Enjoy these lovely testimonials for my sweet boy, perfect for the anniversary of his burial. I needed these.
How Erik has Changed my Life
I have felt lost for most of my life. The way I feel and think is so different than the way they mold and teach you from birth. It was so bad that I began trying different churches to get validation from God that I was ok, but instead it just made it worse. As time went on I taught my children to be free thinkers and not to follow rules put in place by man, but to research and follow their own truths but by now me reaching an age of 53 I started having so much doubt about what I taught my children. What if I was wrong and God does judge you by the rules stated that we all must follow…..Did my views just give my children and loved ones court side seats to a “Satan in Hell”. My father is dying I am so afraid for him and what is going to happen to him. I was at my breaking point and then I found you…..I cannot express the love and connection to you Erik and your Mom Eliza that I have. Your Mom, selflessly putting her own pain aside to reach you and share you with the world well that is courage and strength I hope to some day have. This probably makes no sense to many , I am trying to cut through this to make it short and sweet but it is hard. From the bottom of my heart thank you Eliza, Erik and every medium who helps spread your word. I cannot wait to meet you soul to soul one day.
My Love and Praise for Erik
I have a crazy life story. Everyone does. But I’m not trying to share my story. I just want to thank Eric and his Mom,& the mediums for the awesome, important information & knowledge the masses are learning. From this heartache and heartbreak that this family went through. The way they are all healing,and dealing with it is saving and helping many. I have someone from beyond the grave who I think wants to be channeled. Desi Arnez. My Cat is interacting with his spirit. And Everytime I ask .who is it? Who is there? Google or Desi pulls up his name. So the only reason he is hanging around me, I believe he knows I’m a huge fan of this channel. Maybe Lucy will make a cameo? So I suppose I’m requesting for Desi and Lucy to come through? Thank you for the help and healing 🙏 💗 love and light you and your family are sharing . Eric and Mom, Jamie and all the others.
Praise for What you are Accomplishing
In helping us find our purpose in life. What if God has given.us life to prepare us to become His companion? Can I even wrap my brain around being the companion to a Holy, and all Knowing God? Maybe it even takes many lives to prepare me to become an interesting companion – let alone WORTHY. I don’t believe we need to have trouble, or trauma in order to arrive at the goal of being an interesting companion. It takes Jesus Christ to make me worthy. I keep Jesus in my focus as I listen to Erik’s translation of what he’s telling. I forgive a lot of mistakes I hear, when I remember that Erik is limited by the medium who is giving him a voice. My favorite Scripture from the Bible is, “Who the Son sets free, is free indeed.”
I just thought it may interest you to know that a radical, conservative, Christian, would share a perspective. I’ve watched countless episodes (Do you call them that?) I truly love what you’re doing. I was raised a Mormon, got mad at God for years at the age of 15, and became a ‘Born Again, Bible Thumping Christian at the age of 45. That was 20 years ago. My constant prayer is to see through the eyes of Christ. I explore many ‘fringe’ philosophies, as well as more traditional avenues.
I know that God loves each of us sooooo much, I have no problem believing that He is reaching many through your efforts – and Erik’s. I can’t say I believe there are many of my colleagues who’d agree. May we all become more open-minded, and less quick-to-judge. God said, “Judge not, that you be not judged.” I believe it was a commandment, not a suggestion. Our mission, I believe, is find the path of truth. Deception is rampant. The Righteousness of Christ is a GIFT.
And then there is this lovely video testimonial, also so uplifting and full of hope: