I want to thank all of you for all the birthday wishes for our wonderful little rascal. It made the say go by easier. Let me know if he pranked or visited you in any way.
Don’t forget that Monday at 7 PM CT is Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show. Call 619-639-4606 15 minutes prior to talk to Erik. http://goo.gl/aFHTzJ
In case you missed it yesterday (because I added it after I published the post) here is a cute video of Erik’s second birthday. Strong signs he was an empath.
Before reading this post about judgment and karma, here’s a book I want to share about LDN, the best available because it’s so comprehensive and full of scientific data.
One more thing. Many of you have asked if anything big is going to happen on 9/23/17. I asked Erik through Veronica and he said, “Nothing more than usual.” I guess that’s a good thing!
Enjoy the post. The YouTube is at the end.
Me: Hi Kim. Hi Erik. How are y’all doing?
Kim: I’m good.
Erik: I’m just me.
Me: I can’t ask for anything better! All right, so today, we’re going to talk about judgment and karma, but first I want to tell you I love you! I must do that. So tell me about karma first. It seems like in the past you’ve said there really is no karma. That confuses a lot of people.
Erik (twirling his index finger in a circle): It has to do with the movement of energy. Energy continues to move. Karma is real, but it has a huge misunderstanding so I hate the word altogether. People don’t understand when we’re talking about the reality of it and the energy, like what it actually is. They think, “Oh, karma’s a bitch. Karma’s going to come back and get you for that!”
Me: Yeah, what comes around, goes around.
Erik: It’s true, but let’s look at it from this perspective. No matter what you do, whatever you’re doing and being, whatever you put out there energetically, you’re creating that reality. We’re constantly creating our own experiences and reality. In essence, what we are, we attract. So if you walk around being an asshole, you’re going to attract that to yourself. If you walk around completely objective and unreactive, then you’ll have less that you feel like you have to react to. Karma has this negative connotation around it where people think it’s bad or it’s out to get you. They think it’s this thing that spontaneously happens that’s almost like—
Me: An external force. They think it’s almost like an external force, and it’s only if you do bad stuff does it come and bite you.
Kim: Yeah.
Me: That’s what I feel.
Erik: People see it like a game. They treat it like a game. They treat karma like a big bad ass that’s coming to get you, just waiting like a ticking time bomb, but that’s not true at all. If you want to use the word karma, there’s good karma, clean karma, and then there’s unclean karma, but it’s all because of you and who you are and what you put out there.
Me: Like the Law of Attraction? Are you just talking about the Law of Attraction?
Erik: Right, Mom. It’s more like that than the way we usually define it. We’ve put karma inside this little tiny box of bad. What you put out there, you’ll get back in return. It’s like Newton’s Law. For every action, there has to be a reaction. Wherever you push, there’s going to be a pull.
Me: Okay, for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.
Erik: You’re always creating your own karma.
Me: Yeah, because thought creates reality, right? So what you think, you’re going to create. Consciousness is a form of energy, I guess. I don’t know. It does something called “collapsing the Schroedinger wave equation,” so it collapses a wave into a particle like a light wave turns into a photon. Particles are the building blocks of reality, so that is—oof, why did I go down that rabbit hole? Whatever.
Erik: Whatever you subject yourself to, energetically, that’s the reality you create for yourself. Karma is just so misunderstood.
Me: I think I get it.
Erik: And most of the time, we create from our emotions. Could you imagine building a life outside of the emotions, being a reality, how pure and clean that would be? That’s what you should focus on. That’s where you should plant your consciousness. If it’s all emotionally based and emotionally reactive, you’re putting yourself in a slingshot situation.
Me: What do you mean by that, Erik?
Kim: He’s literally showing someone being bounced back and forth like a ping pong ball.
Me: But you can live in love, right? I mean, are you talking about ALL emotions, living outside ALL emotions? I thought you said we’re emotional beings, so how is that even possible?
Kim: He doesn’t define our being as emotions. We can pick them up and express our awareness through them, but we’re not them, themselves.
Erik: Emotions are a separate energy.
Me: Okay.
Erik: Love isn’t like the other emotions, though. The other emotions like joy, anger, frustration and excitement are all situational and based on events.
Me: Ah!
Erik: Love is not. Love is above all of those and doesn’t need any event or situation to be present.
Me: Ah, that makes sense! Wow.
Erik: Yes, you can be in love all the time and of course that’s what you want to do to have “good karma” for yourself.
Kim: He’s using a whisper tone, almost like a smart ass!
Kim laughs.
Erik: So if you want that clean karma, choose love even when you want to choose hate or even when you want to choose frustration.
Me: Or fear.
Kim: Oo, you know what he just randomly said? Maybe just make a note of this. He said, “Mom, can we talk about how destructive it is to give the silent treatment.” He’s talking about people who are like, “Well, it’ll be fine if I stay silent and don’t react.”
Erik: They’re really poisoning themselves in the process.
Kim: I guess make a side note. Maybe we’ll do a session on that some time.
Me: Okay. It’s just a form of hiding. All right, let’s talk more about judgment. I know the answer to this already, but for our listeners, is there any outside force like God or the angels or anything like that?
Erik: There is no judgment. Judgment is manmade. It’s here in this reality. It’s created to make us feel like we have power, but it’s a false sense of power. We’re mixing up our worth and feeling worth and gaining our personal power by judging someone. We do it to feel powerful. Judgment only poisons and creates unclean karma. See how I loop that altogether?
Me: There we go! Perfect. Very eloquently done!
Erik: Whoever is judging is putting themselves in that loop of energy where that experience is going to come back to them. Whether you’re the judge or the one being judged—well, let’s talk about both. If you’re playing the judge, judging someone for something they did, most of the time we hold onto past judgments. We hold onto things they’ve done in the past, and for us, we let that create how we know and define them and their character. Obviously it’s not true because it’s not in real time. So look and see how playing the role of judge is personal poison. You’re slowly drinking your own poison. That’s because you’re fixating on your own attachments and expectations of a multitude of things: people and their lifestyles, the way they live their lives, jobs, all different things when we pass judgment. But don’t be confused. There’s a big difference between judgment and personal discernment.
Me: What do you mean?
Erik: Well, then you’re going to have those smart asses that go around and go, “Oh, fine. I won’t judge anything at all. I won’t use any judgment and I’ll just put myself in harm’s way.” Some people can take it to the extreme. It’s called discernment. You have your own discernment of who you are, your roles, your characteristics—
Me: Like an opinion?
Erik (waving his hand in a so-so gesture): Kind of.
Me: Like a nonjudgmental opinion? Can’t you say, “Suzy is wearing a blue dress. I like that dress.” Or “I wouldn’t buy that dress because it wouldn’t look good on me?” I mean, is that judging or is that discernment?
Erik: You’re talking more about observation. Observing versus judging.
Me: Yeah.
Erik: Your own discernment embodies your character, the characteristics of who you are and how that plays into the reality that you make for yourself. So don’t get all bent out of shape with, “Well, I just won’t use any judgment at all, then.” Use your discernment, your worth, and stay as objective as you can because as soon as you go into judgment, most of the time it’s because of your own attachments and because of your own ideas that you’ve been unable to see outside of or beyond. So that’s just playing the judge part. If you’re playing the judge all the time, stop for a minute and recognize how shitty it makes you feel. If you don’t feel shitty, you need some personal development because passing judgment on anybody is really a reflection of how trapped YOU are, how small you are. So grow beyond that. Now, if you’re on the other end where you’re being judged all the time—and judgment can be criticism and it can be the opposite—but either way, you have to remember who you are, your discernment and your worth, beyond other people’s capacity to know you. They’re never going to truly know you unless they ARE you. So why should their judgment have such value that it changes the way you see yourself? When you allow that to happen, it’s so much harder to go back into complete awareness that’s not disturbed or defined by all of those external judgments. Let’s talk about body image. When someone gets judged by their body or the way they look, they eventually believe it while before, they were fine with who they were and how they were. Then they hear all these judgments and think, “Well, maybe they’re right! Maybe I AM overweight.” So their worth begins to plummet because they’re valuing someone else’s judgment before their own self-love. You have to understand, Mom, whether you’re the judge or whether you’re the one receiving the judgment, judgment doesn’t come from love. It’s too small.
Erik makes a small box with his hands.
Me: It makes you smaller and smaller and smaller whether you’re accepting or receiving the judgment. Love is observation, Mom. Love isn’t judgment. So if you can stay in observation without judgment, we’ll stay in a higher vibration. Same thing for the person receiving the judgment. If they can just observe others for their actions and how they’re choosing to judge and not let that affect who they are, then they, too, will stay in a higher vibration. But as soon as you begin to absorb that and relate to how they’re judging you, of course it can mess up your whole world.
Me: Well, what about good judgment like judging somebody in a positive light?
Erik: Good judgment is still judgment. It’s man coming to a conclusion and defining something. That’s how we’re used to operating, but Mom, that’s not true consciousness. True consciousness is awareness in the state of observation. Continually observe without labeling.
Me: What about an opinion? What’s the difference between judgment and an opinion? Or is it the same?
Erik: It’s pretty much the same. Opinion is more attached to the giver’s ideas and what the giver knows about their own truth. When they give an opinion, it’s basically a reflection of their consciousness and how they know the world and what they see. So, if their opinion is like, “Oh, that person is obnoxious,” they’re really just reflecting their own enslavement to what they’re used to, what they accept, and what they don’t have the capacity to coexist with yet.
Me: Well, what if the person IS obnoxious? What if you’re up against an obnoxious person? How are you supposed to react?
Erik: You don’t.
Kim laughs.
Erik: You don’t react. There are plenty of people who are obnoxious, but Mom, true awareness can see that they’re just at a different level of conscious awareness. So if someone is truly in that state of objectivity where there is no judgment and there’s even no need for an opinion, there’s just observation, they’re one leg up. They don’t have to let that person’s behavior elicit a reaction in them. If it does, if you find yourself going, “Oh my god, I can’t stand him. I’ve gotta get away because he’s obnoxious!” then YOU even have some work to do. What is that triggering in you that makes you react that way? That should raise a flag, “Oh, I have some development to do because I can’t be around someone like that without getting annoyed.” If you can be present with someone—
Kim (chuckling): He’s showing me sitting with a person at a table with a white tablecloth, like a banquet.
Erik: Over here is a person who’s angry and hates the world, and he can tell you all the reasons why the world should be just blown up. Here’s another person who’s obnoxious and another one who’s completely self-absorbed. All of these people are going to trigger different reactions within you.
Yeah, it’ll make me up and leave.
Erik: Now, you have to look into yourself what you have the capacity to accept and what you don’t. Basically, you see and grow through them. That doesn’t mean you grow with them like on the same playing field. So if you need to react, you need to do some personal development, personal self-discovery.
Me: Maybe you don’t have to react to the obnoxious person, but is it okay to acknowledge that in your own truth, they are obnoxious?
Kim: I don’t know what the difference is, but he’s replacing “acknowledgement” with “observation.”
Me: Okay, it’s kind of the same.
Erik: Yeah, if you can just observe or acknowledge without reacting, then you keep yourself at a higher vibration.
Me: Okay.
Erik: If you plug into it, all that energy just feeds to you.
Me: Is judgment a uniquely human thing or can it be found in any other life forms on Earth or anywhere?
Erik: Well, Mom, it depends on what kind of judgment you’re talking about. Humans, the way we see judgment, the way we define it is different.
Kim: Okay, he’s even showing me animals using “judgment,” but they’re actually using their intuition. We just call it judgment because we don’t know better. I do believe, based on what Erik is showing—he’s shaking his head, “yes”—that judgment is more widely employed by humans than anyone else and than anything else.
Erik: It gives us a handle, Mom. It makes us feel like we have a handle on things because it’s that power we need. If you need that power—
Kim: He’s just talking and talking! Sorry!
Erik: If you need that power and you need to have a handle on it through judgment, then you haven’t come to the understanding of your true self-awareness and how powerful and all-encompassing that is.
Me: We already have the power!
Erik: Right and people who haven’t realized that can manifest behaviors like OCD, narcissism, or they can be control freaks. All of these patterns can manifest because they haven’t come to that realization yet. They need a physical, tangible way to feel like they have a handle on things. Judgment is usually one of the best ways.
Me: Yeah, stepping on people to get to the top. All right. Of course we also sometimes judge ourselves. We receive external judgment, but we also have our own inner judgment, too. Do you want to talk about that?
Erik: Yeah, that’s when it can be the shittiest.
Me: To me, I think internal judgment starts from external judgment from parents, peers, siblings and even society with its unrealistic norms, but then we internalize these as our own inner judgment. I don’t know. You’re the expert! You tell me!
Erik: Most people, in their internal dialogue, they hear that constant chatter, but that constant chatter is just an observation. We’re observing something that’s not our own truth. This voice inside of us isn’t truly us. There are a couple of different dynamics I want to talk about. When we judge ourselves, it’s interesting, Mom, because when we pass judgment on ourselves and since we value our own opinion, we can be so damaging and so critical. Because we value our own opinion, if it’s a negative one, it’s detrimental to our spiritual, physical and mental health. It’s like when your partner passes judgment on you, you begin to believe it because you value them and hold them up high in your life. Then you begin to accept what they say as your own truth. Be mindful of where you’re placing that value and what that’s doing to your own awareness of yourself. If your awareness is only built upon your judgment and other judgments that you’ve brought in, then you’re not really aware of yourself at all. When you think, “Man, I hate the way I talk to myself. It’s so not nice” or even the opposite because people can be so egocentric, to break those patterns, you have to be willing to just observe, Mom. Observation is just like stating the obvious. If you don’t know how to observe, it’s stating the obvious. So, you have to be willing to state the obvious and be objective, but as soon as you subject your self-worth to any kind of judgment, then you’ll start to fall down again. You break your own self down. Our internal judgment also has a lot to do with what society accepts as “normal.” If we think we fall outside of that box, then we start to judge ourselves.
Me: Yeah.
She finally speaks!
Erik: So just because society creates this box doesn’t mean everyone has to fit inside of it. Don’t think, “I don’t fit in that box so there must be something wrong with me.” Stay as much as you can in a state of neutral awareness.
Me: So it seems like to me that we have to ask ourselves, “Is this coming from my awareness of who I am or is it coming from someone else’s or some other people or society’s awareness of who I am?” Is that a practical mantra or exercise we can use, or maybe you have a better one? You probably do.
Erik: No, you’re right because if you can take the time to quieten yourself and ask, “Is this me? Is this me or is it from something else?” then you’re staying present with what you’re observing and what you’re experiencing. It’s kind of like emotional awareness, too.
Kim: Like when I was at this crazy, emotional event, everybody was bawling their eyes out except me. I felt like a cold-hearted bitch because I wasn’t crying. But I kept asking myself that because I kept asking my guides to get me through this event, and they kept saying, “Is this you?” And it wasn’t, so the emotions, ah it was just crazy. Having that awareness, thank to Erik and my guides, got me through that event and kept me present even though everyone around me was having this massive, collective depressed energy.
Me: Yeah.
She speaks again!
Erik: So, if you guys can stay in a place where you can ask yourself emotionally, mentally and physically, if those judgments that you’re passing on yourself or accepting from others or passing onto others are yours or from someone else, then you separate yourself from absorbing the collective and turning it into your own internal dialogue or even being a channel for it. That’s even worse—accepting it and passing it along. It just takes mindfulness to think about what you’re feeling.
Me: Well, what about inner “good” judgment? What if you pass good judgments on yourself? I guess it’s the same thing. You have to be aware of whether it’s your truth, whether it’s your awareness of who you are or not. Is that okay?
Erik: Well, it’s a process, and we do it, but really, there’s no judgment. There’s just love.
Me: Okay, so just love yourself.
Erik: Yeah, you can just love yourself. It dissolves or dilutes the judgment process altogether.
Me: Can’t you say, “Wow, I really love my new hairdo” and things like that?
Erik: Yeah, as long as you don’t capitalize on it because then you create more [unintelligible] and it becomes a mess.
Me: Oh, okay.
Erik: The key word is love.
Me: Okay, anything else on judgment or karma?
Erik: Just don’t become a conduit for judgment like when people judge you, don’t pass that judgment onto others. Don’t funnel that shit through you. With karma, let’s get rid of the negative attachment. It’s just reality. You’re creating your own reality. That’s essentially what karma is.
Me: Okay, that makes sense.
Kim closes by sharing her information and the news of her new book, Inside Out: A Journey to Inner Peace, and then we all say our goodbyes.
Here is Part One of Veronica Drake’s September Q & A with Erik. If your question wasn’t asked on this one, it will be on Part Two!
