Psychic Development: How Does it Make you Feel?

Blog Member Ashley brings us her next installment, do you feel happy as a tigger?

So on with the show…..


So much of psychic development is based on feeling energy. As you practice your skills, don’t focus so much on the outcome – whether you were right or wrong is not what’s important in the beginning. What IS important is learning to recognize what intuition feels like. Did you get something right? What did that feel like?

That was my biggest hurdle, in the beginning. I couldn’t tell if what I was seeing, thinking, feeling was really intuitive information or if I was just making it up.  As time goes on, you start to learn to recognize your intuition for what it is. You learn to trust it more and more, but it takes time to learn to silence that voice in your head that says, “You’re making this up.”  It takes awhile to get over the fear of being wrong.

Here’s another exercise to help you practice “feeling” and recognizing energy.  You can do this with (at least 2) other people, or you can do it with your guides and angels.  If practicing at home with friends or family, you’ll want to sit facing the wall and have everyone else stand on the other side of the room.  Have one person walk up behind you and stand there, without touching you or making any noise.  Your task is to just feel their energy.  Try to determine if they are male or female (obviously that will only work if you have multiple people to practice with), see if you can intuit any clues as to their appearance. What color hair do they have? What are they wearing? Etc. 

If you are practicing with guides or guardian angels, sit in meditation some place where you won’t be disturbed. If you know your guides by name, ask each of them, one at a time, to touch you. Take note of what you feel. Ask your guardian angels, note how different they feel.

As you become more sensitive to recognizing the feelings you get, you can begin to do this exercise with objects as well.  Pick up things from your house and take note of how they feel and compare that to things in other people’s houses. Try it with different stones and crystals. Have a few friends put an object from their purse or wallet (something they carry with them all the time) in a bag without you seeing it.  Then take each item out of the bag and see if you can match the energy of the item with the energy of the person it belongs to.

Since the last blog exercise was so popular, let’s try another!

What impressions do you pick up about this person?  Remember – just lay it all out there, no matter how weird it feels – ESPECIALLY if it feels weird! 

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Substitute Teacher

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