Here’s another great “Erik Story.” I decided to post this and a testimonial instead of a regular blog post because we’re just about to take off for Eureka Springs, AR to spend the day! Should be fun.
I myself totally feel like I was lead right to this blog 🙂 I don’t feel like anything in life is a coincidence and that everything I have endured in this life time and perhaps past lifetimes has lead me to this exact moment in time where I am sharing now with you!
I always knew I had a connection to the spirit world I had experiences of my own as a little girl before and after surgeries . Although I didn’t know well let’s day I forgot this part of my spiritual contract 😉
” Stumbling” across your YouTube page lead me right here and ever since I got here my life has changed forever and more beautiful then I could have dreamed!
Erik began talking to me, at first I thought I was crazy like so many of us do! It was like literally having a conversation in my head by myself ! But he lead me to my new and old friend Heather from the blog ! She has been a blessing and we recently found out through Erik an older sister and mother in past lives 😉 so here we are again on this incredible journey together 😉
Heather has helped me to validate what’s been going on with me and my connection to Erik helping me understand this process:)
So Erik showed up in my living room last week sitting in my husbands lazy boy chair which is right next to my couch were I was sitting ( I see him in my minds eye) he leans into me with his face on his hands saying ” you see me now??” Making funny faces at me !!! I started laughing he says ” damn this chair is comfy” I laughed again an said ” and I’m talking to a dead dude who’s sitting in my husbands chair wtf?” He started laughing back and then walked over to my standing jembe drum ..
I could see him banging away on my drum and I could hear the beat in my head ! He was damn good !!! He was going nuts making these ridiculous faces and I just started balling crying like mad but crying and smiling at the same time!! ” I see you I see you , and I can ear you your really fucking good dude ” I gave him the thumbs up and he came and kissed me on my fore head ! I was so filled with joy it was like I was literally going to explode.
I told him ok ok I have to get ready for work ! I thought that would be my only encounter with him that day , but he showed up at the art shop ! I’m seeing his vibration now his energy so I can tell where he is in the room , wether he’s standing or sitting ..
So he is standing next to my blank canvas and I’m sitting there eating my sandwich and he says so are you gonna get off your ass and do something today hahaha points to my blank canvas like ” Tada” so I said ya ya ok I get it can’t a girl eat a damn sandwich ? Our personalities are ALOT ALIKE. I’m known for being a huge prankster myself !!! Best prank as of today , a toilet placed in my friends hard with a sign that said ” public use 25 cents per shit” as an ohenry bar in the bowl and a quarter in the money box hahahah top that Erik !!!
So then he started bouncing around the shop asking me to tell him where he was at one point he was in the front window making faces at people walking by hahahah I was like DUDE!! He says relax they can’t see me hahaha .. Erik is now helping me channel and teaching me all these amazing things ! I’m channeling paintings through him and he says I will be channeling pairings from across the veil for people who want a painting from their loved ones 😉 I just did one for heather from Erik and you can see it on the fb blog !!! I look to many many many many more days spent with Erik for he told me I was his sister in a past life but also an old school friend so he also is my new old friend 😉 I love you Elisa for opening this world up to all of us your such an amazing woman and mother 😉 I love you Erik you little shit hahah you are the best thing that’s happened to me since the birth I my babies 😉 love to you all