Many of you have stumbled onto the blog from various places, including the Channeling Erik YouTube channel. I invite you to buy a copy of my book, My Son and the Afterlife. It’s available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, other online booksellers and brick and mortar bookstores. Remember that by doing so, you’ll receive an enormous amount to comfort and insight while at the same time helping the enormous effort on the part of Erik and me. Thanks in advance.
Now for today’s post. It seemed like a fitting one to publish today, given the ones published the last two days.
Me: All right. How can we learn to get over the past? Our past.
Jamie repeats the question to herself.
Erik: That’s a good one.
Me: I try!
Erik: I think it would be easier if, in our therapy, in the way we decide how we’re going to adjust or what kind of philosophy we’re going to sign up for in healing, we should look at what is the past? What is time? What’s our true reality because a lot of people, when they get into the hurt, into the pain, it is a very narrow hole, and they can’t see far from the darkness. This makes them feel entrapped and small and that there are no options. All that’s just an illusion. (Throwing his arms up) Hell, this whole life is an illusion. What I’m saying is that if you’re consciously saying, “I need to get over the past,” you’re immediately defining it with these fucked up, human English words that we have that say the past is behind us, and we can no longer touch it, and it’s totally gone, and all we have is the Now—which is the Truth. We think that the future is coming, but the future is already happening, so…
Jamie (to Erik, shaking her head rapidly): Oh, yeah, yeah. Let’s not talk like that. That’s confusing.
Jamie (chuckling): He just looked at me and pointed his finger and said, “Point in case!” I’m glad I could help out.
Erik: People need to learn that, if there’s a past, you actually have access to it again, and this is not a hoax; it’s not through past life regression or hypnosis. That’s a very conscious way to tap back into what you consider (in a deep and mysterious voice, with air quotes) YOUR PAST, but time is all happening right now. You’re living it all the time. Once you learn that time is not linear, and that past, present and future are all stacked on top of each other and is all occurring [now], what you’re doing by focusing on this conversation, and by trying to learn this concept is, uh, you have this amazing talent to bring in your awareness and focus on this immediate Now, and the Now keeps changing. But this doesn’t mean that the past is completely away from you, and it doesn’t mean that the future is completely away from you. Once you understand this kind of concept, all of a sudden your grief or your sadness or whatever you’re trying to get over doesn’t seem that—
Jamie (to Erik, looking puzzled): The what?
Jamie: “Big.” He used some other word; I didn’t know it.
Erik: Big. It doesn’t seem that deep like (Again in a deep and mysterious voice) YOU CAN NEVER GET OUT OF IT!
I laugh.
While translating this, Jamie screws her eyes up in a funny way and purses her lips.
Jamie: Okay, but he says he didn’t make that face that I made to use that voice, but whatever.
Erik: Okay. Once you understand that, then how do you learn to get over the past? First, learn time just like I said. Second, look at what the lessons are. Look at what you are gaining from these experiences. No matter what you’re going through, whether you want to define it as excellent or you want to define it as totally sucky, you are gaining something from this experience. Whether you think you’re the hero or the victim, I don’t care how you want to define yourself—call me brash, call me a dick, call me whatever you want to—but whatever you’ve signed up for, however you’re participating in your life, it’s for an experience. So, look at what you’re gaining from it. The perspective in your head? This is the dial on the radio that tunes in the fucking music or tunes it out. You just have to sharpen your skill of adjusting that perspective or turning the dial on the radio to tune in to this life experience that you want to have. If you want to have a shitty one, then just listen to static the whole time. If you wanna have one that’s really going to serve you and help you discover what you came in for, your contracts, your “destiny,” all these other words that people talk about, then tune in your perspective to hear the music clearly.
Me: In other words, to tune into whatever the lesson is?
Erik: Yes.
Me: All right. What if you had a horrible childhood full of abuse of any form? Let’s use that as an example. How do you get over that? What lesson could there be there?
(Long pause)
Jamie: He’s back to pacing.
Erik: You seriously want to break this all down? Because, listen, no amount of abuse is going to be worse than or better than the amount of abuse that another person feels. It’s an individual contract for each person. A punch in the face for one guy might be nothing, but a punch in the face for another guy might shatter his entire world. We can’t look at types of abuse and kind of say, “This is what you’re learning from it, and this is what you’re not learning from it” because you have to look at every single fucking contract. The fine print is different every time.
Me: Well, give me an example.
Me: In the case of child abuse, give me one example of what the lesson could be there.
I WILL NOT GIVE IN! Where do you think Erik got his stubbornness from?
Jamie (to Erik): Yeah, not general talk. She just wants an example.
(Long pause)
Erik: That fucking sucks.
Jamie: He’s trying to bring up an example of a girl, so that would be a daughter, abused by the father, physically—physical abuse, not sexual abuse. We’re looking at physical abuse, so hitting, really heavy, abusive punishments.
Me: Mm hm.
Erik: First, we have to look at the awareness of the human being. When you’re young, upwards to six, seven, eight—this is still considered young where you’re still attached to the heavenly world rather than the Earth world—deaths from six, seven, eight, they’re extremely different from death like from nine, ten, eleven, and up until you’re as old as you wanna get. This is because—and we’ve talked about this before—children are more attached to spirit and the afterlife—
Jamie (to Erik, sinking in her chair in frustration): Ah, Erik, you can go down so many rabbit holes; it just drives me crazy!
I get that. I’m totally lost. He seems to be running circles around the question.
Jamie: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. All these side notes! I try to kind of weed it out so we can stay on topic, but sometimes it’s just…
Me (to Erik): Stay on course! Focus, focus!
Jamie: Focus! He was saying, “Afterlife suggests that there’s a life, and then that one ends, and there’s another one after; this is such a linear word. I don’t know if I want to use that word,” and I go, ‘You’ve already used it! Let’s just move forward!’ That’s why I just got a little crazy there.
Man, that’s one helluva rabbit hole you took us down, Erik.
Jamie: Having a good, strong conversation with an ADHD spirit! It’s not easy!
Me: Oh, god. He sure did have it, too. He had lots of rabbit holes littering his life.
Jamie: Oh, my god.
Actually, I think ADHD is often a spiritual condition like not being entirely grounded and therefore staying more in the spiritual realm than in the earthly one as well as other things.
Erik: So, we looked at the kid, the child, and, when you’re a child, you’re surrendering yourself to the protection and the guidance of the parents. This is kind of the natural process of coming to be human. It’s the natural process of being a baby with any, any, any kind of creature, animal, plant, and so forth. So, taking that into consideration, the person who is the abuser, if they’re the parent or the adult— Ah, this is going to get so complicated. Are you sure you wanna do this?
Me: No, that’s okay. I remember you had some cool thing about crossing an abyss, but I can’t remember exactly what you said. It was very helpful in helping people get over a painful past.
Here’s the link: CROSSING THE ABYSS
Also, visit Erik’s YouTube about abusers and their victims. CLICK HERE