I had my favorite dream last night. I dreamed that I was sometime in the past, I think the 70s, enrolled in my old high school. Okay, that wasn’t my favorite part. I kept having to explain to the students that, yes, I was a 60 year-old classmate, which they thought was pretty gross. Plus, just like when I was in high school, I felt very uncool. That’s only because I was. But here’s the good part. I got to tell them I’m from the future and told them about some of the technological advances I enjoyed. I especially loved showing them my iPhone and all of its features. Cordless phones hadn’t even been invented by then so they were pretty impressed. I told them about microwave ovens, the Valdez oil spill (I have no idea why,) the IRAQ war, computers and more. One thing I kept stressing is that they should look for a company called Apple to come onto the scene and invest all they can in it. I told them it would go up quite a bit, then drop to $8 a share for a while, but they buy more and hold because it would go up and split several times and they’d become billionaires. It felt so good to think that I might be paving the way to the financial success of a bunch of hippies tons cooler than me! Random dream, but beats the ones I have where I’m unloading the dishwasher.
Please, please, please write a review for Erik’s book if you’ve read it. I’m so grateful to those of you who have already done so. Its success is very important to both Erik and me, and it makes all of this hard and costly work worthwhile. It doesn’t have to be long, and remember that when you contribute to the book’s success, that means you’re helping to change lives. Here are three links to places to copy and paste your review:
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Enjoy today’s post!
Me: Hi Erik. Hi Jamie.
Erik: Hi Mama. Hi everybody.
Me: What’s up. How ya hanging.
Erik: The sky and hanging low, thank you very much.
Me: Oh Jesus. Okay.
Jamie laughs.
Me: I didn’t say, ‘How are they hanging.’ I don’t know why I said, ‘How are you hanging.’ I don’t know. Whatever. It’s early in the morning. Not as early as you think considering how I’m acting, but… We are going to talk about one of your favorite subjects, Erik, and that’s the existence of right and wrong. You want to talk about that?
Erik: Grrr. That shit pisses me off so much.
Me: I know.
Erik: Man, the damage that it causes people in general.
Me: Oh yeah!
Erik: And think about people who are in my situation who are bipolar and are constantly being told what is right and wrong and what they should think and what they shouldn’t think. That fucked me up even more because here I was trying to maintain this chemical imbalance and then trying to learn what other people wanted me to do because they were telling me what was right and what was wrong. You can never really get a grasp on who you are as is.
Me: Yeah. So there is no right or wrong. Tell me how that can be. I mean, Hitler can’t slaughter 6 million Jews and that not be wrong.
Erik: But why not?
Me: I don’t know. I’m doing the interview here. I’m asking the questions, boy!
Jamie and I chuckle.
Me: No, seriously. I don’t understand.
Erik: It’s very human to need to have in place this right and wrong because that’s how you take care of your morals. It’s what gives us the reason to behave, right? If we agreed that there was not right or wrong, we’d then be agreeing that suicide, rape, murder, abuse—physical, mental, emotional—is all okay and that it’s all part of the shit. Well guess what, people? News fucking flash. There is no right or wrong. There only is.
Me: So as a spirit, you look down and see rape and all that. What is your perception of it?
Erik: Okay. My perception. My opinion, right?
I nod.
Erik: I got that. I got that. When I look down and see rape or abuse—any type of person taking advantage or crossing some boundary even if it’s as small as someone saying, “You’re the stupidest mother fucker I’ve come across,” it changes—
Me: That’s small?
Erik: Right because it’s just a sentence and it happened once, but it changes the course of the entire life of that person. All right?
Me: Right.
Erik: So when I see that happening, not only do I see that it is an opportunity to learn, I’m also able to see, sense, and feel compassion towards both parties. One party is designed to be the victim. The language fucking sucks. It should be labeled something different.
Me: The student and teacher or the two students and two teachers? Put a new word to it then.
Erik: The person who’s receiving the abuse of words or rape or—you don’t know the whole story. They could have been asking for it.
I cringe.
Erik: Taunting, teasing. You know what I’m saying?
Me: Oh, yeah.
Erik: There are some times when they’re not. I am saying that there are occasions when they’re pushing the limits so that it happens to them, and yet it’s too much. They can’t handle it. They fall into the [victim] position and have the right to say to everybody else, “Look what happened to me,” when it really didn’t. You were actually participating in some way or manner.
Me: But that doesn’t make it right for the victimizer.
Erik: It doesn’t make it right, but it’s also not right to dismiss that knowledge that we are all participating in our lives. Like for the sentence: “You’re the stupidest mother fucker I’ve met”—that kind of a thing—that person could have chosen right then and there to understand that the person speaking to them felt that way about themselves and that it wasn’t about them. Therefore they wouldn’t carry those words, and their life from that moment on wouldn’t change when those words landed in their lap.
Me: So you do have choices.
Erik: You have choices. So you were participating in believing what words were said to you to change the course of your life.
Me: So there’s no such thing as a true victim?
Erik: There’s not such thing as a true victim. There isn’t. I’m not saying that everybody feels okay about themselves and everything. I’m really trying to get them to the point that there is no right and wrong. There just is. Inside everything, there is a quality that is extremely valuable. If you don’t really want to see it, it’s totally fucking fine. Hold fast to the good and bad. You’re just asking what is beyond that, so I’m sharing it. I’m not here to change what’s going on with you. I’m just here because I’m telling you how it works. You live your life the way you want. Yay!
Jamie and I laugh.
Erik: So everybody’s participating. The person who is doing the abusing or the attacking or the harm actually has some kind of need. They require something, and they found you because you had an opening for it. It’s true even if you can’t see it. It’s the human experience. Even if you want to call it luck, coincidence, “I was at the wrong place at the wrong time,”—there are all kinds of words for it—energetically and spiritually, we see it lining up, and it’s the insight you gain after you get out of this human life. For me to explain it to you, we can banter and have conversations and arguments, but it would just kind of fall flat.
Me: What about a child? Surely they’re true victims! What did they do to ask for or deserve this abuse? How do they participate?
(Long pause, then Jamie shakes her head)
Me: Did I get you on that one?
Jamie: No, he’s saying something. I’m just not repeating it. That’s the problem.
Me: Ah!
Jamie: That’s our problem right now. I want him to reword it so that it’s just a little bit calmer and a little bit more understanding. Hit me again with it, Erik. Go!
Erik: We’re trained to see kids as innocent because they physically can’t take care of themselves. You’re talking about those ages, right, Mom?
Me: Right.
Erik: So we can say they’re physically incapable of taking care of themselves, but I would like to say they’re not innocent. When we come into this life, we think that the moment we’re born and the cord is cut—boom! —That’s it. No more, right? You’re no longer a spirit. You’re no longer whatever you were before. You’re announced as a human being, but there are many, many, many years that required not just human assistance in helping the child take care of themselves, physically, but there’s a lot of spiritual assistance in helping the child spiritually take care of themselves until they can start to understand, maybe around the age of 6 or 7, what they can do with their own energy and their own belief systems.
Me: Got it.
Erik: Okay. So, they’re not really that innocent because they’re being taken care of energetically and spiritually by another team, not just by the human people. So if there’s human abuse happening around them—
Jamie: You lost me. Go back.
The telephone rings.
Erik: Hello??
Jamie laughs.
Me: The telephone?
Jamie: Yes.
Me: Solicitor, of course.
Erik: If there is human abuse to the child in this age range, let’s say 0 to 6, it’s something they’re highly aware of before they are born that this is going to happen. “Do you want to have this life? Do you want to have this experience?” They have a voice.
Me: So it’s a spiritual contract.
Erik: Yes. They have some voice in it.
Me: And they took it on to learn a lesson or teach something or both?
Erik: Yes, and if it’s happening to a child that has not really signed up for this shit, the spirit team that is taking care of him can alter the situation. Let’s say a baby gets kidnapped, and they really didn’t sign up for it, and they get in a huge-ass wreck. The police come, and they’re taking care of the people, and they recognize the baby doesn’t belong with that family. So the baby gets rescued or saved or whatever. There are all kinds of other shit that happens beyond what your human eyes are picking up on.
Me: Yeah. Okay.
(Pause as Erik asks Jamie if he gave a good enough explanation)
Jamie: You did. Yes, thank you, Erik. That was good.
Me: That was good. So it seems like what you’re saying is that there is no right or wrong and that everything is a lesson we somehow designed for ourselves. Is that what you’re saying?
Erik: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but I don’t want people to think of a lesson as, “Oh, I’m constantly learning and working, and this is bullshit.” It’s not designed just for you to learn. It’s also designed for you to just have an experience, Mom.
Me: Oh.
Erik: You might not be learning something new. You might just be having one hell of a fucking good time, you know, or you might just be having—
Me: With abuse?
Erik: Some people like it.
Jamie laughs.
Me: I guess so! Okay. So it’s about an experience, learning or otherwise?
Erik: Yes.
Me: All right. So right and wrong doesn’t exist. It just is, and they’re experiences.
Erik: Yes!
Me: Okay, good. What about better or worse, superior or inferior? You’ve said there’s no such thing as that, too, like there is no such thing as a “more evolved” soul.
Erik: Right, because if you’re talking about a more evolved soul, you’re talking about what?
Me: It’s better.
Erik: Better and also that there’s a timeline between A and B—
Me: Yeah, there’d have to be time.
Erik: –and that they incarnated more, did more than you or that they’re an old soul because they have more lives or incarnations.
Me: Yeah.
Erik: That’s some human language getting in the way of a spiritual experience.
Me: Well a spirit can have more incarnations than another soul.
Erik: Yes.
Me: Okay.
Erik: That, they can, but it doesn’t create more wisdom for it.
Me: Ah!
Erik: We all have the ability to open up and accept more information and grow in the planes where we are, Mom—dimensional planes. So it’s a choice. If you don’t want to know that shit, then you don’t open up [your awareness] to know that shit or open up to hold that information.
Me: Maybe that’s where the wisdom comes from—the choice to open up your awareness to something.
Erik: Yes. Wisdom on Earth is, “Oh, you’ve had X amount of years, or you’ve had more experiences, or you’ve had more book learning, college work years,” you know, so it’s kind of hard to translate your definition of wisdom into our terms of it.
Me: Hmm. I lost my train of thought. I wanted to ask one more question about that. It’ll come back to me. Well what about a child, you know, we consider them inferior to adults. Can you relate that whole idea of inferior/superior to our perception of children being inferior to adults? I mean, most people think that.
I don’t.
Erik: Only physically, because their bodies have to be taken care of, and they don’t yet know the human ropes, but they’re tied to all of the information that’s beyond over here. They’re communicating to us. They have access to all of this, and they can continue to have access to it for the rest of their lives unless society or adults or whoever starts cutting that shit out.
Me: Okay. I think things would change if we parented our children as if they weren’t inferior. They need more assistance, but that’s not a sign of inferiority.
Jamie mimics Erik by putting her finger on the tip of her nose.
Erik: Then you’d be on the more energetic or spiritual definition of it.
Me: We have to have a definition of inferior and superior and better or worse here, don’t we? For the human experience?
Erik: Yeah, for the human experience.
Me: Okay. But in terms of energy, in terms of—
Erik: It does not exist.
Me: It does not exist. Okay. Anything else you want to add about that?
Erik: Yeah. It does not exist.
I guess he wants to make his point clear.
Me: Okay. Are you sure that’s it?
Erik: Yes.
Here are some fun cartoons about right and wrong:
Don’t forget to write those reviews!