Channeling Transcript
Me: I was really disturbed by the gentleman from Rutgers who recently jumped to his death after some of his peers videotaped him having sex with another man. Then they published the encounter online. A lot of the blog members are equally upset. His name is Tyler Clementi. He was 18 at the time of his death. Maybe it’s too soon for you to have contacted him, Erik, but I was just wondering, was it his destiny to die when and how he did? I mean, what…uh, was he—
Erik: Not his destiny.
Me: Oh, too bad. I was really hoping to hear his death was meant to teach somebody something. What can you tell me, Erik?
Erik (very somberly): He went crazy, like out of control, or…
Jamie: Slow down Erik! I can’t keep up!
Erik: Okay. His whole life unfolded too quickly like with exposure. He couldn’t handle it, and he went crazy in his head. Mom, you know like how you’ve seen rodents try to run away from people cuz they panic?
Me: Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Erik: Or how birds try to get away from a predator, and they fly right into a window and break their necks?
Me: Yeah.
Erik: They panic. So for Ty, it was totally out of panic. He wasn’t thinking straight. It wasn’t a very conscious, uh, like, “I am committing suicide.” So it was completely out of panic.
Me: Wow. He jumped off a bridge, and he did leave a note, so…
Erik: He was in a prolonged state of panic. He didn’t know where to turn, where to hide. He just wanted to escape the publicity and the shame.
Me: Oh, how terrible. (pause) Is he okay now, Erik?
Erik: Much better. Still trying to catch his breath.
Me: Okay.
Erik: You know, there’s so much momentum behind him, so he hasn’t had much of a chance to rest, but yeah, he’s doing better than when he was alive.
Me: Oof! Well, good. I’m glad he’s doing better.
Me: Now, I also want to ask about Michael Jackson. Have you—you know I sometimes feel like there are angels here on earth, and just listening to some of his songs, it seemed like he was really trying to make the world a better place. I think this world was too hard, too harsh for him. Of course he was probably flawed in many ways like we all are, but it always seems like we slaughter the unicorns in the world, you know? And I think he was one of them, one of the rare, special people.
Erik: Oh, I agree, but it was so hard for the masses to see it, Mom, because whenever it came time to fight back and claim himself, he wouldn’t. He would always take the road less traveled and be meek about it.
Me: Yeah, yeah.
Erik: And so, people just thought he was wrong.
Me: Have you met Michael at all, or have you just heard about it?
Erik: It’s not like you hear about these things, Mom. It’s more like you just “know” it.
Me: Ah!
Erik: It’s like a giant pool of information, and when you learn how to tap into it, you become really good at it. Before then, it just seems a little elusive.
Me: So have you met Michael at all?
Erik: Not yet, but I plan on it very soon. (Not long after this, Robert told me that Erik, Michael Jackson, and Antal were sitting in the back seat of his car, then they all danced together wearing white suits and fedoras. I think he shares this in one of the comments.)
Me: Okay, so anything you want to share about this before we go on to the next question?
Erik: No, but I really like how you put it, “slaughtering the unicorns.”
Me: I know. I didn’t make that up, but it’s a good metaphor for a terrible thing. It’s very sad. And Erik, I think you were one of those unicorns, too. You were very sensitive, and the world was just too harsh for you. Are you? Are you one of the unicorns, Sweetie?
Erik: Yes. I was always misunderstood. Tyler was one too. He was one of the “unicorns.”
Me: Yep. I can tell that. (Pause) Okay, now I want to—
Erik: Wait, Mom. I also wanna say that the time is coming up when people will be able to recognize the unicorns, and they’ll call them special like they once used to a long, long time ago.
Me: Yes! How wonderful.
Erik: Yeah, so I’m happy about that.
Me: Oh, that’s so good. Oh, I hope so.
With this, I’d like to extend my deepest love to all of the unicorns, both here and in the spiritual realm. We each know one, perhaps many. They might be a friend, a neighbor, a family member or even a stranger, and they deserved to be recognized and treasured. I pray that the time will come soon when we will cherish rather than slaughter them. They are our greatest hope. They are our brightest lights. May we all honor them in our hearts and minds.