Erik sure does love letting everyone know he is there! Check out this Encounter with Erik. Keep them coming, as we love to share them!
I only came across you book Elisa four days ago. I finished your book. I am very happy to see what I suspected already that the soul keeps on living thanks to Erik’s confirmations. Last night I came across your site and was watching an interview with Erik you and the medium. When I drove up to my driveway I stayed outside the garage in my car because I didn’t want to stop watching. I didn’t even open the garage door. Just stayed still with the car running in front of my closed garage door. And then when I was feeling very connected with the interview and Erik all the outside lights of my house blinked once as of saying he Erik acknowledged my interest and admiration. I did thank Erik for his acknowledgment. And now I will keep watching channelingerik! Particularly I find Erik’s eyes so deeply full of love and compassion.