Now that things have settled down to a dull roar, I’m pleased to announce that I’m going to start posting 5-6 days a week. I can’t wait, because I enjoy it so much! Also, for those of you who haven’t bought the book, it’s available everywhere online and in stores. I think it’s only a little over $7.00 on Amazon. It’s also available as audiobooks, Nook and Kindle. I hope you enjoy. Feedback welcome.
Also I hope to meet you all at the next Channeling Erik Weekend of F#@^ing Enlightenment in Atlanta. It’s 2/7/14 and 2/8/14. Here’s the link: REGISTER HERE
I know we have a lot of new users. To you all, welcome to the family. Please try to start from the beginning to the end. It’s possible that Erik will pull some prank, give you signs, or use any other form of communication. It’s never scary. It’s always fun. He may also guide you, and, in his own raw and unplugged way, he’ll always love you. Many people are drawn to the site for a reason and that could be true in your case. Also, please join the Channeling Erik Facebook page. It’s a closed group, so you have to be invited. We just want it to be private so CE members can have a safe place to share with other members. Here’s the LINK.
Now let’s see what kind of mischief Erik’s up to.
Alright Erik, let’s melt some brain cells!
In the last few entries, Erik’s made references to limitations being the part of the point of incarnation. Every moment of our lives can be shown as a function of limitation: moments in time, our physical capacity to endure hunger or fatigue, our intellectual capacity to retain or comprehend new ideas, our very lifespan is bookended with birth and death. As incarnated beings, we experience very well-defined boundaries.
But when you start thinking about life, death, reincarnation, souls’ plans – you might ask where these limitations come from, and how flexible they might be.
Erik: Let me talk. So you’re after flexibility: (Shows me beam of light and bends it before my eyes, bounces the light off of a curved glass surface and shows how the light spreads, changes and is refracted. Now he shows me a flexible yoga girl – ha, he says she’s his yoga teacher. She has long curly red hair, is toned and slim – very sexy.)
Okay, I said the yoga girl was sexy, so then Erik comes in with this bike shorts yoga outfit with a deep-V tank top thing and chest hair sticking out – he’s got this pubescent attempt at a moustache and is wiggling his eyebrows like, Check me out, I’m all yoga sexy, you like?
Erik says, Time is like (bending light.) Like in remote viewing, those guys understand how time is malleable, bendable. They can go back in time and stick a part of their physical form (phantom body) back in a part of time that has happened.
Okay, a quick definition: Remote viewing is a skill that allows a person to separate their consciousness from their bodies and project themselves into any moment in space and time. Remote viewing can be used to view past events, current events, likely future outcomes, beings on other worlds, scientific research and development, military intelligence – the applications are endless.
Remote viewing is different than channeling or mediumship: mediums facilitate conversations between two or more conscious beings, like a client and their pet or dead loved one. A medium is a translator. A remote viewer is a telescope.
There can be a lot of overlap between these skills – they’re not mutually exclusive, but they are distinctly separate techniques. Both are often grouped under the umbrella descriptor of “psychic”.
I ask Erik, which dimension? I understand there can be several scenarios that played out in different timelines, so which scenario does the remote viewer observe? How do they all get such consistent results if there are multiple outcomes and different timelines?
Ha. Okay, how to word Erik’s answer… You’re getting fucked up because you’re trying to understand the infinite in finite terms. He shows me the mirror reflecting another mirror producing an infinite number of reflections.
He says, Whichever one you’re looking at, that’s the reality that’s relevant to you in that moment in time. If you’re the remote viewer, you’re so hyper-focused on ONE image in the mirror, you’re only going to see the one image. Every member in a team of remote viewers are all going to lock on to the same image, because the coordinates they give to everyone which is chosen randomly is the key – that’s the consistent element that ensures they all lock on to the SAME image.
It’s all connected in a very organized way, like a spider web – like a crystal. Reality is a crystalline structure. (He’s pleased at this metaphor.) So you’re not going to get your remote-viewing crossed. If the coordinate is “A” – then everyone’s going to see that one result associated with “A”. But in another parallel reality, there’s a different descriptor, “B” – and in that reality, everyone’s seeing that timeline.
That’s why remote viewing is so scary / batshit accurate! It’s the coordinate system. That’s why channeling statistics are less accurate for things like medical intuitive and missing persons.
Anyway, I got sidetracked on remote viewing ‘cause that shit is COOL! (He’s wearing those “x-ray glasses” from the 60s.) We do need more remote viewers – and I’ve got nothing against channelers / mediums, you know I love you guys! But what I’m sayin’ is channeling is just one kind of skill, and remote viewing has different applications that’s really needed right now. Fuck, it’s been needed for centuries, but never more than NOW.
So coming back to limitations, Kate tell them about your reading / privacy limitations that you set up. (Shows me a priest’s confessional )
It’s funny that he gave me that image of the confessional, because it is kind of like that. When I began a professional practice, I set up some ethical safeguards to help me feel safe knowing I would not inadvertently violate anyone’s boundaries. This is what you get with a Canadian medium – I’m just that polite. I set them up basically by declaring them, and asking for help in applying them constantly.
The results are sometimes funny. In a recent reading, a client asked me if his grandfather on the other side had any advice for him. What came through was this:
Wife. Girlfriend. She knows what she wants, and you should give it to her.
None of this information crosses any privacy boundaries for my client, but it means I had to ask for clarification. So I asked, “Do you have a wife, or a girlfriend?”
He replied he had a girlfriend. I passed on the message, and the client confirmed he’d been getting STRONG hints that she was ready to get married – basically grandpa was piling on the “hurry up and propose already!” bandwagon.
Where the privacy filter came in was the energetic translation of “Marry her already!” If the client didn’t want to talk about marriage, he didn’t have to claim the message, and I would have no idea what they were talking about.
It’s not a perfect system, but it generally works well.
Erik: I think they get it Kate. It’s like, energy is like water. It’s going to flow in and around and through everything. Your boundaries and limitations are like the hydro dam you set up in the river. Wait, that sucks. (He wipes the chalkboard clean, and gives me a new image – a music studio, with Erik squealing his electric guitar, a bass, and me in the sound room with the switch board in front of me.)
A lot of the settings on your control board are set up for your safety. You want your clients to feel safe, but YOU want to be safe too and not accidentally stumble on to information that could get you targeted. This is (shows me a soldier putting on a helmet) SMART.
Then here are your settings for respect. These are different for everyone – some people are going to sacrifice some precision so they can have a greater respect, and that’s cool – but for other people, the precision is the most important thing and they don’t mind scaring the shit out of people every once in a while. (Shows me a sniper taking a warning shot at someone and it literally scaring the shit out of them.) Some psychics can be fucking cruel, and some remote viewers can be friggin EVIL in their boundary violation – it doesn’t make them awesome – it makes them ASSHOLES.
Wow, that was really strong there, E. Uh, did something happen? I just get pissed off when (someone in the position of a medium) chooses to be brutal or shocking instead of kind. Like, some peeps can go on a bit of a power trip about it, and that’s not what this is about. Like (he indicated a friend who found out a famous psychic was predicting her death.)
This is getting long, we’ll talk more boundary stuff next week ‘cause Kate you are rambling on here.
Yeah I kind of can’t shut up. I don’t know what my problem is, dude. Anything we can say here to wrap up this entry? It seems like we’re talking about mental / psychic boundaries.
Okay, yeah – the main thing I was going for in using that example is just like Kate sets up how the channeling information comes through to her, we all have these energy filters that determine EVERY fucking element of our reality!!!
Your reality is all a switchboard, and you can add in the feeds or fade them out. It’s all a series of filters. So if you’ve got the dial set on “bad romance” a lot of the time it’s just stuck there because that’s what feels familiar to you, and familiar is associated in the brain with safe. This is how it can be fucked up for a woman in an abusive relationship to actually feel safer in the dangerous relationship than in the unknown of getting the fuck out.
And that’s why sometimes you can quit a job or dump someone and look back and be like, “Why’d I wait so long??”
So, how about limitations like experiencing illness or just how our energy levels are set? Are all limitations set by us in the moment, or how many limitations are set up as part of our “soul plan” and are there any limitations that can’t be changed?
Woah, that’s like, ten different questions there. We’re gonna have to pick this up next week!
Will do, thank you Erik.
Kate Sitka is a medium and animal communicator located in Tofino, BC. To learn more about her and her work please visit her professional website: and her personal blog