So many of you in the Channeling Erik family are incredibly gifted, enlightened healers and teachers. I’ve been pondering this a lot, and I think I have an interesting idea that I’d like to run it by you guys.
Should Channeling Erik break through to reach a larger audience, I might garner a lot of media interest. On top of the book (that I’m supposed to be writing,) my idea for a film or TV series as well as Kim’s idea for a national radio show, could generate considerable money that would all be funneled into the spiritual outreach foundation I have previously discussed in the blog. If this comes to fruition, it would be awesome to have the foundation pay for groups of you to travel all around the country or even internationally to heal and enlightened. I would be a little like “Doctors without Borders,” but all of your fees and expenses would be covered. We could go to orphanages, prisons, homes for troubled teens, halfway houses, hospitals, etc, administering Reiki, RET, channeling, Past Life Regression and other spiritual services. We could also host seminars, lectures and other programs to help enlighten the world about the spiritual revolution that we are sure to become a part of. I say first stop, the Fiji Islands. (he he, just kidding.) Even if we travel somewhere once a year, it’s better than nothing and a very good start.
I have emailed Anne Jennings, a PR consultant, to see how she can help us. Kim is also in contact with a Hollywood producer who will hopefully have an interest in creating a TV show or film. I plan to submit another article to Huffington Post as well. Please continue to share this blog with as many people as you can so we can accelerate this process, and let me know if any of you want to be a part of the traveling team. Channel your guides!