Today we open the microphones and allow The Committee to proceed as they might.

As always, ST = substitute teacher C = The Committee

ST:      Our well regarded Committee, you no doubt have taken note of the number of readers looking over answers to questions posted here; yours truly as the plumber, knows not what water through the tubing flows, as do all of you. What messages need be given? This is open microphone Saturday.

C:        There are days and ways to provide the better for your understanding, as the cycles of your Earth provide for them and it is to your great benefit to see this; some things will work better at some moments than others. All there is in the universe passes through a cyclical pattern and as the alignments will favor a certain combination so will the pieces of it mesh well.

ST:      There are many questions, always, about upcoming change; can you tell us something about humanity and life’s patterns in general?

C:        Change always takes place; the idea that influences beyond control will cause whatever effect they might will always compete with feelings of control and ability to dominate those influences and their effects, to use them to one’s advantage. Both are what occur all the time; the forces beyond your control are not; outside the control you can step. You have gone to Earth to experience the dynamic of these ideas pressing against one another.

ST:      What can be said about terrible storms, physical damage and other forces of nature in how humans are subject to them?

C:        Of course you all see yourselves as the affected by these events and so it has been intended by you. Collectively, all humans can change these things, yet this is not recognized.

ST:      We could wish away storms if we chose to?

C:        Yes.

ST:      How?

C:        A sufficient number of you, all thinking this simultaneously.

ST:      Humans have this power?

C:        Yes, always.

ST:      Is it a part of our time on Earth to not recognize this power?

C:      No, not at all. It was never an idea of incarnation, to live in a physical body, that your abilities would be diminished. The idea is always that awareness be limited to that perceived through the senses your physical body processes.

ST:      So this is the idea of the shift?

C:        Part of it, yes. This is a scheduled shift; the progress, achievement and state of affairs in which humanity finds itself today was not scheduled; it has been achieved, this is the way to state this. There have been great efforts to gain for the collective good and also for the individual benefit, often these things conflicting. There has arisen a victim way of thinking in some people, as a result. This is with merit; as this has occurred. To establish an idea of one group versus the other works against the betterment of both, and it is this we would hope improves greatly with the awareness that will wash over the Earth.

ST:      We are both fascinated and horrified by conspiracy; especially where we see it committed by traitors against their own.

C:       There will be revealed instances of these things, as your Earth begins to operate differently. In this there will be great lessons; one common reaction will be to punish. Curiously, the great majority of humanity soon aware of such misdeeds will have little interest in punishment. The changes to life’s patterns and the circumstances around which such a misdeed was created, the advantage it sought to gain for the actors involved, these will quickly become impossible to repeat. One great lesson in your time on Earth is permanence; returning to a previous point to undo and recreate is not possible. The reaction not its cause will it unravel; so little will be seen as achieved. As thinking refocuses about history, the maps of your possible futures, the ideas about what should be pursued will juxtapose, if that is not too odd a word, with what could be repaired, which most likely, it cannot.

ST:      Speak about this permanence, if you can.

C:        Events that have passed, that are the past, are done and linear time as you have on Earth prevents them from being relived. This idea and notion remains strong in you all, the concept of reliving, that is, reviewing and thinking again about the experience of a time gone by, an important experience, very sad, disappointing or of much pleasure and joy. These are alternate experiences; it is certainly possible to reset your position and try this once more. Time is location, remember this always.

ST:      Is this what reincarnation is about?

C:     Yes, certainly. To expand and pass through a different set of doorways in a house of significance, a new approach to circumstances, it can be done; you often choose this, you all do, when revisiting Earth. The time and surroundings are different, yes, yet you pass through similar influences and learn from a new way to see them and act them through.

ST:      You mentioned history as a map; how is this?

C:       History will define a direction and trend. This trend is as a map would be to follow a course over land. If the pattern established in the history is repeated, just as a road as shown on a map is followed, it leads to the same destination. Your phrase about history repeating itself comes from this.

ST:      So study of history by humans is actually examination of future choices?

C:        Yes.

ST:      These misdeeds mentioned, what are we expected to see?

C:        There is almost always a pursuit of material wealth, the illusion of power, happiness and all good things that can be derived from the wealth. This is an illusion; the things most valuable to you, as humans, you can never lose. It only seems that way. Death is tragic yet is guaranteed to happen to everyone and occurs daily. Every day on Earth, it is nighttime on Earth, so this illusion of the days is just a cycle of taking turns at sunlight, so this phrase we use to match your perception of what you do not have yet measure with much precision. Every one of these days enough souls return home to Heaven to fill several of your large sports stadiums. There is a rhythm of births to match; so this great tragedy of death is not so tragic to humanity yet to each individual, it is this way. The effects of misdeeds to be seen, they will not change your conditions or your life or make a person suddenly happier because a world leader has been shown to have acted against the interests given great support for election. The benefit to all of humanity will be to see what was done and why and to examine individual and collective complicity of the victims.

ST:      Complicity of the victims?

C:        Without consent, there could be no act. You cannot marry yourselves, as an example.

ST:      So if we are to look beyond misbehavior by certain people of power and influence, what will happen to them?

C:        As you choose; we say very little. Awareness of the motivations and effects will be the solution. Punishment, redress and revenge little will do.

ST:      Yes, but many will protest that letting a misdeed go unpunished will allow it to happen again. There must be a message sent; that’s the way to stop it.

C:        There is truth to this concept but these instances will not happen again. It will be nearly impossible to set forth a plan to take advantage and impossible to carry it out for very long.

ST:      Why not?

C:    Awareness; the idea that gaining what is almost always a financial and thus power advantage, this will not have appeal.

ST:      So what about awareness will change?

C:        Humans place great value in their wealth, which are not the same thing, at all, the former and the latter. Quite different they are. Money is only faith. Ideas and attitudes of the honest provide the power and strength to the dishonest. All of you on Earth, all at once now, for just one week, give no money to anyone for anything and watch how powerful you all become. This notion of your collective power is not so well recognized; yet it will return in a large way, many times more powerful than now. This ability of the collective will locate a criminal, whose mind cannot hide as might the body.

ST:      So what will life be like?

C:    We have spoken in several instances about localization, the refocus of society and its organization around more local circumstances. What will be more common is recognition that an authority far away can only do for you what you give it, and that you can retain that energy you give to others afar, and achieve these things for yourselves close by. There is no inherent good or bad to how society is organized; awareness of choices will be much higher and in many cases, different roads taken. The reaction that this will be “better” because it is new, such will not be as easily assumed as is now common.

ST:      It seems to be that forgiveness will allow the guilty an escape.

C:        There is no escape; this does not exist. There is no place to where a soul can go to become impossible to locate. The effort made to escape, sometimes with tragic effects, is what exists on Earth. The concept of seeking out a transgressor to apply necessary punishment? This feeds the same notion the transgressor initially had, to commit acts that made that person into what you consider a transgression. When the inability to hide dishonesty is understood, its appeal will disappear.

ST:      We have an almost irresistible urge, many of us do, to discover and find out the acts and thoughts of others we consider important.

C:        So you will all soon gain much more access to this ability. Many will know they can see into these things and will know others can see into them, just the same. Like a group of swordsmen all displaying the tools of their craft.

ST:      We will see into intentions?

C:      Great importance intentions have; the punishment considered in cases of death can be most different. In some cases one human can violently end the life of another without notions of consequence; in other cases the life of the killer is taken as just recompense, even though it is not possible to restore a life ended this way. The dead body of the pedestrian struck in fast moving traffic is not less dead than the target of a criminal gang; the intention makes all the difference. Reaction will not alter the event. Humanity will see this is a vastly different way, as the ability to see into the intentions before an occurrence becomes more refined, just as it will be after the event happens. An example is the dog that can detect ill will and bad intent in a person the dog has never encountered before. This is just what will come to be with many humans.

ST:      What will happen when we see good intentions and good hopes expressed?

C:        Gratitude. True gratitude will grow, flourish and multiply.

ST:      What effects will there come from this?

C:        On Earth as it is in your Heaven, this will operate more often and more commonly as it is practiced. Great contentment comes to the person who receives help and long it will always be, before this help is ever forgotten.  Even the most misplaced of people retain always a joy to be helped and the return of gratitude to the helpers will inspire many, many others.

ST:      Is it not possible that a society where everyone is always helping everyone all the time and then the helped always thank everyone all the time, will this not get boring pretty fast?

C:        No. This will never be. You all shall see.     

ST:      Committee members, one and all, we are running over quota.

C:        Until tomorrow then, fare well all.

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Substitute Teacher

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