As many of you may have noticed, the media gallery with Erik’s videos and photos have been down for a few days, but they’re back up. It was only a matter of an expired credit card. Sigh. I hope all of you had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend. Now let’s explore the spiritual aspects of borderline personality so that we can better understand those who suffer this complex condition.
At the beginning of the session, Jamie’s phone line went out for a few seconds and she said that after that, everything went haywire. She hung up the phone and the Internet went out. Later the phone blipped and wouldn’t come back on.
Jamie: Then I’m hearing laughter and I asked, ‘Erik, are you doing that?’
Me: I figured!
Jamie: Couldn’t just make it easy. Actually, I heard him laughing when I left the house today, and I got to giggling and said, ‘Whatever you’re up to, just—‘
Me: And we were just talking about how good he was being!
Jamie: I know! Diplomatic and everything. No, no. That was temporary. Everything went haywire on my side, and so when the Internet came back up, I sent you an email asking you if you were enjoying the pranks today!
Me: Well, how else would we recognize the boy?
Jamie: Has he done anything to you this morning?
Me: Not yet, thank god! So, is Erik there? Is he hiding from us?
Jamie: Yep. Loud and clear. He’s not even hiding. Oh, he owns up to all his nastiness and pranks.
Me: Yeah, and he’s really proud of them too.
Erik: Yeah. Hey Mom, I love you extra special today.
Hm. I wonder if he’s just trying to suck up to me like he used to when his mischief or misbehavior was about to be revealed.
Me: I love you extra special too, Baby.
Erik: Because today is going to be a slow day for you.
Me: Slow mentally?
Erik (laughing): Yes!
Me: That’s not good. My baseline sucks as it is. Okay, I have a couple of questions. Let’s talk about borderline personality disorder. What’s the spiritual basis for that? You know, those are the people that have abandonment issues, and if their family or friends do one thing wrong, they go hero to zero at the flip of a switch. What’s up with that?
Erik (chuckling): Don’t you think we all have that to some degree?
Me: Yeah, but for these people, it’s a personality disorder that affects their ability to function in relationships and life overall.
Erik: It’s a form of alienation—of trying to have a life of being, um, like the contract is to say, “Please misunderstand me so that I can understand myself better.” It’s almost like forcing them to be on a one-man team.
Me: Wow, that makes perfect sense.
Erik: But it gets misunderstood because other people feel that the person doesn’t know how to be on a team, or they’re being punished for who they are. And it’s not that. It’s really just meant for them to, um, not really be alone—not like in a sense of what we think is: “Nobody loves me; I’m all by myself; I’m abandoned.”
Me: You mean being independent in the search for their own identity?
Erik: Yes, because it’s not, um, they leach—
Jamie (surprised on hearing what she’s about to translate): Oh my gosh.
Erik: When you come across these people, you know in a past life they had the extreme opposite or they’ve been a complete leach to an idea or a person. In that past life they just surrendered who they were: their ideas, their thoughts, everything. They just surrendered their identity. So, it’s one extreme to the next. All of the mental illnesses—
Jamie (to Erik): Really?
Erik: Yeah. All of the mental illnesses don’t have to be played out for an entire lifetime. They just have to be willing to correct it by learning why it is there for them, even if it’s a chemical issue. Doctors now know how to correct those things. They just don’t want to put it on the market.
Me: How awful.
Erik: Yes it is. It is, because they can’t patent what nature automatically creates for us for free.
Me: Mm.
Heads up: Be sure to friend Erik and me on Facebook if you haven’t already and join the Channeling Erik group! Also, I’d be forever grateful if you’d continue to share this blog every day through the social venues posted with each entry. I know it’s hard to remember, but…