Nasty Things That go BOO!, Part Two

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This is for you, Erik!! Now for Part Two of Nasty Things That go BOO!

Me: But how do you get rid of them? Oh, first of all, are there people who tend to attract possessions?

Erik: Yeah, and those are the people who lack boundaries. Normally it’s people who lack a sense of self-worth and confidence and are always open to receiving from other people. “Hey, can you give me something to make me feel better? Will you like me, please? Will you like me, please?” That opens them up not just to other people but to ghosts, spirits and things like that.

Me: Do certain negative emotions like depression and, you know, alcoholism—

Not an emotion, dummy.

Me: Do those attract them?

Erik: Depression, everything you’ve listed shows up because of that lack of worth, lack of boundaries, lack of understanding of self. So yes, those arrive.

Me: So what do you do, an exorcism?

Erik: Dude, most of the time, Mom, people who are even that depressed and not feeling well know they aren’t right.

Me: Okay.

I guess he means they don’t feel right when they’re possessed, but it’s not entirely clear.

Erik: Most of the time it’s a motivator to set boundaries and cleanse themselves. They do it all on their own. “Fucking stop this shit now.” They yell at themselves; they tear at themselves. They really just set themselves straight. They don’t need like a priest or whatever.

Me: But not all the time!

Erik: Right, but not all the time, because some go so far they don’t even recognize who they are anymore. It’s just who they are now. They’ve lost themselves. Normally what happens is a family or close friend goes, “Hey listen. We don’t know what else to do. We’ve done therapy; we’ve done drugs; we’ve done everything. Let’s get the priest in.” We have an energetic healer, and they comb through it.” Maybe there’s not just one possession. Maybe there are two or three who are feeding off this human’s energy. So they have to kind of pull them apart like taking apart a sandwich, you know, the bread, the ham, the cheese and everything, take it all apart and protect the human so that they can’t come back in. And they teach the human how to set boundaries and take care of their energetic bodies, which is what we should fucking be teaching our children—not to just pay attention to the goddamn skin we have, but to look at the energetic layers around us.

Me: Sing it, brother! Well what do we tell people who are out there who think they have some sort of dark energy—ghost or what have you—around the house. Maybe it’s not a possession or maybe it is. What do we tell them?

Erik (annunciating slowly): Find a stable person who can help them. The reason I won’t just throw out, “Find someone who works with energy and spirits” is because there are so many people out there who go, “Oh I’ll take your money. That’s a $1000. I’m going to need another $500 to come back and make sure it’s clear, and $250 every other week to make sure…” This “feed me money to take care of you energetically’ is [bullshit.] Find somebody who, yeah, they might charge, they come; you pay them $500. They clean the house; they clean you, and they teach you how to do it. Then they’re available as a mentor at no cost to make sure you’re owning it and that you can take care of it. You don’t need to create a world where everyone is sucking on everyone else’s tit because they can’t do it themselves.

Jamie laughs, clearly a little embarrassed.

Me: Well there are things we can do ourselves, right?

Erik: Yes. Yes, and we are all able and capable of taking care of our own energy and protecting it. You don’t have to have a certain belief system. You don’t have to have a certain power. You don’t have to have a certain ability. It’s our natural ability to be able to take care of the energetic body.

Me: Okay. What sorts of things can we do around the house if we think we have evil spirits because not all of us can afford to hire somebody, and I wouldn’t even know how to begin to look? It’s probably not in the Yellow Pages, is it?

Erik: That’s right. It’s not going to be in the Yellow Pages.

Me: Yelp.

Erik: It’s going to be a special find by word of mouth to get someone who’s extremely reputable and who’s kind and takes it seriously.

Jamie: He was teasing before about what can you do if you don’t have money that you can light a fire and dance around it.

Me: Whatever works, man!

Erik: Be a lot of fun, I’ll tell you that.

That boy used to love fire.

Me: Slaughtering a pig in the middle of the living room. That might do it.

Jamie: Oh god.

Erik: Okay, so if you don’t have the means or hardware, you have to sit down with yourself and really describe what your needs are. What do you need to happen, and how are you feeling about it? What kind of respect are your requiring? Then you have to look at where the holes are like let’s say you do all this work, and at the end you go, “I don’t know. It’s probably all fucking bullshit.” Well guess what? It’s all fucking bullshit, and you just ruined everything you just did. If you’re going to do it, you’ve got to commit to it, and you’ve got to believe in it. So I think you need to sit down with yourself beforehand, write out what you need to have happen for yourself in your body, in your home, and then write down where your holes are and how you’re going to work around those. I like visuals a lot, so if you can imagine your words paint a picture or have a certain color to it. Create this statement. You can call it a prayer, an affirmation, and intent; call it whatever the fuck you want. Once you have that visual attached to the words, you can see the visual show up around the windows and doors. If you like the idea of using a vacuum, and you don’t like the idea of using a visual, then fucking go get out your vacuum, man. Stand in the middle of your room, turn the vacuum on, and say, “I call upon—“ and call upon whoever: your angels, God, Judah, Buddha, Hoodah.

Jamie (laughing): He’s rhyming now. He’s rhyming.

I chuckle.

Erik: –to come forward and help protect you and pull in all the energy that’s attached to the house and, you know, the bad shit that you don’t want anymore. Then say it again and again and again and again and just let it run. Take your vacuum bag, close it up, put it in the garbage and take it off of your property. That gives you a very good visual. It gets you focused. It gets you to pay attention to your words. Yeah, if somebody’s watching you, they’re probably going to laugh their fucking asses off because you just used a vacuum cleaner to suck the [bad] energy out of your house. But it’s an instrument, a tool, and you can use it any way you see fit.

Me: And you do your housekeeping at the same time.

Jamie: I like that because I often tell people that when they dust, think about collecting the energy in the house they don’t want. I’ve never heard of the vacuum cleaner, though.

Me: I like that one.

Erik: I like things that are a good clean visual because if your lacking faith in yourself, you can rely on a strong visual. You want to protect your windows, your doors, your ceiling, your floors and all the walls.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do, guys. I love you so, so much! In fact, I’m posting a surprise YouTube in the next day or so. Be sure you subscribe to the Channeling Erik Channel to get the notification! Have a great weekend!

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Elisa Medhus

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