Kim is flying to Denver today for the first of our multi-city tour! So exciting. She plans to take a ton of videos, which we’ll edit into a montage of sorts, so that you can all see what you’re missing and benefit, at least in part, from the experience even if you couldn’t attend. I’m betting money that everyone who does attend comes out of it with new and lifelong friends and a changed life.
Remember that tonight at 7 PM CT is Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show. Call 619-639-4606 15 minutes prior to talk to Erik or click HERE.
Okay, so I know the title of this post has some of you scratching your heads, but that’s because these are two separate subjects too short to post alone.
Me: Okay, why are some people who are just so unlucky? Everything bad seems to come their way. They get flat tires on the way to work; they get laid off; their house gets termites; their spouse cheats on them. What the heck is that all about?
Erik: What so many people don’t realize is that they create everything in their lives and their Higher Self designs it that way for the best possible string of lessons. So their illnesses, their “bad luck,” their “good luck,” their successes, their failures, they create these all for themselves. But if they just think, “Fuck I’m down on my luck” and they roll over and whine and feel sorry for themselves, all they do with that negative emotion is attract more shit into their lives. The people who understand that the lessons in their life are supposed to be there and that they’re gonna grow from them focus on happiness. That positive emotion attracts more happiness.
Me: So it’s all about shifting our perspective on our trials and tribulations? We should see them as good things, positive tools for growth?
Erik: Yeah, exactly.
(Easier said than done. Or is it?)
Me: Psychedelics like D.M.T. and mushrooms—what effect do they have spiritually. So they just disconnect the soul from the body? I mean, what happens? Why do people get so out of body and have these spiritual experiences? Are they just hallucinations?
Erik: No! Hallucinations—that’s when—
Erik (laughing and rapping his head): Man, I’m preaching to the choir, aren’t I?
Erik was plagued by auditory hallucinations when he developed psychotic episodes from his disease.
Erik: Mom, you know as well as I do that hallucinations are a reality-based misconception. So, you’re looking at a tree, and the tree starts talking to you. Then it starts to bend and warp and melt. That’s hallucinations.
Me: Okay.
Erik: But these psychedelics are allowing the mind to let go of how they define their own life and how they define the capability of the tree. The tree doesn’t melt. The tree becomes more luminous, and you bond with the tree, and you become one with the tree, and you feel what the tree is going through. You make that connection. Now THAT’S a fucking spiritual journey.
Me: Okay, so—
Erik: People can do it in deep meditation, but c’mon! Everybody’s fucking drowning themselves in material shit and things to do and crap that they don’t have time for that. They gotta have that outlet. I think it should be mandatory that at age 21—
Jamie (laughing): You’re serious!
Me: Oh, boy. I’m bracing myself already.
Erik: Yeah! At age 21, every person has to go through psychedelic therapy, if not once, then twice, and have it spaced between three to five years apart.
Me: Hmm!
Erik: But they should have a trained therapist with them at all times to help you work through the spiritual enlightenment you get in the process. Think about the people that would come into this world after that!
Me: Oh, wow! Yeah.
Erik: It would affect our politics, our government—
Me: Exactly! But how does it work, specifically? Does it disconnect the soul from the mind?
Erik: Yes.