Iceland, the land of fire and ice, is truly a magical place, but aside from the hot springs and volcanos, I was pleasantly surprised by how embraced the LGBT community is there. The prime minister, for example, is an lesbian and apparently well loved. I’ve always felt that love is love is love. Sure, some of us have male bodies and some of us have female bodies, but love should know NO walls, no obstacles. So I felt a sense of pride in the Icelanders and their open-mindedness. On the other hand, it saddens me to think that those in the LGBT community must seek not only sanctuary cities like Key West, San Francisco and Cape Cod, but sanctuary countries like Iceland. How wonderful that day will be when people can show one another love without fear of persecution and without having to hide themselves among their own. I’m going to pray that that day will come some, because Love is all that matters.
And now, for those who doubt the validity of mediumship, I hope this changes your mind or at least opens it enough to let a sliver of light and hope in.
Colin Fry: Three Mediums Revisited