Psychic Development: The Basics

We receive this next episode in our potpourri of replacement posts, from a future Nobel Prize winning author and blog member Ashley. (FYI – The previous post about burning torches has been “continued” and completed in that entry in blue)

You guys come here every day and read what we have to tell you about what spirit is saying, and some of you are quite apt at communicating with spirit yourselves – but I’m sure that all of you would like to be able to ask questions on your own! So I thought I’d give you the drive-through version of developing your psychic abilities. Of course, we have to build on a solid foundation, so let’s go over the basics.

We’re all born with the ability to connect to our higher being. It’s only as we grow older and begin to conform to the structure and ideology of physical existence that our abilities begin to fade – for some of us, anyway.  But with practice and intention, we can start to learn to tap back into what we lost as we grew into adolescence and adulthood.

There are numerous ways in which each individual can receive intuitive information.  I covered some of those basics including the differences between precognition and mediumship in a previous blog post and I’ll get into it more in-depth today.

So what do you think of when you think of someone who is psychic? The most mainstream views probably conjure up images of people talking to the dead or telling you your future but there’s a lot more to it than that and most people will tend to specialize in a particular area.

Some examples:

  • Mediumship – the ability to communicate with spirits or other ethereal entities
  • Precognition – the ability to foresee possible future events
  • Retrocognition – the ability to sense and interpret the energy left from past events
  • Remote viewing – the ability to identify people, places, and events in the present that are occurring somewhere else
  • Empathy – the ability to sense other people’s emotions or physical feelings
  • Telepathy – the ability to communicate with another individual with only thought
  • Telekinesis – the ability to move objects or affect energies by only using thought
  • Psychometry – the ability to sense remnants of energy left in objects
  • Automatic writing – allowing a spirit to take control of you, physically and write things, or, more commonly, taking dictation from spirit while writing.
  • and the list goes on.

There are four main abilities that people develop in which they gather information and typically you will be more apt to work with one or two of these abilites over the others, although some people are mixed-media receptors, they get it all:

  • Clairvoyance: Probably the most well-known clair, I’ve read that it’s the least common ability that people possess.  Clairvoyance is entirely visual – a clairvoyant psychic may literally be able to see things with their naked eye that others can’t (physical manifestations of spirits, auras or energy fields, for example) but more likely its things that they see with their mind’s eye (third eye) – the closest thing I can relate it to is your imagination – except it’s not coming from you.  Visions can be in color, black and white, sepia, they can be very poignant or it could be like watching a motion picture play out. It can be as simple as a still image – somewhat akin to a photograph, or it could be more like seeing movement in shadows. Sometimes the visuals are completely abstract – geometric shapes, blobs of energetic colors.
  • Clairaudience: Clairaudience is the ability to hear things. It can be as clear as an external voice talking to you in full sentences (which is rare), it could be abstract such as hearing music or sounds, but more commonly it’s things you hear in your head – your inner-voice talking to you through thought.  Some people are able to have full two-way communication via their inner-voice, but most will only receive single words or phrases accompanied by some other form of communication.
  • Clairsentience: Empathy falls under this category.  Clairsentience is the ability to feel, whether emotionally, or physically. Some people sense energy with physical sensations, such as spirit touches (they often feel like static to me), or those who are empathic may take on the emotions of the people surrounding them and in some cases symptoms of physical illness. Others may simply absorb the energy of a place which then manifests itself as physical symptoms or feelings.  Empathy is often regarded as the most common intuitive ability and will often be a secondary ability if one of the others appears to be dominant.
  • Claircognizance: The fourth clair is Claircognizance, which is what people refer to as the “knowingness.”  Claircognizance can come on in many forms – it can be sudden, like a lightbulb just went off in your head, it can come on slowly, bubbling up from within like a sudden sense of clarity, or it can be that “gut feeling.”  Having a claircognizant conversation with spirit feels like suddenly knowing the answer to your question before you can even verbalize it in your head. Some will refer to it as a “download” of information.

The first step toward developing your abilities is to figure out which one(s) is the most dominant for you.  Many of you will have had experiences across the board, so just try to figure out what is most common.  I was one of those who’d experienced it all and so I asked my guides to give me clarification on what I should work on developing first.  Once you have figured out your main mode of communication, you can start practicing.

Let’s hear it – what do you think is your main mode of communication? Which clair is your strongest?

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