Quantum theory is correct and inaccurate simultaneously, correct within those self-imposed limits but inaccurate because it pre-supposes limits that don’t exist.
Look at the two dimensional drawing Nassim shows where he says it’s really a sphere; THAT’S RIGHT! Picture a three dimensional triangle just as Nassim shows in his circle, a 3 dimensional triangle (a tetrahedron; tetra means 4 [four] because it has 4 corners and -hedron is a suffix meaning a solid figure bounded by a certain number of planes, a cube, an object with 6 square sides, is a hexahedron, 6 planes, etc.)
Imagine it can spin at any speed inside the sphere it occupies. It doesn’t “occupy” the sphere, it “defines” it.
Spin a coin on a tabletop; you see a sphere – a globe – don’t you? Now imagine the 4 cornered tetrahedron spinning like the coin, it forms a sphere also. The tetrahedron has 4 triangle sides and 4 corners; but three corners on each triangle 3 x 4 = 12 (a dozen). 12 / 2 = 6… Do we now see where the 5 dimensions come from? The significance of a dozen and the reason no piece of paper can be folded more than 6 times, no matter what the size? After six folds it unfolds?
Each side of the tetrahedron is one dimension, its four points are the fourth dimension and the sphere it defines is THE FIFTH DIMENSION (not, not the music group, which I liked a lot)
We are trained to see the world in 3 dimensions…physicists dismiss this because they don’t have a way to measure it and define it with a mathematical formula, because they can’t come up with the formula. That’s like arriving at a house and instead of appreciating its appearance, immediately running up to it and taking measurements of its sides, height etc….those are all there, but they attempt to define the house with its mathematical formula…the formula EXPLAINS it but does not DEFINE it.
OK, to review:
1st Dimension: 1st side of the tetrahedron
2nd Dimension: the next side (count right to left or left to right, as your political preference prefers [there are no Liberals or Conservatives outside our limited three dimensions; sorry politicians!)
3rd Dimension: the next side of the tetrahedron
4th Dimension: the fourth side and four corners of the tetrahedron
5th Dimension: “Up up and Away, in my beautiful, my beautiful, balloon” the lyrics from one of their HIT songs….this ain’t a coincidence folks!!! Look up the words, stars, clouds moon, love, together…those lyrics are telling us something!)
The 5th Dimension is the SPHERE; the GLOBE defined by the 4 points of the 4th dimension.
Now…how large or small is the sphere? Infinitely large or small DEPENDING on its order in the universe. Here we run into a problem with the physicists…they run up to the “house” and start measuring, or trying to INSTEAD of standing back and looking at it and deciding if it’s the size needed, what it looks like and what it’s for and who and what are inside.
Travel and density; Nassim talked about space inside atoms and infinite density of that space…99.99999999999% (don’t quote me on the number of 9s there….please) let’s look at that “density” for a moment……density is a term used to mean thickness; more solid than other things. Steel is more dense than jello….and so forth. Let’s look at that atom we believe is the smallest component….(except for the subatomic particles, of course…) the nucleus has a proton and a neutron and electrons orbit that nucleus. (See that sphere again?) Nassim talked about the speed of orbit, matching the speed of light; it’s the same. Why is a neutron “neutral” and what makes a proton positively charged? Why are the electrons negatively charged? What keeps them apart? That vast, dense space in between them? A presidential order? The atom can pass through another atom and a molecule can pass through another molecule and a group of molecules can pass through a group, ever larger but WHY and HOW?
Remember WWI airplanes where the machine gun was coordinated to shoot between passes of the propeller blades? They missed each other? Well the differences in vibration between atoms allow the atoms to pass through each other….
Go back to my example of being able to see an event three times…how can you be at the scene…then halfway to the moon and “see” it again and then be on the moon’s surface and “see” it a third time? Because….(drum roll)…..you can vibrate faster than the LIMITED speed of the molecules, atoms, their electrons and light from them and move through space at a faster rate.
What’s a sound wave? We can see a wave as it passes through water; the water rises and falls and returns to its previous state…the water itself doesn’t change BUT something moves it, right? OK…sound moves a lot faster through a solid than a liquid, which in turn moves a lot faster than through a gas…..and sound underwater is so sharp, right?
Now imagine a MORE DENSE medium…the “space” between the atoms….the FORCE! (Use the Force, Luke) Well…..it is so much MORE dense….the atoms and its components are LIMITED in speed of movement – vibration – by the DENSITY of the surrounding space…..BUT movement through that space can be VERY fast…WHAT moves though that space? What moves through water to make a wave? Through the air to make sound and through distance to transmit radio? What is it that moves? “An electromagnetic wave” we’re told.
Yeah, right.
And the electromagnetic wave is……….what? Who’s the guy blowing up the balloon with the coins on it?
OK, for the physicists out there…density of space inside the atom is measured as 43πr3
This is the formula for volume of a sphere….oooops, there are those pesky 4s and 3s again (see above)……π is 3.14 (well, really the proportion of a circle – or a sphere’s – circumference to its diameter, the distance around the outside compared to the distance from side to side through the center….its value is infinite ∞
What is matter? Does it “matter’?? Yes, certainly, but what…..is….it? Has it been defined exactly??
OK let’s fast forward to movement……you are here, now, and you’re at the center of your sphere….you want to……see Erik! You think about him…how does your thought reach him? From the edge of your sphere, along the edge of the next sphere larger, which unfolds (unfolds!!! Important word…) unfolds to the next sphere….which is the tetrahedron vibrating at the next higher speed, to the next one…..6 times UP and then 6 times DOWN…in proportion to the exact distance the “thought” needs to travel and it arrives….remember the speed of vibration is INFINITE because of the density of the “space” inside the sphere as defined by the 5 dimensions…….that sphere is a multiple of spheres within it….and the sphere is but one of an infinite number of spheres OUTSIDE itself……you arrive at your chosen place because all the “spheres” shift and rearrange around you in larger and smaller steps to arrive at the chosen place…..you don’t travel to the place, it comes to you….you remain in place……..INFINITE DENSITY….the electrons of one sphere, being the “tips” of the triangled sides of the tetrahedron they form, vibrating at speed, synchronize at a multiple of the vibration of the next “sphere” the tips of its rotation within, much larger of course, and off you go, in turn and in step in perfect proportion of 6/6 of the 4s and 3s of the sphere as defined by 43 πr3 where r = half the diameter (radius).
Physicists dismiss this because it’s outside of the dimensionality we’ve all been taught to perceive…we don’t measure what we cannot see, do we? Do you measure the balance and amount in an unknown person’s bank account?
Nassim correctly identifies the erroneous effort to build an accelerator of higher and higher velocity to break apart an atom (the famous atom smashers) as a futile effort…..the matter and substance we so readily perceive as solid and of substance to our ability to sense it is only a subset, a subsidiary of the REAL matter and substance, slowed down and set aside, below and underneath reality, with a purpose. The limited dimensionality of our world must exist to cause us to operate within it and thus be limited to the influences of it so that we can focus on them and experience them WITHOUT the real forces of the REAL universe distracting us.
Let’s look at the formulaic approach traditional physicists prefer…..we like to put up a number as a symbol of quantity, amount or available material, and then apply a rule to the possible set of numbers, which can vary, thus it’s called a variable. “x” is very popular, isn’t it?
Some examples:
Expansion of a sum
(Patrick’s original formula lost formatting in the transfer to this post, so I had to find an image to insert. Not sure if this is what he wants, but if you’re anything like me, you won’t understand it anyhoo. Hee hee)
Pythagoris’ Theorem
Quadratic, 4 variables….x, a, b and c
What if the value of the range of the variable is OUTSIDE known and accepted possible amounts? Then these equations might not be valid, would they? How would any one of us react when told our house, our life, our marriage and our relationships with children are not valid? They certainly are valid but are they completely OUTSIDE the limitations we’ve set around ourselves?
This is the great challenge faced by modern society; as we understand more of the physicality, we begin to understand we do NOT understand all of it and there is much more to it, and we cannot develop a way to measure and quantify it SO……we dismiss analysis of it as “kooky” and not serious.
Just as Copernicus, and Einstein, and Aristotle and Martin Luther and Nassim Haramein are generally considered kooky.
Quiz tomorrow at 10 AM, class.
Ah, Professor Patrick. Only you can make learning such a hoot. (Sorry to use such technical jargon in that sentence.) All I can say is, I’m skipping class tomorrow. Just sayin’. Here’s what I hope the test is like. (It’s a cheat sheet, so I’ve given you the answer. Now, you owe me, big time!)