Erik’s Roundtable #1: Ethics and Current Events

Master Angel Erik Medhus speaks about current events as it relates to ETHICS. Also, Laura Chapman and Heather Hartford ( call out to listeners with channeled messages from deceased loved ones, spirit guides and more!

Don’t forget about Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show EVERY Tuesday at 4:00 PM PT/6:00 PM CT/7:00 PM ET.

This past Tuesday, Erik dedicated the show to callers!  There is so much going on in the Country, and around the world.  This show is dedicated to you guys, and  Erik is ready to Answer your questions!   Erik spoke with his mom, Elisa of Atlantis Scalar, and Spirit Translator Heather Hartford CommonGroundHhealing,

Join us next Tuesday to be part of the conversation!

Last, if you want to talk to Erik on a future show, call in to 646-716-9735.

And don’t forget to order a Consult with Master Angel Erik! It’s only $20 and Erik will tell you the bare minimum you need for your energy management so you can be happy and whole and on the spiritual path you should be on. The $20 is credited back to whatever you end up ordering so it’s a risk-free, win-win!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Elisa Medhus