hi. i lost my son in april 2015. he also commit suicide. so when i found you on Youtube i wanted to find out some things,
so i wonder. in 2 diffrent parts i hear that ” Virgin mary” was raped and other that she Point to God like she was a Virgin. dont you and Eric get confused ?
and why nobody ask if jesus died for our sins. if we all are one with God if so we all died for our sins. but jesus sais he didnt die on the cross. so why not ask him how everybody write lies and how he could stand it?
and if we are cleance when we die did they miss Eric since he curse so mutch?
i have seen and been with my son on the other side and he is like holy and a different man now. he also showed me how and when he become a Clean soul. if Eric channel all this people and they speak diffrent why dosent he react ? and last- how can you be so easy when you talk to your son. i should feel so blessed and feel the miracle to have that with my son. your medium cried when jesus come closed but not for Eric who is a part of God and jesus and everybody? please respond. sorry for my Spelling. im Swedish. love jill