I just got back from a lovely weekend in the Texas Hill Country, checking out various little wineries and enjoying the quaint simplicity of the little Texas town of Fredericksburg. For those of you interested in joining us in Austin for the Channeling Erik event the weekend of March 2nd, consider staying an extra day or two to explore this beautiful region. The landscape is awe-inspiring and the towns are charming.
I posted this on Facebook a week or so ago, but since many of you don’t “do Facebook,” I’ll post it here as well. Yet another comforting piece of evidence for life after death.
I’d like to thank everyone for clicking on some or all of the social connect buttons at the end of every entry, because we’ve gotten several new CE family members because of your efforts. I hope you continue to do so each ad every time you enjoy an entry. It means a lot, both to me and to Erik!