Stories like these are balm for a (slightly) broken heart. Thanks for sharing these testimonials. I’m only in July 2018 so if you submit an Erik encounter (“Share Your Story” button) or a testimonial (“Share Your Praise” button), please be patient. If it’s urgent, you can email me!
Praise #1
I’ve been following Erik for months and have not said my thanks directly to you and your family, I wish to do it now in this post!
I have enjoyed following Erik from the first video that I clicked on, I still remember my first thought when seeing the title “Channeling Erik…” i was a bit unsure of what the content might be, then my interest grew bigger and bigger as I read and listened on… I think my 110% belief in Erik took place while i was listening to the interview with Mr. Edgar Cayce’s spirit, as I heard Elisa mentioned some aspects of Mr. Cayce which to my knowledge wasn’t quite right, what the medium then said (while translating for Mr. Cayce’s spirit) to sort of correct what Elisa had mentioned earlier I knew then that I was in for a treat!
I kept following Erik as from the first video posted in YT and still going strong, Erik has confirmed for me so many lessons that I’ve learnt from my own research from Ajahn Brahm to Mr. Cayce, Dr. Ian Stevesons, Dr. Jim Tucker, Dr. Newton, Dr. Weiss, and as Erik suggested that I heard from one of the videos I am now reading Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, I am absolutely grateful for you Erik to introduce me to this teaching of Mr. Tolle! I also thank you Dr. Elisa Medhus for your tireless effort to reach out to as many as you can to help them heal! As for me, you have helped me to know the truth!
I wish and I should pray for more people to join in with us in this awakening as the sooner we all do the better we will all be!
Thanks to all your mediums for their hard work in delivering those wisdom of the people from the spirit world, I feel so blessed to be able to watch them via your channel.
A big thank to Erik’s grandfather when he was interviewed I was in tears when knowing that he had a rough childhood being sent to boarding schools, my heart sank and felt for him! (Elisa here. I can feel what a tender and loving heart you have. Your energy is very special.)
I’m in my early fifty and semi retired living in Sydney Australia, I have four children and a husband whom I often tell of what i learnt was from following Erik, i think when they passed their first shock of who Erik was, they now got used to who Erik is, my coolest teacher!
Hope I have not bored you all but I truly can talk about Erik all day!
Thanks, Kim, for such a heart-warming story.
Praise #2
My sister accidentally came upon this website and called me to tell me all about it. I was taken by all Erik’s Channeling’s that I have been so hooked on this website and telling others about it. I started attending a class in San Diego, California where I live at Intuitive Insights. They teach us how to communicate with spirit and provide us other tools. I shared this website with the class. I was wondering if you hold events in San Antonio, Texas or San Diego, California. I go to San Antonio every six months to see my family and I would love to attend one of these events. I have been on this sight practically everyday for hours that I had a dream about Erik. He has answered so many questions about life and the afterlife that it is so amazing that you have this phenomenal website. I was wondering if you could one day channel Bobbi Cristina Brown, Adam Goldstein (DJ AM), Mark and Debby Constantino and the mysterious death of Gaurav Tiwari. Most of the things Erik explains is almost exactly like the book Journey of Souls by Michael Newton. Thank you and thank you Erik for your answers about the afterlife.
Elisa here: We have all sorts of events and get togethers in Houston. It’s be awesome if, when you’re in San Antonio, you can drive in and have fun with us. If you are interested, I can put you on the get-together email list. Just email me at
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!!
Featured image is the creation of artist, Eric Gribch. Have him paint a portrait of your loved one, too! His Facebook page is