First, I have a couple of announcements. Here are some of the upcoming events Jamie and Erik are hosting. They sound like fun!
Jamie’s Web Channeling with Erik
Wednesday, October 16 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM EST
Please register here
Jamie and Erik’s Web Class Spooktacular – Learning to Use an Ouija Board
Wednesday, October 30 from 6:00 to 6:45 PM EST
Please register here
Channeling Erik Web Workshop – Perception, Acceptance and Spiritual Flatulence
Friday and Saturday, November 8-9
To learn more, please go here
Also, I had a great time participating in a Google Hangout session hosted by my publisher. Listen to it here and enjoy some of the great offers they have (none of which I will benefit from financially, just to let you know.) One of the things you can get is a session where Jamie trance channels Erik! I don’t know how many peeps she can accommodate, so please watch the session for directions.
Me: First let’s talk about kind of a general one. What about pain? What’s the spiritual basis for pain and how do we resolve it. How can we approach it from a spiritual standpoint?
Jamie (under her breath): Approach it from a spiritual standpoint.
Erik: Pain was necessary for the human body to keep us safe, so it has a function, but yeah, when we’re talking about—I’m assuming you’re talking about long-term pain.
Me: Yeah, chronic pain.
Erik: Well that’s just fucked up. That shit hurts. It can turn your life inside out. Why people signed up for this or why it happens spiritually? Pain helps a person stay grounded in the physical body. Whenever the physical body is screaming louder, the emotional body and the mental body, you know you’re out of balance. And commonly the body is screaming because your mental body doesn’t want to take the time to recognize what it is that the physical body needs. We’ve been programmed to believe that ignorance is bliss, that if we ignore that little bit of a twinge, it’ll go away with time. We’re not really signed up in the American culture that maintenance is required to stay healthy. We just have this thing where we think our bodies are kick-ass and that they’re going to repair themselves. Most of the time, it can, but we actually need attention from the mental body and the emotional body and that doesn’t happen unless we get someone in our lives, not just a physical doctor which means one that addresses the physical body, but also someone in our lives that can help us with our mental structure—meditation, therapy, and someone who can help us with the emotional acceptance of our physical pain or condition. So many people who are in chronic pain go to their physician and they go, “Okay, this is what is happening, and the physician goes, “Okay, I’m looking at your physical body” when they should be looking at the belief system. What is the mind doing for the body? Because when the two aren’t working together, you do get a chronic pain. (Erik taps his chest.) My personal belief is that no one needs to live with chronic pain. It’s the brain picking up on the signal. My guesstimate is that 60 to 70% of the signals that your brain received aren’t even accurate. It’s a phantom signal. You’re actually not in pain. If you had somebody who knew neurological awareness, brain function, then it could easily be rewired and the bulk of the pain would be gone. Then you’d be dealing with the specific physical injury. That would come with maintenance, physical therapy and sometimes surgery. Long story short, chronic pain happens to people who are signing up for the idea that they cannot do for themselves, that they have to have some kind of pain quality because they’re not strong enough to overcome what it is. I apologize if I’m pushing people’s buttons, because you might be sitting there with chronic pain and damn well say you’re the best fucking fighter that there is out there and that you’ve done everything under the sun, but I guarantee it, if you haven’t reached the end results you want, you haven’t done everything under the sun, and somewhere along the line you decided that the fight you were giving was all that you had. Then you’ve reached a dead-end. We all create our own dead ends. You can create a window right next to you and crawl out of that shit if you want to. But sometimes people need to have dead ends. They feel trapped, that nobody’s helping them, that they’re alone, and really, like I said before, what they’re needing is a physician, a mental therapist –and that again could be the mediation, the belief system, how thought patterns are wrapped around disease, illness, pain, all that. And then you need somebody who can take care of the emotional body. Until we get a healthcare system that’s structured like that, you’re going to go out there and fucking hand pick those people yourself. Bitch and complain so they’ll communicate with each other or just carry your fucking files every time you go into an office and hand them over and give them back so that everybody knows what’s going on. YOU are in control of having a pain-free, disease-free body and it’s absolutely achievable.