rik has asked me to send you all a little message. He has shown me a little yellow post it note that reads “from the desk of Erik”
You have the mic Erik, go for it!
“Hey Y’all, Erik here! I’m Popping in to each one of you right now to say hi! As many of you gather today, many of you have been struggling lately. Some of you have lost a job, a home. Some of you aren’t really sure where you will be next year, or next month. Some of you have been nursing broken hearts, missing a loved one so much today, and finding gratitude might be real hard. I’ve come to help you, Give thanks to you today, and your heart. Be proud of yourself that you woke up, and you are doing the best you can. Whatever step you can take towards giving yourself some love today, it will help give you the strength for tomorrow. Do your best to see the love in the present moment, and the gifts will arrive in your future.
Your Family and Friends in spirit , we join with you right now. This message is to share a great big group hug, and a whole lot of love for today and Always!
To my Mom, and my whole family…I love you so much!
Love Erik!
Happy Thanksgiving for all of our American Friends! Enjoy this note, and Erik Encounter!
Birthday Pranks and Big Fruit Smile!
Around my birthday in December, Erik pulled a really funny prank on me. I lived in an apartment complex and went outside to take my dogs to pee. A car exits the main rode to come into the complex, sees me and stops. The window rolls down. “Jacqueline?” The man said with eyes directed straight at me.
I freeze, feeling apprehensive that some random man chose my name. “Uh…. yeah?”
“You here for an Uber ride?”
“…. no?”
And he shrugs drives away.
The LIKELIHOOD of someone saying my full name was so surreal, but of course it wasn’t a coincidence at all. 🙂
Yesterday I realized was Erik’s birthday. I had a bag of dates that I opened and threw it onto a plate with a banana. When I look back at my plate to cut the fruit, the fruit was in a smile! Two dates for eyes, one date for the nose, and a smiling banana. Hahahaha. Erik then told me it was him. I hope you enjoyed that Elisa.
Dear Dr. Medhus,
I want to thank you for bringing forth your amazing connections Erik, and with your trusted mediums.
I lost my mom, who was my best friend, in 2003. I was 19 and she was driving to meet me at a doctor’s appointment on my college break. She never made it. She was ejected from the car side driver’s window and died, face down in a ditch. I never could have imagined the pain, loss, and emptiness I would feel. Her name was Debi Armer and has the most amazing presence even in spirit.
It took me 10 years before I was “brave” enough to see a medium. I was in graduate school to become a child trauma therapist, and my neighbor, who was clairvoyant, suggested I see a medium to ask her about what I needed to know. This neighbor, knew very little about me and yet knew everything about me. She went with me to meet LENA Chapin, of Peaceful Whispers, LLC. Lena is a very gifted psychic medium, and reiki healer, full of knowledge, sensitivity and is an evidentiary medium. She connected me to my mom, my aunts and uncles that passed, and my grandmother, who I finally learned was the one screaming at me during the night to wake me up- yes, my family was full of great characters. I learned my mom was guiding many on the other side, and followed me everywhere, reaching out to any clairvoyant that was in the building with me. Lena was able to describe my family, used their phrases and language, and healed my heart immediately. In 2018, I was with my father who had an abdominal aneurysm, and was rushed to the hospital, with 2 heart surgeries overnight, and experienced 2 strokes within days. I was with him everyday for the last week of his life- the peculiar part about this, was he was waving to my mom telling her he was ready to go- I had no idea what he was doing, but watched him wave to the air to take him. I was in Texas and Lena was in Lansas. Lena graciously supported me and guided me to know that my dad was surrounded by his parents, my mom, and his siblings and he was ready to pass. She encouraged me to stay in Texas a few more days, despite physicians telling me about his post surgery/post stroke recovery plan. It was Lena who was provided the insight from my mom, who let me know it was important for me to stay. My father passed the next day, with me by his side.
I have began my own spiritual awakening, sensing more contact with my parents, and even reading Tarot successfully- who knew we all had it in us to be interconnected- well, all of the mediums know!!
I am very blessed for my experience and contact with each intuitive and sensitive individual out there. They have helped me to support my clients on not only the physical, but spiritual.
Thank you those who use their energy to provide us with knowledge and comfort.
Thank you to you and Erik! The mediums on your channel are amazing to watch!
I also have a picture of a rainbow in the sky, in the shape of a feather- this picture was captured in Texas the week of my dad’s passing; and my mom, always left me feathers as a sign of her presence 💜🌟 such a sweet and gentle sign.
Love and light,