It took me a long time to muster up the courage to revisit old videos with Erik in them. My husband finds it healing. I found it sad, but now, I enjoy them.
Before we get to these very short videos, I want to thank everyone for sending healing energy and prayers to little Liam. I asked Erik, through Denise Ramon, if he’d be okay (because he tested positive for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Erik said he’d be fine. In fact, he said that he’d wake up in the morning essentially cured and that’s exactly what happened! Erik did energy work on Liam’s little lungs. Not only is it great to have a plumber, doctor and lawyer in the family, it’s good to have a spirit guide, too!

Someone feels better!
An important note: I’m moving the radio from Thursday’s to TUESDAY’S, and there won’t be one this week. The next one will be Tuesday March 19th. Sorry for the change. I hope it accommodates everyone. My husband felt that having the show on Thursday night messed up our occasional long weekends camping.
Okay, on to the videos! Here’s a very short one where Erik models the riding pants (Jodhpurs) he wore for his riding lessons when he was 4 or 5. When I homeschooled the kids, that was our PE class/elective. The instructor told me that Erik was extremely talented, a natural, and that he had more talent than everyone else in the family combined.
Here’s another cute one. Erik’s 6th birthday. He was so tiny for his age!
Oh, and a shout out to my hubby for our 37th anniversary today.