I received this heartwarming video from a blog member yesterday. Perfect timing considering today’s topic. Click HERE to check it out.
For those of you coming to the CE event in Houston next Friday and Saturday, most of us will be staying at the Holiday Inn Express on 4900 Federal Plaza Drive, Houston, TX. If you want me to sign my or Erik’s book, please be sure you bring them with you. For the entire itinerary, go to www.kimbabcock.net/upcoming-events.
Also, if you missed the show last night on colors, check it out here:
Listen to “Hour of Enlightenment 1/12/17” on Spreaker.
Robert: Hey there.
Me: Hi, Robert. How are you doing?
Robert: I’m fine. I’m nervous today!
He chuckles.
Me: Uh oh. It’s not because of me, is it? I’m not that scary looking, am I?
Robert: No, it’s not because of you!
Me: Maybe Erik’s been getting on your nerves lately!
Robert: He always gets on my nerves!
He laughs.
Me: Well, what do you think it is?
Robert: I just get that way sometimes before a session because sometimes they’re will be a lot of energy around me, and it kind of amps up my nervous system.
Me: Oh, yeah. I can imagine.
Robert: So then I’ll get nervous and stuff.
Me: Getting all that out through channeling is going to help.
Robert: It always does, yeah.
Me: That’s awesome.
Robert: Because I find that [the energy] will build up.
Me: Well, I want to say hi to my boy. Hi, Erik!
Erik: Hi, Mom.
Me: How are you doing?
Erik: I’m always fantastic.
Me: I know! Who wouldn’t be over there?
Erik: You know, I’ve been talking about you to everyone over here.
Me: Uh oh. They’re all lies!
Robert and Erik laugh.
Me: Tell me about that. What have you been saying?
Erik: We’ve just been talking about how wonderful you are.
Damn, I walked straight into that one!
Me: Aw, that’s so sweet!
Erik: There are not too many human beings that can experience the loss that you have and be able to do what you’ve done.
Me: Yeah. Well, it’s not easy.
Robert: I was talking about Erik earlier today to a friend of mine. He changed my life!
Robert laughs in amazement of his transformation.
Me: Aw, that’s so awesome.
Robert: It might be strange for some people to hear that, but you know how it was when you first met me. I was pretty frail, and things were pretty bad. I had health issues and stuff.
At that point, he didn’t want to continue living. He was in a very dark place.
Robert: So I was telling this friend about how he talked me through the whole thing, about how things were going to get better. And he was so patient with me because I can be, well, I had gone through so much that I kind of went into my shell, you know?
Me: Yeah.
Robert: It was difficult to get through to me sometimes. I still have issues with that, but I had never experienced a person like that in spirit. Everything changed for the better, and everything he said to me came true.
Me: Isn’t that something?
Robert: I guess the whole reason I’m saying that is because we had one session telling everyone to express their appreciation for you, and that’s part of what we were talking about earlier. He says how everyone appreciated you, but I think now we should put something in there that people can share what Erik has done for them, you know?
Me: Yeah.
So proud of my son.
Me: He’s transformed so many lives, 180 degrees. I almost said, ‘He’s changed their lives 360 degrees!’
Robert: That would be back to the start!
Robert laughs.
Me: I know! Okay, 180.
Robert: I used to say that until I realized what that meant! But yeah, people should put that in the comments.
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Robert: And it’s in line with what we’re going to talk about today because Erik is wanting to talk about love.
Me: Yeah, I thought that’d be a perfect segue! What is love, really?
Robert: Right. What is love? What does it do?
Me: Stop growling, Bella.
Robert: She’s a fierce young lady. Talk about love. She’s like a little love bucket.
Me: I know!
Robert (chuckling): I love her!
Erik: Mom, love is the thing that we’re all made of. If you want to look at it as something physical, it’s what creates the structure of everything. That structure isn’t possible without connections. You have to have connection, and those connections then enable the structure to form either through conscious thoughts or physical form or whatever. It’s the enabler of everything. Without it, we wouldn’t exist.
Me: Wow.
Erik: We call it love, as human beings, because we associate it with connection to family, friends, romantic connections, all of those things. Ultimately, what that’s doing is forming a structure.
There’s a lot of noisiness in the house.
Me: Wait, I’m trying to text people to be quiet. HEY YOU GUYS, BE QUIET UP THERE! I’M HAVING A SESSION FOR THE FREAK OF LOVING GOD! Okay.
Erik: Love itself forms a structure, so when we talk about the different labels that we put on it as human beings whether it’s familial love for your family or for your friends and romantic love. What’s that all doing? It’s creating a structure, a social structure in that instance, but it’s also the thing that enables everything to exist. And it does so unconditionally. It doesn’t say, “This can exist, and that cannot.” So it enables everything.
Robert: About a year or so ago, I was asking Erik and other spirits this, what is love? I was wondering that because it’s such an abstract thing, and he said, “Well, I’ll show you.” That’s where the whole structure thing came from. He showed me this whole network of cords running everywhere. If you look at it up close, it just looks like a bunch of cords going everywhere, but then they kind of zoomed out—and they were a silver color—and when they did, you could see that it was forming something. It was really fascinating.
Me: Forming what?
Robert: It just depended on the circumstances. In that instance, it looked like the universe. I’ve seen pictures before where they’ve shown how the universe looks very similar to the brain networking and stuff.
Erik: That’s the real cool thing about it, too. If you look at the universe itself, you’ll see a pattern emerge. Everything seems to follow a certain pattern.
Me: Energetic patterns, yeah.
Erik: Energetic patterns that you see in physical forms.
Robert: I think he might have said this before, about how, when you look at an atom, it looks like a little miniature solar system, and you can scale that up to the universe, which looks like a brain.
Erik: You wouldn’t be able to recognize those patterns at all if you didn’t have the structure, which is love.
Me: Yeah, everything is so highly patterned, even our bodies. They look amorphous or whatever, but down to the atoms, it’s highly patterned. Everything is highly patterned. All energy is. It’s got its own very unique pattern of vibrational frequency and everything. There’s a lot of physics behind all of this.
Erik: Absolutely. And another thing I want to talk about, Mom, is how, when we connect with someone like a loved one or a pet, even a material thing, the hardest things for people to get beyond is the loss of that.
Me (somberly): Yeah.
Erik: That’s a very hard lesson. Everybody goes through it.
Me: Yeah, sure.
Erik: Of course, what creates that grief, and it’s a natural response to a connection that’s being transformed, but what will perpetuate a person’s staying stuck in grief is their attachment to what used to be.
Me: Yeah.
Erik: The best way for people to get beyond that is to see that attachment in a different way, not as what was but what was given to them and then to connect to an appreciation of that.
Me: Well, yeah, because before, early on and for a long time, I was missing what used to be. I’d think about Erik when he was little, and I’d think about our intimate conversations together and our hugs and everything, and then I would think about what would never be: grandchildren, a good career, etc. But now I’m in this place where I know I still have a relationship with him. It’s different, but it’s just as real as the one we had together when he was alive.
Erik: And when we go into the appreciation of it, then that can help to, not necessarily completely get rid of the pain of not being able to physically hold that person again—
Me: Oh, yeah. Yeah. That will never completely go away for me.
Erik: Yeah, that will never go away especially with parent and child, but especially mother and child. That connection, for you as a human being, feels like it was completely cut. From our side, it’s not that way. We still always have the connection. So that creates the hurt even when you connect to the appreciation. The appreciation just makes it so that you can find some hope and see a broader side to things, and to see, in my case, how I’ve changed so many people’s lives. Out of all this tragedy that has happened—
Robert (tearing up): This is one of my favorite lines.
Erik: –something beautiful came of it, you know, for a lot of people.
Me (choking up): Yeah, including Erik. Erik, you’re happy now for the first time. Well, maybe not for the first time, but…
Erik: I’m just unencumbered. In life, I was encumbered. I’m not encumbered anymore, so I can be who I really am. I couldn’t be that way in life. When I hit adolescence, things started to change. When I was a kid, that’s how you see me now.
Me: You were so happy all the time! Just so happy.
Erik: That’s the way I am now. We go back to the way we were as children, but we have this side of us that’s like an adult. That’s another key when it comes to loving everything and creating connections. You have to know how to meld those two side: the childlike side with the wise adult side.
Me: Yeah, I see both in you. But the realization that we still have a relationship even though it’s different and that you are happy and transforming so many lives, including Robert’s, has gone a long way to heal me. Not completely, of course. That will probably never happen until after I cross over. I want to suggest to everybody who has lost an animal companion or loved one that you can continue to have that relationship. They’re not gone forever. They just don’t have a body and are in a different dimension. That’s the long and short of it.
Robert: Yeah, Erik was just quoting something my guides have said a long time ago when I was a kid, not just for me, but for everybody.
Erik: Life is painful. It’s difficult. There’s going to be a lot of loss. There are going to be things you don’t want to accept, but if you’re going to get through your lives, including the one you’re living now, you have to find something in that loss that’s valuable. Then you have to take that and turn it into something beautiful. The value you find in that loss is that beautiful thing.
Me: There is always value in pain.
Erik: Yeah.
Me: Even a painful childhood. Through my childhood full of abuse, I became more assertive, more compassionate, and I became a much better mother than I probably would have been otherwise. I’m super nurturing much to the annoyance of my kids.
Robert laughs. He knows.
Me: Especially when I ask them to sit in my lap. They don’t like that very much, especially when it’s in front of their friends, but whatever. It’s a mom’s right! I heard that—and maybe it’s just with sons—you can find a son’s DNA in the mother after she gives birth.
Robert: Yeah, I read that, and the son’s DNA is also found in the mother.
Me: That’s what I said. So the mother’s DNA is also in each cell of the son?
Robert: Yeah, I think it was in the mitochondria.
Me: Oh, the mitochondrial DNA?
Robert: Mm hm. I think so.
Me: Not with daughters, then?
Robert: I read the same article, and I don’t think they could tell with daughters. There’s too much similarity, I guess, but with males they could tell.
Me: I don’t know if it would affect the grief or not.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. Rune, Arleen, Bella and I are going camping in Galveston! Hopefully the sun will continue to heal me! For those of you enduring or bracing for harsh weather, I’ll pray for you. Please be careful!
Here are some powerful quotes: