Sorry I’m so behind on this much-requested topic! This session was recorded on May 26, so I have quite a backlog of very exciting topics to come! Be sure you subscribe to the CE YouTube channel so you don’t miss anything! As always, Jennifer Doran did a fantastic job brings Erik’s voice to life. If you haven’t checked out her site, please do so HERE. Of course, some of you will be able to see her in early October either in person or remotely at my home.
But first, Don’t forget about Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show tomorrow at 4:00 PM PT/6:00 PM CT/7:00 PM ET. Click on the “LISTEN” icon on the right sidebar of the blog or click on this link through
Tuesday night, Erik will discuss all things related to the moon and how its energy affects ours. This includes the effect of a full moon, a new moon, a Super Moon, a Harvest Moon, Blood Moon, Blue Moon, solar eclipses and more.
After 20-30 minutes of discussion, Erik will answer questions from callers channeled by Raylene Nuañes and Kim Voigt will work the studio board and chime in with Raylene. THE CALL IN NUMBER HAS CHANGED. IT IS NOW: 646-716-9735. You can find out more about Raylene and her awesomeness by visiting She teaches spiritual arts online as well.
Be sure to access the show through
In case you missed my last post, I want to thank everyone for the words of encouragement and love. I found another YouTube labeling Kim Babcock and me as evil people exploiting a dead son for profit. I reported it to YouTube as attacking someone vulnerable. Plus, as you know, I don’t make any profit on CE. Quite the opposite. So if any of you guys see YouTubes like these, please report them or bring them to my attention. Thanks so much!
Below is the transcript, but please let the YouTube roll so I can get the paltry amount of ad revenue. Also, don’t forget Tammy De Mirza’s healing event at my place, also in October. Click HERE to check it out!
Elisa: Hello Jennifer Doran, how are you doing and how’s my boy, Erik?
Jennifer: Doing great. Both of us. How are you?
Elisa: Hi. I love you, Erik.
Erik: Love you.
Elisa: All right. Look, you know, everybody’s interested in this upcoming 5G network, you know, now we’re LTE, I think and God, I remember when it was edge and now apparently this 5G network is supposed to be searingly fast downloads and uploads and things like that. But like with anything that’s new, people do have concern. I think that a lot of people when WIFI first came out though, oh my God, I’m going to die of cancer or whatever. So I’m going to ask you Erik, just I’ll give you the floor. You could start out and let me know your thoughts from your perspective over there as to the upcoming 5G network.
Erik: Okay. So, it’s going to happen. There’s really no way to prevent it from being, used, but that there are definitely some concerns. There’s definitely some concerns with it.
Elisa: Okay. For example, what could, what sorts of.
Erik: Health concerns, health concerns, too much exposure on but everybody’s going to want to want it if it’s faster, everybody’s going to want it. Everybody’s going to get it, because it’s faster, faster, faster. So it’s that, you know, the newer, the better, the faster everybody’s going to want it. But, it is, you know, there’s some.
Elisa: Well, let’s list.
Erik: Radiation risks here.
Elisa: Well, let’s list some of the conditions or diseases that can occur.
Jennifer: Okay. So radiation is one of the, is one of the things that he’s saying, but he’s also, oh, he’s given me such a migraine.
Elisa: Oh No.
Jennifer: It’ll, go quickly and he’ll take it. So there’s going to be a lot more of that kind of stuff. He’s saying seizures, but he says it’s going to take a long time to connect it and to connect it to this and years, years. And people will think it’s from this, but there won’t be the proof that it is from this. It’s going to be very controversial for quite a long time, but it’s like, I’m, what he’s saying is it’s like, the train’s already on the track and going.
Elisa: Well, so migraines, headaches. What other things?
Erik: Seizures.
Elisa: Seizures, right, infertility problems.?
Erik: Yeah. Oh yeah. Infertility issues birth defects too that, it will spread to that. But the thing is, the problem is, that all of these things are also going to be linked to other issues.
Jennifer: So what he’s saying is there will be, we’re talking like 20 years or so, there’s going to be an increase in these type of things, but it will be very difficult to directly connect it to the 5G.
Elisa: The causality, just an isolated few? I mean, how common are some of these things like infertility and birth defects?
Jennifer: Yes. So.
Elisa: One out of how many, you know.
Erik: Will be because of this? That’s going to be one of the biggest issues is that all of these things are still going to happen anyways, even without the 5G. So to link the causation to the5G that’s going to be very, very difficult.
Elisa: Well, you know though, you know everything from over there.
Erik: Yeah.
Elisa: So tell us how common.
Erik: It’ll be like 20 years from now, if you take five people, one in five, like a 20% will have an issue because of the radiation and stuff from 5G.
Elisa: Okay. All right. So.
Jennifer: But to prove that here will be very difficult.
Elisa: Right? From your perspective, how common will birth defects be? One in every how many children?
Erik: Well, okay, it depends on what you’re looking at, one in 100, one in a thousand, one in 10,000 depending on the defect.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: Depending on what’s going on.
Elisa: Well, we’ll just say any kind of defect even, I don’t know, like Abnormal (inaudible).
Jennifer: Well, actually you know what, he’s, talking about heart stuff with 5G heart (inaudible). There’s going to be an increase in heart related issues in a fetus due to the radiation.
Erik: It’s all about, the radiation and not knowing, how it’s going to actually affect us until it’s, I already kind of too late.
Elisa: All right. Okay. So are we talking about a hole in the heart, like atrial septal defect, (inaudible), tetralogy of fellow for Peyton Freeman will volley. Does any of those ring a bell?
Jennifer: Yeah. I don’t have any medical knowledge. So what, what he’s telling me is that the way the heart pumps and pumps out the, way that the, that it circulates that’s going, if there’s going to be an issue in that, I don’t, I really apologize, I don’t know what that is.
Elisa: Let me, you just say yes or no. Hypo plastic left ventricle or aplastic left ventricle.
Jennifer: Oh yeah. Yes. I’m getting goosebumps for both of those.
Elisa: Peyton foramen, Obe Ali, Peyton Ductus.
Erik: Something else causes that.
Elisa: Okay.
Jennifer: Something else. I don’t know what that is.
Elisa: Okay. Tetralogy of fellow?
Jennifer: Does that have to do with the electricity?
Elisa: No, not really. I mean, you could have genetic, you know.
Erik: He’s talking about the electricity of the heart.
Elisa: Genital Arrhythmia.
Jennifer: Yeah. Yes, yes. Something that affects the electrical portion of the heart.
Elisa: What about Septal defects, like holes in the heart between the upper or the lower chambers?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Erik: Yes, that too, but the biggest will be in the electrical impulses and the electrical network.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: So, you might see more kids needing pacemakers.
Elisa: Oh God. So one in every, how many kids will have this?
Jennifer: I honestly, I, I can’t, I don’t, I don’t know a number.
Elisa: Okay, okay. So, infertility, how common will that be in couples and that will be related to the male or the female or both?
Erik: Both. Absolutely. Both.
Elisa: Okay.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Elisa: How common? In every three couples or I mean.
Erik: No, no. It’s not going to be that kind of common, no.
Jennifer: Sorry. He’s making a joke. He’s like, no, people are still going to be procreating like bunnies.
Elisa: He didn’t say that.
Jennifer: Yeah. So not, not as far as to say they’re actually having a legitimate issue getting pregnant.
Erik: Not one in three that’s too high.
Elisa: I guess it’s going to be20 years before they really link the causality. None of this probably super common like one in five and all that. Right?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Erik: No, no. It’s not super common like that and again, the, issue is that it’s going to have, these things are going happen anyways. So is it you’re you know, genetically predisposed to having this issue and the 5G will amplify.
Elisa: Oh yeah.
Erik: Because not everybody’s going to have an issue with the5G even though we’re all going to be exposed to it, you know, take a thousand and people who have the same exposure to it and not everybody’s going to have a problem. Some people will just like smoking. You know, some people can smoke for 60 years and never.
Elisa: I know.
Erik: And never get cancer.
Elisa: It’s amazing.
Erik: Somebody else smoke for a year and they were dying of lung cancer. So there’s a lot about your genetic predisposition that will affect this.
Elisa: How common will constitutional like general symptoms be like migraines and headaches and maybe nausea, whatever.
Erik: Yeah. And even as far as to like having the seizures, increase in seizures, these are going to be more common because , it’s like the, the waves in the brain are going to be a little bit affected by this and, and this is going to, lead to more antisocial.
Elisa: Oh, okay.
Erik: Behavior.
Elisa: More serial killers. Great. That’s all we need. Wow. So psychiatric diseases,.
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: But not so many that we link it right away. So they’ll (inaudible).
Erik: Yes. Yes.
Elisa: Not a huge increase of frequency because then we would know right away.
Erik: Yeah, it’s not like this is going to get all into place and people are going just be dropping dead left and right. The animal behavior may also be affected.
Elisa: Oh Wow.
Erik: You know, wildlife and birds and bees and bugs, you know, animals because they’re very sensitive.
Elisa: Will it affect the migration of like bees, butterflies, birds, etc.
Erik: Yeah. Migration, behavior.
Jennifer: He just keeps showing me birds like flying into windows.
Elisa: Oh no.
Jennifer: So it may affect their, what do you call that?
Elisa: Navigational system.
Jennifer: Yes, yes.
Elisa: Will it be so bad that you know, bees are so important to pollinate crops and you know, if we don’t have bees we all starve. And bats too, bats are super important.
Erik: This is a totally different topic, but, no, the bee problem is going to get fixed. The Bee, the bee problem is going to be fixed, um, over the next like five to 10 years to be problem will be fixed.
Elisa: Okay. What about the bat problem? Because bats are so important to getting rid of the moths that eat our crops.
Erik: Ugh, bats.
Elisa: Awe, they’re cute!
Erik: No, the bats are going to be fine too.
Elisa: Okay what about different kinds of cancer?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Elisa: Of any sort.
Erik: Yeah. So, one of the things that, that you’re going to see is the illnesses that aren’t making sense. So like cancers that.
Jennifer: And again, I apologize, I don’t have any medical background or training.
Erik: Cancers that are showing up in, you know, people when it’s very rare for somebody this age to have this type of cancer.
Elisa: Oh okay.
Erik: It’s like that type of a thing with cancer, it’s going to be like a little bit weirder.
Elisa: What organ system will most of it be in, like the central nervous system? Brain nerves or heart, the gut, the liver?
Erik: That will depend on the weakness of each individual person.
Elisa: I got you.
Jennifer: Yep.
Erik: So, if somebody is walking around who is going to be sensitive to the 5G stuff and they also have a weakness in their liver, yeah. It would be easier to manifest illness in this area.
Elisa: Okay. Are there any certain segments of the population that will be more susceptible? Like the elderly or children or men instead of women or, you know.
Erik: No there isn’t anybody’s going to be more susceptible. I’s going to be more in, in regards to this, yes, if you’re in a bigger area where there’s a lot more, but not necessarily a type of person, age or anything like that. But if you’re living in the mountains somewhere and you know, you’re very, very isolated. Well this won’t be as big of an issue for you.
Elisa: Head for the hills, man! Okay, so is it coming from our phones? That we have or the tablets or?
Erik: Well it’s in the air.
Elisa: Is it worse if you have the phone?
Erik: Yes, yes, but that’s already an issue, with the phones and the, you know, this kind of stuff.
Jennifer: That’s interesting.
Erik: There’ll be an increase in colorblindness.
Elisa: Wow.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Elisa: But from a baby, you don’t turn up colorblind. Yeah. Okay.
Jennifer: Yep.
Elisa: Okay. So the node, do you know this supposed to be, they have to be real close together. It’s like every block or whatever, it’s going to have these 5G nodes.
Erik: Yeah. Yeah and, and it’s, it’s going to happen before people know what’s going on.
Elisa: Oh God. Is the FDA can approve of it or disapprove? I mean are there studies going on to ensure that we’re protected.
Erik: There are studies going on, but it’s going to go through it and the thing is, because there’s not enough evidence to prove it’s going to cause a problem. So, without being able to prove that it’s going to cause a problem, we’re going to cause illnesses. It’s going to go; it’s going to get passed through.
Elisa: Okay. Is there any subset.
Erik: Years.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: Years and years to test.
Elisa: Yeah.
Elisa: This kind of thing. Well, again, the fact that it’s going to take years is comforting. It means,(inaudible).
Erik: You just can’t stop technology. You just, you can’t stop technology. It’s going to happen.
Elisa: Will it affect people in the process of ascension?
Erik: No.
Elisa: Okay. Well it’ll affect medium, their skills to their ability to channel.
Erik: If they think it’s going to yes. It does not have to. It doesn’t have to affect any of that for us. We will still be able to ascend. We’ll still be able to connect to the other side, but if we say, oh no, I’m not going to be able to because of.
Elisa: Yeah, yeah, thought creates reality, so. So how can we protect ourselves other than living in the mountains since.
Jennifer: Yeah, he just put a tin foil hat on his head, he’s just playing.
Erik: Other than living in the mountains, you really can’t protect, you really can’t.
Elisa: What about doing some sort of protection prayer with intent, like surround me was a 5G, you know, bubble of golden light.
Jennifer: There’s stones and stuff that help with.
Elisa: Oh good.
Jennifer: I don’t, I, it’s like tech tight or something like that. There’s, there’s a couple of different stones that help with that kind of stuff, orgonite’s a really good one. Orgonite’s not a stone, it’s, I don’t, know who’s familiar with it, but it usually has like copper and some stones in it and it’s like you know, I don’t know.
Elisa: Could be like a pyramid, with layers.
Jennifer: So, those kinds of things do help with, you know, the waves, the (inaudible0. So that might make you feel protected, but we’re going to be exposed to it anyways.
Erik: It’s like sunshine.
Elisa: No sunblock, SPF 300. We need that. Well, when you have these stones, do you put it under your bed, in your pocket? Make a bodysuit of orgonite, I don’t know.
Erik: Yes. To all of those things. Yeah. It depends on how you like to work with the stones. Yeah. Some people like to carry them on them. Some people like to sleep with them under their pillow, put them in their office space. Whatever you, you feel right with his is how you want to use them.
Elisa: Well what does that do? Absorb some of the radiation or?
Erik: You know, it deflects it like, there’s like a neutralizing effect. Orgonite’s a big one or orgonite’s a big one. So, if this is something that you’re truly worried about, do some research on orgonite and that will make you feel more comfortable for anybody because that’s really what’s most important is to not be afraid. You know, the more fear, the more you worry of course, the more yes.
Elisa: It’s going to happen, right? Like my, nurse, she used to, she gave me my kindergarten shots. We’d been together a long time. She always thought, was of scared of getting colon cancer and eventually it happened to her, she worried about it in her twenties. So, negative thoughts, any kind of thoughts, negative or positive can create realities, people so that think it ain’t going to affect you and it won’t. So, if you do have orgonite, what do you have one in every room? Your car, in your pocket. I mean.
Jennifer: Yeah. Well, especially with the organ that you do want to have it in your space. Wherever you’re at, that’s where you, you want to have it.
Elisa: Okay. Do you clean it every once in a while because, oh, it deflects, It doesn’t absorb something or not, I don’t know.
Jennifer: Yeah, I would still, you know, you still want to clean your stones in your energy stuff because.
Elisa: Yeah.
Jennifer: You just want it working at the highest vibration that it can.
Elisa: Any other protection of things?
Erik: No, other than, you know, living or there’s where’s there no, totally off the grid? No.
Elisa: Okay. Well, let’s see, are there any ethnic, groups that are more susceptible or, you know, different areas of the world except for, you know, of course in the mountains.
Erik: Right, no, nope.
Elisa: Is 5G general, (inaudible). These are from, blog members. Some of them we’ve already answered, so I need to go through this. (inaudible) Can we still stop and neutralize 5G we talked about orgonite. Are there off planet beings that support and help us with this? I guess other alien races.
Erik: Yeah. Always with technology. Yes.
Elisa: And will they help enough?
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: This is certainly not an invention that is going to bring about the end of.
Elisa: Oh yeah, it’s problems.
Erik: Yeah. It’s not that kind of catastrophic thing. There is definitely some concern here and stuff that you guys need to be aware of, but it’s not catastrophic.
Elisa: Well, what about Wi-Fi? Does that have dangers too?
Erik: Yeah, but this is worse. This is worse.
Elisa: Oh, out of the frying pan into the fire? how can we give off planet beings against other alien races permission to intervene apart from meditation?
Erik: They don’t need it.
Elisa: Okay, good. Where are we on an energetic level as a whole on the planet? I mean, can we stop it or will it (in audible).
Erik: No.
Elisa: This person lives in Sweden where there’s a test facility for 5G. Sweden known for knowing that 5G is very safe because no investigation has proven 5G to have caused cancer. Brussels in Belgium have forbidden 5G because they are afraid the high intensity and high frequency will prove harmful and they’re very populated country. Other nations have also band this technology at it’s present stage. So I don’t know what she (inaudible).
Erik: So, it’s always hard with studies because people can make things look the way they want to look and to spin in the way they want to spin them. There is some concerns here, but again, it’s not like if there, if it’s in an area that all of a sudden mass amounts of people are going to be dropping dead. It’s not that kind of.
Elisa: How can you study it if some people are susceptible and some aren’t. If it trigger some who have a certain genetic makeup and not, it’s going to have to like be looked at retrospectively over years.
Erik: Yes. That’s exactly, it’ll be retrospective because it’s, you know, these are going to be things that people would get anyways.
Elisa: Ah, yeah, I know.
Erik: How or why you got something is.
Elisa: Whether it’s a direct connection.
Jennifer: True.
Elisa: There are many scientists that say 5G will cook us up from the inside and then in the long run, sterilize women’s uteruses.
Jennifer: Well, I mean, I guess there is, yeah.
Elisa: Is it going to cook us like microwaves?
Jennifer: It’s not going to cook us, but it may cause fertility issues. Yes. But it’s not going to cook us like we’re going to be.
Elisa: I want to be medium rare.
Jennifer: Yeah. No, we’re not going to be cooked alive because of the 5G.
Elisa: Okay. Another question is what this means for the heavens. Is it in alignment with God’s love? Was designed to harm or help us.
Erik: No, it’s, absolutely, in line with God’s love. This is technology. It’s part of what we’re doing here. So this is not, spiritually a bad thing.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: No, it’s, not, it’s not spiritually a bad thing.
Elisa: Is there anything positive about 5G?
Erik: Well, yeah, it’s going to be faster, super fast. So, yeah, people are going to like it. People are going to like it.
Elisa: Yeah. But is there any positive spiritually or for the human experience in general?
Erik: Well, it’s growth and growth is always positive. There’s always something to learn from growth. But it may be like you were saying retrospective, you know, we’ve learned looking back.
Jennifer: There’s also like the technology, what he’s saying is that the technology at some point moving forward, there’s going to be a way to kind of buffer some of the.
Elisa: Ill effects.
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: Oh, good.
Jennifer: Yeah. There’s going to be whatever this is has not been invented yet.
Elisa: Oh Wow, what is it?
Jennifer: I don’t know. It feels very small and it’s, it almost feels like it goes on. Whatever these.
Elisa: Oh!
Jennifer: That it does something to the level of the radiation. But this is not something that we have, but it’s good.
Elisa: All right get out there do something people, meanwhile we have to wear our tinfoil hats.
Jennifer: Yes, and it’s going to create work. It’s going to create jobs.
Elisa: Oh good.
Jennifer: There is, there is some good from it. Absolutely.
Elisa: Awesome.
Erik: Almost everything. No matter what it is, no matter what kind of experience it is, no matter what technology or there’s always good and bad to everything. It’s part of the balance here.
Elisa: Is more positive than negative?
Erik: It’s pretty even.
Elisa: Okay. Will that affect people’s hormones?
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: In what way? Decrease them? Increase them?
Erik: Both, but again, to the people who are susceptible to the people who maybe have a weakness in this area, it may effect. So if somebody is having depression, it may amplify depression issues and then, you know, addiction issues. It may, it may, those people are very sensitive to the, to the energy, which there are people who are going to be very sensitive to it.
Elisa: Oh yes. What about empaths, they’re so open to energy. Will, they have more trouble than most.
Erik: Not necessarily actually no.
Elisa: Good.
Erik: Not necessarily.
Elisa: Okay. So what kind of hormones? Thyroid? Estrogen? Testosterone? Prolactin?
Jennifer: He keeps saying pituitary to me?
Elisa: What about prolactin because that can affect fertility.
Erik: Yeah.
Jennifer: Yeah, pituitary is what he keeps saying.
Elisa: All right. So the infertility issue is that, for a female, what is the general cause of the infertility problem.
Erik: Again, that would be if a particular woman had a weakness in that system.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: So if she were more prone to producing, cysts.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: Then, this type of thing might increase that. If there, you know, another weakness in that system, it may, amplify that weakness. So it’s not specifically one type of thing.
Elisa: Oh I see.
Erik: However.
Elisa: If they’re sensitive in the hormone area.
Erik: Yes, yes , and it, it could we that, and what’s funny is for me it’s the sperm.
Elisa: Oh yeah. What does it make them do? Kill them?
Erik: Yes, It’ll create an issue with the sperm.
Elisa: Okay.
Jennifer: Very direct about that one.
Elisa: Oh, why can’t they just wrapped their junk tinfoil, will that help?
Erik: It will make it too hot.
Elisa: We can make a killing. Let’s see. What kind of, do we need to make this underwear in? Kevlar? We’ll add little cotton, I mean copper threads through the underwear, would you think?
Jennifer: Yes. Yeah.
Erik: You got to be careful that it doesn’t get too hot there though.
Elisa: I know. We’ll do some ventilation holes, but for real. What, what barrier in the underwear? What kind of material? Kevlar, of course, aluminum threads. I don’t know .
Jennifer: You know what he’s saying is that these waves penetrate a little bit better. So lead.
Elisa: Oh my God, I was just thinking, lead. Oh my God, the we die of lead poisoning. Well, don’t chew on your underwear. But still it would be worth it if you’re trying to get pregnant, I mean.
Erik: Yes, but see, the thing is, is like with anything else, anything that causes an issue has the ability to be corrected.
Elisa: Yes.
Erik: It may amplify issues, but it doesn’t mean that there’s not medical intervention or you know, other kind of intervention that can counteract it.
Elisa: Yeah, of course. All right. Let me see one last one. Oh yeah. It can affect the immune system at all?
Erik: Absolutely.
Elisa: In what way? Autoimmune disease or just weakening the antibody production.
Erik: Really don’t be worried about it because it’s like if you all of a sudden are stricken with an autoimmune issue, well number one you have it. So you just have to deal with it from there, but you don’t know if you were already going to get it or if the 5G network is what caused it. So it’s just too hard to try to avoid and be scared. Just live your lives, you know, protect yourself where you feel you need protection. And quite frankly, that’s really just more so that you feel better mentally here, like you’re doing something proactive. So if you are somebody who’s very concerned about this, look up some of the proactive things that you can do to make yourself feel better, but then don’t assume that because you have a headache it’s the 5G network that caused it.
Elisa: Yeah, of course not.
Erik: You got to just live your life. Yeah, of course. Is there anybody in our family, Erik, that you need to worry about?
Erik: No.
Elisa: Okay. How about Jennifer’s family?
Erik: No, you don’t need to worry about, nobody needs to really even worry about it.
Elisa: Okay, sounds good. Anything else you want to say before we close?
Erik: There’ll be, something beyond this beyond the5G.
Elisa: What, something faster.
Erik: Yep. Years down the road.
Elisa: Oh good Lord our brains won’t go fast enough to probably, well, mine won’t, I know that sounds good you guys. Thank you Erik, I love you so much. I love you Jennifer, you guys can connect with her at and I’ll put it right here. Bye love you all.
Jennifer: Bye. Love you.
Elisa: I’m just gonna pause this recording or I’ll stop.
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