Some Love today To Erik and Elisa!

Today is a day of celebration of love!  Find for yourself what that means to you!  It could mean sharing with a partner, a child, a friend, and it could mean doing something special for yourself.  I had a nice relaxing, quiet meditation this morning.  I almost didn’t take the time to do it.  I looked at the long list of emails I needed to answer, The responsibilities piling up around me, and I started to feel overwhelm creeping into my stomach.  I thought, Oh I will get these important things done first, and then I will go meditate.  I had a clear message that taking that time for me, before doing anything else was the most important thing I can do. We know these things, and yet we all get busy, and caught up in life.  I gave myself a little gift of self love, and did my meditation before my work. Maybe today, you can have a nap, a healthy meal, a nice hot bath.  Maybe write a loving entry to yourself in your journal, meditate, walk in nature, call a friend, snuggle your pet.  Whatever, and however you connect to Love today, I hope you can give a little to yourself everyday!

Here is a little message of Love sent in for Elisa , and Erik!

I watched Erik videos for several years. Because I had, ,I was totally prepared to talk to my sister while she was connected to life support and after she was disconnected and came to visit .me in my hotel room. Thanks for preparing me! We have video of her presence via th3 flashes she was making on the desk lamp.

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Elisa Medhus

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