Before reading on, listen to this guided meditation that Steve Trask found. It has Erik written all over it!
Greetings friends, Erik, Jamie Butler, and Elisa
I live in New Zealand and have only just been introduced to the incredible story of Erik, and the fantastic work Jamie does to bring him to the World.
I have been solidly reading the blogs and watching every episode of Channeling Erik on you tube, as well as watching Jamie’s wonderful and enlightening clips.
I have been hoping to see/feel/hear from Erik for some time now but as a 75% believer and 25% sceptic I am never sure if he has been or not-haha.
I was sitting in my lounge a couple of days ago 23 May 2015, and I had been thinking about Erik, and how brave he is, and how much I admire him when I suddenly heard a tap dripping gently. There was no one near any taps at the time and my husband and I looked at each other, blaming my daughter for not turning a tap off. She went to investigate but there were no taps running. Of course I do not know whether it was Erik or not, but in my heart I believe it may have been him. I love it Erik!
I love everything you are all doing, and want you to know that you are reaching souls and affecting hearts all over the World.
Much love and light to you all x