear and greed wrapped up around scarcity and abundance.
Denise: He shows me how, not in the very beginning of time, he’s showing me like way back, he’s saying that was okay, but it’s when we started, I feel like what he means is back when we started inventing things, you know like something will start a fire, when we started inventing things.
Erik: Then with the population getting bigger, and then we feel like we need to control, somebody had to be the boss, somebody had to organize.
Denise: And he’s showing me how like when people came over to this country, the Europeans came over to this country how they had to organize everything, somebody had to be the boss and somebody had to be the co-boss of everything, and that didn’t work so then they had to have two bosses and three bosses, he’s just showing me.
Erik: And that’s why things started coming around to where we had to have a president because we needed to have somebody to run everything.
Denise: And then he’s showing me how and from that and it’s not just because we have a president, it has nothing to do with political, it’s just our human-ness just thinking that somebody’s got to control because we were afraid people would take it, and he’s even showing me that we knew, we were taking something from the Native American Indians and there was a fear so they had to hoard, this stuff, and so then we had to start putting taxes on things and then you know then people started seeing how they had power in that and then it just keeps going and going and going. He’s showing me how over in Australia there’s the Aborigine’s before they were, they were taking away things from them but back in the beginning they lived off the land they didn’t carry material things, they didn’t care because they always knew whatever they needed from food to sleep to water to clothes whatever it would always be there.
Erik: And those people didn’t get sick either.
Elisa: Wow, that’s interesting, because fear and greed that can cause a lot of illness because you’ve got anger involved, depression can rear it’s ugly head when you feel like you don’t have what you want, so inventions, so then people felt like, well I invented something, I need to protect it, I need to gain from it and so the slippery slope happens.
Erik: You just don’t like to share.
Elisa: Why?
Erik: Because you’re afraid you’re not going to have enough. It all comes back to fear, if everybody would share, and know as they are sharing that there will be more coming, but you’re so afraid, I can’t give you a $100 because what if I don’t get it back, what if, what if.
Elisa: So, there should be for abundance a flow right, a circular flow gives, get, give get, like a beautiful flow of energy, is that what you’re saying? Is that behind the abundance or?
Erik: Yes, but you’ve got to be, but that also has the same thing about having respect for money because you can’t just sit there and give it away and not care what you’re doing with it, there’s a respect that you have to have of it. There is something to it about how you keep your money in your wallet, people that just stuff money in their pants or their purse or their wallet and it’s all crinkled, he’s not saying that if you keep all neat all the time you’re going to get rich, but it’s something to bring your attention to it on how you’re caring, how you feel about money.
Elisa: That’s interesting when I was a little girl, I took my allowance and I made sure that I converted it to $1 bills and I was the only one of the siblings that really, you know saved my money, and I would iron it to make it nice and straight and stack it and I thought it was so beautiful and then we went to stay at my Grandmother’s in Baytown Texas and there was this big ole slip and slide like those giant slides that you go on burlap sacks so you can slide down. Well my siblings talked me out of all the money so they could on the slide so, easy come, easy go. All right so, let’s talk more about the energy and the energy flow of money.
Erik: For the people that have some income, he’s not talking about the people that don’t have money to pay light bill or don’t have money to pay their rent, but people that have money to accommodate all those things. You shouldn’t spend any of your money until you can spend it without resistance.
Elisa: Oh okay.
Erik: And when you’re spending the money, treat it like a friend, like I hope you enjoy this, like you’re telling your friend you hope they enjoy this cup of coffee. Thank you for this, thank you for allowing me to be able to do this. If there’s resistance there, like “oh I know I shouldn’t be buying this, this is too much money.” Then don’t do it, because then you’ve put that energy into action and then the Universe hears that and gives you back that. Exactly. So, don’t spend anything until you can get to a place where it’s coming from your heart, where you’re okay with it, if somebody asks you for $5, and you’re like I don’t really want to give it to them, then don’t give it to them, make sure whatever you’re doing it comes from your heart. Ask your effing self, why are you being so stingy, like what’s got you in that space?
Elisa: Yeah, and what is behind that? Why are some people so stingy? I guess it’s got to be about.
Erik: Fear.
Elisa: Maybe they want to punish people? I don’t know.
Erik: Or they feel like I had to work hard for my money, you work hard for it or you spent your money at the movies and now you want this. There is a lot of judging involved.
Elisa: Oh yeah.
Erik: But that all comes back to fear, there’s quite a few people within Channelling Erik, that grew up poor, and so now that they’re adults and they’re working, they still carry that from their childhood that they grew up poor, or a lack of or not enough of or their sibling would always steal their stuff or something and so now their like “oh no” and they’re hanging on to it real tight.
Elisa: Yeah, or sometimes they’ve been people who have had a decent living but then lost their job, lost everything and that’s why they went on the road to seek spiritual answers and then they stumble upon Channelling Erik.
Erik: Yes. It’s kind of, it’s a fine line, being okay with not having money and having money.
Denise: It’s a fine line he’s showing me, because you can be okay with not having a lot of money but at the same time knowing that there’s always enough.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: And there’s okay with having a lot of money and having nice things and not feeling guilty about it, because some people feel guilty because there’s people that don’t have. You created this, so that’s why you have this.
Denise: I feel like when he’s saying this he’s talking to me, not that I have a lot of money, I’m not saying that but just where I came from and where I am,
Erik: The Universe wants you to have all the things that you vibrate out, and if that’s a mansion or driving a Rolls or driving a 10-year-old car or whatever it is, it’s all vibration, you got to just be okay with it.
Elisa: And some people have spiritual contracts to be impoverish too, so you can’t necessarily save them from their contracts.
Erik: No, you can’t. Some people in their contracts that have chosen that, they still can in a sense cut that cord, cut that contract or have it to where they’re not having to stand on the street corner to beg for money, their whole life. Some of that contract it’s to teach them humility because they chose to have that in this life, not that there’s karma but maybe they were, a butthead before and now they want to experience the other side of that. It’s not karma, but it’s jus that they wanted to see the other side to see what it feels like. Then there’s some people that choose to live on the street because of the choices that they made, don’t feel sorry for them.
Elisa: Yeah, it’s their contract.
Erik: Yeah, but then that also gets into another whole level too because there are people on the streets that have mental illness and that’s where we, brings up so much fear for us because we’re afraid to give somebody a $1 on the street or we’re afraid to give them $10 because we’re like but that’s my money.
Elisa: Or will they buy alcohol with it or, yeah.
Erik: You shouldn’t judge what they’re buying with it.
Elisa: Yeah just give it if it feels right, that’s that what he said.
Erik: That’s right.
Elisa: There’s some people that just can’t hold on to money, for example people who win the lotto and then you know a few years later they are broke as can be or some of these country singers and celebrities they just lose everything. Why are there some people that just can’t have abundance? They can’t hold on to it.
Erik: Well, the lottery winners, people that can’t hang on to it is because they have no respect for money.
Denise: He’s telling me about people that have real short fingernails, go get the real long fingernails and then they can’t type, they can’t pull the windows down.
Elisa: Oh, that’s me!
Denise: They can’t put their make up on because they from short to long, and it’s the same way with the lottery winners, they went from no money in their wallet to an abundance of money.
Erik: When you’ve only had $10 in your bank at the end of each week and then all of a sudden you some millions, that’s endless cashflow to them and the don’t realize.
Denise: Then he’s showing me that on some level they just stop thinking about whatever they were working on or thinking about or what was making them do things different, and they’re like okay so money changes the course and they can ignore everything else and what they don’t realize is there is not a continuous flow of the money because it’s their mentality about the money and they have no respect.
Erik: And some of them, there’s some that are very disrespectful.
Elisa: What does that look like? Disrespect for money, I don’t understand.
Erik: It’s like, some is how they treat people with it, how they buy stuff with it and they’ll buy stuff and not think about it and then later it’s like “I didn’t like that” and then they throw it away because they’ve got several million in the bank.
Elisa: Ah.
Erik: And they just throw it away but people will come ask them for money and then they get real closed off, “no we can’t, no we can’t.” It’s because they get that fear coming in of not having enough but there are some people who have given away money and gave away too much and then they ended up with nothing, but they’re lacking in education of finance.
Elisa: Oh sure.
Erik: And how to handle their money. Now with the country singers or rock singers or any kind of genre of music you’re in. These people have worked so hard to get to where they are.
Denise: He’s showing me like Ramen noodle soup three times a day if they were lucky to having thousands start coming in and then it just started increasing and some of these people are not financially savvy people so they have managers and everything taking care of everything and they’re not checking their own bank account, and they’re not checking to see how much money is going out the door, supposed to the sales and everything coming in, and then they think that whatever their doing is endless but they don’t have a plan to keep it going.
Elisa: Well and they trust people who are supposedly financially savvy, that could be corrupt and taking advantage of them.
Erik: And a lot happens, there’s drugs and alcohol.
Elisa: Oh yeah, and that costs a lot of money. There is something else I was going to say, oh yeah, kind of reminds me of a family member that loves fishing, I won’t mention the person’s name and oh my God, he caught so many beautiful red snapper out off shore in the Gulf of Mexico and had it in a cooler, on ice, well he just brought it home, didn’t do anything about it, days and days went by and he opened up that cooler and it was full of maggots, totally destroyed the life of these beautiful creatures that were meant to be treasured and whatever, it shows, he had no respect for abundance, for the lives of those beautiful fish and he wasted it. And guess what after that he didn’t catch anything for months and months and months, so.
Erik: That’s a good example of it too. That’s a real good example, because on so many levels there was a lot of disrespect. A disrespect for the ability to be able to get all of that, and to be able to have the transportation to get out there and really enjoy that and also disrespect for the animal itself.
Elisa: I know. That’s terrible. All right, does the media have anything to do with this, “oh limited supply only, you if you’re anybody then you need this and you need that” do you think the media changed us to become more fearful of scarcity or not?
Erik: Oh yeah. Those commercials on T.V, those billboard signs, oh yeah, they know exactly what kind of music to play to get your attention from adults to teens to toddlers to even babies, they know what to will get their attention and it’s like they go from, let’s get the littlest thing, because that’s the newest thing, and everybody gets hooked on getting the little thing and then when that’s gone on for a few years then they start going back to let’s get the bigger thing, the bigger thing and the bigger and so they keep increasing it.
Denise: And he’s showing me we do that with plates of food, you get 5 entrees for $5.99, and people start eating all of that, there’s something to that, it is going into thinking instead.
Erik: If you would stop buying those 5 course meals that are $4.99 0r $5.99 and just start doing what we know what’s good for us, and all of that stuff would fall apart.
Elisa: Yeah because it’s all mission create man. It’s like all you can eat buffets, oh my gosh, I have seen people pull away from those with plates full stuff.
Denise: I can’t stand to eat at those places.
Elisa: I know, they do, yeah. All right, let’s talk about the other countries that do have real scarcity, there’s not much air able land, there’s too much water, some of the countries in Africa for example, what’s going on there?
Erik: I want to address Africa.
Elisa: And India, some parts of Mexico, there’s so many, Venezuela right now, okay but go ahead.
Erik: Venezuela is like pretty rough right now, you’re right.
Denise: I don’t know what’s going on there but he’s says it’s real rough. He says the answer he gives will really cover for them others.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: The scarcity part where there’s not enough food, not enough food that’s government crap.
Elisa: Oh really? Well what is the government doing to make that happen? And why?
Erik: A lot of its control. That’s sad, a lot of its control.
Denise: He shows me their like so detached from themselves that they only care about their own stomachs, and that they could put an end to it, and he’s showing me Russia, Russia could put an end to it, because Russia has a real bad food shortage.
Elisa: Oh.
Denise: And parts of it.
Erik: They could put an end to it but their ego is such a big player in that. With the food it could happen.
Denise: He’s showing me in Africa, where they still live pretty primitive and that.
Erik: It’s government but it’s also about education, people here get so fucking mad about sending money over to other countries and helping them out but we’re all the same people, all the same family and people say we need to help our own, but they are our responsibility they’re our sisters and our brothers whether we like it or not we’re all connected.
Elisa: Yeah of course.
Erik: Whether you want to be or not. There are organizations that are helping with getting these people, fresh water and educating them about how to grow their own crops that are native to their place.
Elisa: And birth control because you know some of them just have more kids than they can afford to feed.
Erik: It all has to do with education, the government could come in and help with that and open up the gates to allow people to come in and stuff but it’s a male dominate thing. I’m not trash talking men, but I am just saying it is a male dominate thing in most of those areas and they don’t care if those women have a bunch of babies, because they are not supporting them.
Elisa: Yeah. It seems like it would behoove them to educate and make their people more successful, well fed, healthier, more prosperous because then they will be income produces, basically tax revenues would come into the government, you can’t squeeze blood out of a turnip, if somebody is malnourished, can’t even feed their children etc., you know it just doesn’t make any sense for the government, to have the state of mind. Okay, so if you have a person that “alright I got $100 every year that I want to donate” do I donate it to the poor in my own country or another country, how do they make that decision? Yes, we’re all brothers and sisters but there’s only so much money each of us has.
Erik: Yes, you know definitely go with the organization that you feel compassionate to whether it’s across the street from you or.
Elisa: Or across the ocean.
Erik: What happens is when you consistently do that give whether it be across the street or like you said across the ocean, you’re giving from your heart, and you getting into that collective consciousness of other people giving from their heart and helping and if you think that expansion doesn’t go out, it does.
Denise: He’s showing me the vibration is just amazing. So, give a $100 every year to an organization, you can give it to the animal shelter or.
Elisa: Yeah, whatever your heart tells you to do.
Erik: Yeah whatever it is. You’re in that collective consciousness and you’re helping that collective consciousness to grow, and that vibration carries out to these other countries.
Elisa: Yeah, like the ripple effect.
Erik: Yes.
Denise: He’s showing me it’s like people who recycle, they’re helping that collective consciousness to grow, and that’s why they are offering more free recycling on curbsides in a lot of states now and a lot of cities and towns, especially here in the area we live in.
Elisa: That’s true. So, a lot of these organizations, they take the money but a huge chunk of it goes to the administration of it, the people in power in these places. I mean I was looking at different organizations and how little some of them actual give to those in need, so what do you do about that? That’s greed and you know the fear of not having enough.
Erik: And that’s corruption, at it’s best, at it’s finest. Do your research, because there are organizations where all of it but maybe a dollar will go there, because on some of these organizations they have to have some paid staff.
Elisa: Of course.
Erik: So, some of it has to go there, but the paid staff, some of these organizations their paid staff doesn’t make very much money like the top guy.
Denise: Erik is showing me one that where they don’t even make $80,000 a year and, in this day, and age, $80,000 isn’t a lot of money, I mean it’s not chump change but it’s not like an excessive amount of money. Also, to, in these non-profit organizations their benefits aren’t that great either so you know, they pay money out in benefits and the majority of the people that work for them are part-time with no benefits or they volunteer, but they don’t make a large income, there are a lot of non-profit organizations that do a lot for us and people abroad, we just can’t keep focusing on the ones.
Elisa: That are corrupt.
Erik: That only a dollar goes to the place. Do your research on it so you can feel good with whatever it is that you’re doing.
Elisa: Exactly. And of course, you can always volunteer your time and resources to, if you don’t have the money. All right so, let’s talk about for example my cyber family, the Channelling Erik Blog members that struggle to find abundance. There’re all sorts of types of abundance, we’ll talk about the abundance of the material of money, what can they do to achieve that. Having respect for money, that’s a biggie. Being grateful for what you have.
Erik: Find that happiness within you, that inner peace. Really, make that your priority of finding that because as you’re finding that inner peace and you’re getting in touch with that more than your thoughts are so heavily thought on the dollar and as you work on that, that just overflows. Your perception of money changes also when you start working on that inner stuff.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: I’m not saying this is an easy task, because when you have a lack of money which provides you with the material things it brings up so much crap for all of you. Really ask yourself what is it that you’re really wanting the money to do for you.
Elisa: Yeah. Do you want it to feel good about yourself? To be labelled a success because your Mom and Dad or siblings or whatever, they each have great jobs or they always set up with this career then you’re a real success. Instead of just doing what you love, yeah so, it could be very deep rooted, you know.
Erik: Sometimes we can’t always start out doing everything that we love, but you can learn to love aspects of where you are.
Elisa: Yeah.
Denise: And he’s showing me so many people that are “ugh I got to go to work now” and they hate it or whatever or somebody’s giving them a rough time at work and he’s not saying that’s not true but those are good reflector times to reflect on what’s really going on inside of us, what’s it really bringing up for us.
Elisa: And you’ve got to find something that you love, even if it’s very small, with what you do to bring the abundance that will allow you to do what you love perhaps.
Erik: You might be the one that the most prettiest.
Denise: He’s showing me snowflakes out of paper, do that to get you into that space whatever it is. There’s some people, some blog members that still know how to make those not paper dolls, those characters, like the really know, and he keeps showing me this paper like the snowflake thing, so there is a blog member or something that is going to relate that can do those kind of things.
Erik: Just have fun with that, just get into that space with that, you don’t have to be an entrepreneur doing that.
Elisa: Yeah. All right so, what about other things, is it true that if you give money respectfully by following your heart etc., then often abundance will flow back to you?
Erik: Yes, but if you’re expecting it then no.
Elisa: Of course. Expectation is a huge barrier. What about other types of abundance, like abundance of health? How do we achieve that? There are a lot of people in the blog that do not have an abundance of health.
Erik: There’s not one answer for that, of course we didn’t consciously say “I want my body to be riddled with arthritis” to be arthritic, or to be blind or quadriplegic or you know just stuff like that, just some other illnesses you know, it’s all about going within and also your eating. Stop buying those plates of food.
Elisa: Yeah, the processed food and additives.
Denise: I’m glad he’s agreeing with me.
Erik: It really doesn’t cost that much more to eat healthy because even though you might not be able to buy organic produce. There’re things you can do to help pull out the pesticides to where it’s not so bad, but just eating fresh vegetables, but you like that quickness.
Elisa: I know.
Erik: And that’s true.
Elisa: I’m guilty of that, and of course one of the things that we do that makes our body rebel to try to send our soul a message is not being our authentic self and so I think that’s super important too.
Erik: For those of you who eat when you are mad or hurt or angry, think about what you’re putting in your mouth, if your going to feel like crap afterwards and beat yourself up because you ate a pint of ice-cream, then don’t eat it because that pint of ice-cream is like eating 2 gallons of ice-cream then. So eat it with joy, be happy, like “Oh my God I get to eat this whole thing by myself, isn’t this amazing, I get to enjoy every spoonful of this instead of, but instead we eat the whole pint of ice-cream going “I really shouldn’t be eating this”, and so your eating and all that guilt and all that shame and then you beat yourself up afterwards whether you consciously say it or not it’s the the things you say when you look in the mirror.
Elisa: All right last but not least, what about an abundance of love, there’s a lot of blog members and of course people all over the world that just don’t feel like they have enough love, how do they achieve love?
Erik: Real simple, it’s not easy but it’s simple start with yourself, really love you.
Denise: And I really have to say, Erik pointed this out to me the other day, because some thoughts were coming up with some stuff for me personally and he says you’ve got to love the good, the bad and the indifferent of you Denise.
Erik: That’s what you have to get in touch with, you have to love ALL of that.
Elisa: Yeah, okay. So, that’s it, no more self-loathing, we’re all perfect and yeah, we all have flaws that are really imporant for our evolution and the human experience so.
Erik: You know those are just things, and a lot of other people say they’re flaws or whatever, but that’s just what we are as humans.
Elisa: Oh yeah!
Erik: Stop taking yourselves so effing serious, so when we were teenagers, we pulled a girl’s skirt up or we kicked somebody in the head let that go, forgive yourself for those things. So, you may have stolen stuff from somebody’s house or whatever the case. Let that stuff go, but you hang on to all of that.
Elisa: We do, we punish ourselves, we find so many new creative ways to punish ourselves and to hate ourselves. Okay, so that’s it, in order to get an abundance of love, love yourself and then know that you are worthy of receiving love and that makes it easier to give love, so there an abundance on two-way street, love avenue! All right. Erik do you want to and anything else before we get Denise to tell everybody how they can get in touch with her and what she’s got to offer?
Erik: Just know this isn’t an easy road but it’s one that we chose, and we chose it because otherwise we wouldn’t be here and stop taking yourself so fucking serious because it really isn’t.
Denise: Oh Erik!
Elisa: Make it heard, drop the F bomb. Oh well I do it anyway. Okay that’s awesome. Denise we can get in touch with you at www.deniseramon, I’ll put it right here. Anything else you want to add to that?
Denise: No, other than the CE that’s going to be coming to your house, the CE group.
Elisa: I can’t wait to see you and give you a hug, I miss you!
Denise: We miss you! I’m going to bring my family.
Elisa: Yay! Oh, I can’t wait, oh that’s awesome. All right sweetie, I love you!! And I love you too Erik!
Denise: Erik’s squeezing and says I love you Mom.
Elisa: Bye, see you later guys.
Denise: Take care, Bye.
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