Proof of the Afterlife

Sorry, no more good photos. I will only post one I’ve taken and I can’t find one I think is deserving enough. Maybe a photo from my daughter…she’s fantastic.

As always:

ST = substitute teacher C = The Committee      Erik = Erik

ST:       If a poll of humanity were possible…..

Erik:     It is! Erik Polling Services, Ltd!

ST:       I kind of meant by humans….

Erik:     I’ll take the poll; what do ya need to know?

ST:       If a poll of humanity asked about life after death, the continued existence of a soul after passing away, what would we get?

Erik:     Most people believe it.

ST:       Just like that?

Erik:     Most people do believe there’s a place the soul goes. They don’t know where, why or how, but it’s out there, somewhere.

C:         The challenge for humanity is viewpoint; the existence of your soul is continuous and there is no sequential time as seen and felt on Earth, so the concept of segments of existence that precede and follow one another is not how your visit to Earth occurs. The isolation of your awareness in the body you occupy, for the cycles of day and night that compose this concept of time, create a point of view that there is or is not an existence, before or after your visit.

ST:       Many people believe there is no continuance and when a person passes, that’s it.

C:         Reality is what the viewer wants to see.

ST:       So, Erik, if most people believe there is a life after death, what do they think it is?

Erik:     They don’t. They don’t think about it until they have to.

ST:       A police officer recently said she observed Guardian Angels all around the crash site of one of the jets hijacked on September 11, 2001.

Erik:     Other people didn’t, so the others don’t believe it. You can/can’t see it, I can/can’t see it, he can/can’t see it so everybody should/n’t see it. Not really.

ST:       Humans have this overwhelming urge sometimes, to convince others.

Erik:     They always will. No big deal.

ST:       So what would happen if everybody kept their ideas to themselves to avoid skeptics; wouldn’t that stop the spread of new ideas and knowledge?

Erik:     It might, but that’ll never happen. Humans can’t keep new ideas quiet, some of ‘em.  Others can’t keep new ideas in mind.

ST:       Is this going to change, ever?

Erik:     Like night changes into daytime; it’ll be impossible to deny things. The message for humanity is, y’all know a lot and soon, a lot more! And the whole-lot-more will be right in front of everybody to see.

ST:       Is it valuable to see an afterlife? To see where a soul goes?

Erik:     Yes, it gives people hope and great comfort. To know where a person you knew ended up helps you a lot. Even if you think you won’t get there, it’s good to know others are OK.

ST:       So if comfort is to be found there, why is it doubted in some cases and why in others, its existence believed?

Erik:     Depends on the person; some have a life plan of doubt and their lessons are how to respond to that doubt. Others might not have the spread-of-the-word in the dance card, but change course part way along.

ST:       So proof of the afterlife, should we forget about it?

Erik:     No, because if you even read the term, proof of the afterlife, that assumes there is a life after. Some people reading or hearing it will immediately see a word like afterlife as contradicting itself and they stop right there.

ST:       So we could just put the whole thing aside, really, and just concentrate on the here and now.

Erik:     Yeah, you could and that wouldn’t be too bad. Too many people concentrate on stuff too far away and irrelevant; it helps ‘em escape.

ST:       What do they wish to escape?

Erik:     What they don’t like about their here and now; I did that, distract myself with stuff that didn’t matter so much.

ST:       Is looking at the afterlife “escapism”?

Erik:     Not at all and all day long. Depends on the believers and disbelievers. What the afterlife might mean to anybody, they decide. If they don’t think about it, that’s a decision. If they’ve never heard about it, that’s a decision. If they hear about it and then just forget it, that’s a decision. If they latch onto it and forget about today, that could be an escape, but that’s not too common.

ST:       Why not?

Erik:     Ya can’t latch onto the idea of afterlife without getting your Guardian Angel right in your breakfast and then, once the invader’s inside the fence, your atheism’s cooked. Not an escape, it’s expansion.

ST:       So, Erik, should anybody – not just a CE reader but just anybody, anywhere – should they forget about the afterlife?

Erik:     Probably, ‘cause soon the proof will be flowing over the seawalls.

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Substitute Teacher

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