Slowly but surely, I’m making my way through all the Erik Encounters you’ve submitted. I think I’m around the October ones. I just want to thank you all for being patient and promise that I will post them!
Today, I’m trying to get a lot of work done on the blog and write a couple of articles for magazines. Fortunately, Rune is at the track because it’s a race weekend, so I get the house to myself. He really wants me to spend the night up there tonight, but there are no dogs allowed at the track so I’d have to leave Bella with Kristina. Kristina’s cramming for a big exam, so taking care of two dogs would mess with her studying mojo. I don’t know why I shared that because it’s really boring, but that’s my life!
Enjoy these great stories!
Story #1
I don’t think I have shared this yet, but have been meaning too….not long after I stumbled upon my first Erik videos on youtube my car wouldn’t start. I was told to climb under the car and hit the starter with a wrench, so I did, and it worked. But it kept happening, but only once in a while. Then one day in the rain when I was late it happened again, and as I was crawling around on the wet ground I started laughing and thought it was Erik’s idea of a joke….the car worked after that. I don’t know if it was him or not, but it felt like him. Thanks for everything Erik!
Story #2
Man do I love what you are doing with the books, videos and forum here! Anyway I want to thank Erik once again for helping me out on so many levels! I remembered reading how he has the ability to manipulate energy to move solid objects etc. and one day when I was outside I glanced over at my motorcycle thinking it might as well be a huge paper weight at this point because I had lost the key to it several months ago and tore the house, garage, and car up looking for it every other week since with only more frustration. Anyway I thought of Erik and started thinking, wouldn’t it be cool if he could work his magic on the situation and sure enough a week later he did! I know it was him because I got pranked the night before when I got out of bed and tripped over our cat on the way to the bathroom, on the way back to bed I heard a loud meow and this larger than life image of a cartoonish cat popped up right in front of my face as I was getting back into bed! It didn’t freak me out too much because I had a similar experience 20 years prior to this one that I researched and gained enough depth in understanding to know this is probably the way clairvoyants like Jamie see spirits. So the very next day I’m looking for a pen in my desk drawer and plain as day there was my long lost key, just sitting in the middle of the mostly empty drawer like someone placed it to be easily spotted! This is the same drawer I tore apart and emptied on too many occasions along with every other drawer in the house looking for that damn key! If anyone else had found my key they would have handed it too me directly knowing how crazy I’ve been looking for it so I had no doubt especially after last night’s prank, who I had to thank for this. Erik has done other things like when I was watching Elisa and Jamie’s video on my laptop something popped up on my wife’s laptop that was related to the subject on the video I was watching and she got a little freaked out about it cause in that moment her computer acted like it had a mind of it’s own. Anyway as far as my motorcycle I’m cleaning the carbs and getting it ready to start riding and enjoying once again thanks to Erik. 🙂 I totally get why Erik does these pranks besides the obvious funny side to it. When people have a personal experience as opposed to just reading about it they get that confirmation that it’s not just bs, this stuff is real and allows you to let go of that ego a little more enough to allow the healing process that loss through death brings the need for. Losing the people you love just plain hurts but knowing they hear our prayers feels amazing! Thank you Elisa and Erik for the work you guys are doing and the book,”My Life after Death” is Amazing! It’s one of those books I’ve waited my whole life to read! Since I was a kid back when my mother passed away she has paid me visit after visit in my dreams letting me know she not only still existed but had work as a guide as well. This amazing book not only fills in all the gaps but gives me confirmation after confirmation of what I imagined my mother went through after she left this world. I am so incredibly grateful I can’t even find the words to express my gratitude properly!!!
Story #3
Hello Elisa. I read The book My life after Death and follow channeling Erik, videos and so on.The video about not going forward and getting stuck was very helpfull for me and let me make decisions. So i read storys about encounters and never had one. So i was searching on you tube and i couldn’t find a video and i was thinking Eric maybe you can help. A few minutes later someone was messing with the computer and it jumped on a video from awakingwithJP with the title “Ask Me Anything! Chatting with you” it made me laugh so much it was so funny. I hope he understand dutch i called him ‘stom kieken’ that means stupid chicken ,that somebode who is silly and funny Groetjes Els
Story #4
Well, I am not going to share any details of an encounter, but somehow this page on the Facebook pops up and there I see Erik, 6th October, 2009 the day he said goodbye to this world, and today is 6th October, at least in my part of the world……and 6th October happens to be my son’s bday as well….so not sure what the co-incidence is, but I am sure, today Erik wanted me to write this blog for some reasons, dont know what….. and after reading both the books, I can say that with surety that he made me write this…thanks Erik, you are a good Soul/Guide and everything….thanks for your friendship, and keep the support coming….as I write this I can smell something…..Erik….is that you….confirm.
Take care my friend and good bye for now.