One of the coolest things about being dead (yes, I said it.) is that all you find out the answers to all of the great mysteries of the world. I’ll post these little by little so we can know what the world doesn’t. Today, Erik presents his knowledge about Stonehenge.
Me: Let’s talk about Stonehenge, Erik. That’s kind of cool.
Erik: Yes, that’s very cool, because it relates to the crop circles, and it was created by alien forces, not by human beings with cranes and machines. The reason you can tell is because the electromagnetic fields are different there, and they shift more in that area, and it’s the same kind of electromagnetic shift you find in crop circles. The only measurement that’s exciting scientifically is that, in the fields where the corn or the wheat was or whatever, before the crop circle, there were no differences electromagnetically, but then afterwards when the crop circle arrived, they were. So, it could be that before the stones in Stonehenge were in place, that land had no differences in electromagnetic frequencies, but now there is.
Me: Okay.
Erik: That—Stonehenge—is marking a place on the earth that is significant for a future date, and it also involves or corresponds to six or seven other marks on the earth that are all on the same line.
Me: Like a meridian?
Erik: Yeah.
Me: So, what is the purpose of Stonehenge? What is it communicating?
Jamie (to Erik): What was the purpose of it when it was first built?
Me: Yeah. We know there are electromagnetic differences within that Stonehenge area, but—
Erik: It was a meeting place, for one thing.
Me: Okay. So, does the arrangement of the stones have some sort of message in it?
Jamie: It’s weird; he’s showing me it had more of a roof on it. If I remember it, the stones are just standing, right, like people?
Me: Yeah, some of them.
Jamie: He’s showing me that some of them are standing, and then there is a roof giving partial coverage with an opening in the center.
Me: Okay, I got the visual.
Jamie: For stars, um, it’s like for mapping the Earth.
Me: Does it map these special places along the meridian you were talking about, Erik?
Jamie: He’s talking about a vortex. These special places are one vortex after another.
Me: So, it’s for mapping these vortices?
Erik: Yeah, where the energy from the center of the Earth reaches out beyond the Earth’s crust.
Me: But yet it was a meeting place as well?
Erik: It was originally a meeting place: how to watch the sky from the Earth, but as it grew through the ages, it became a place of protection from animals or—
Me: So, like a shelter.
Erik: Yeah, it kind of lost what it was built for. It became a burial area; it became other things for rituals, you know.
Me: Okay. So, the purpose initially for mapping the vortices on Earth and for meeting and looking at the sky from Earth to do what? Why would they do that? Were they studying constellations?
Erik: They were looking at the stars and mapping them. It was about communication.
Me: Communication with what?
Jamie listens to Erik, who appears of be talking to fast to keep up with.
Jamie: He’s talking about the seasons and how certain stars and planets line up and how this can be seen through that opening in the roof. This was done during those meetings.
Me: Oh, so the communication was with those who were studying the movement of the stars and planets.
Erik: Right.
Me: Now, how did they move the stones?
Erik: You didn’t need strength to move weight. We still don’t need strength to move weight.
Me: Because everything is just energy?
Erik: Right.
Me: So, how did they do it?
Jamie: Erik, showing an image of them floating doesn’t help me.
Me (laughing): What? They could think it into place?
Erik: No! It’s like a positive and negative charge.
Me: Oh! So they just change the electromagnetic field around them?
Erik: Yeah, so it creates a resistance to whatever surface it’s on so you can just sort of push it into place.
Me: Ah! And how could they change the charge like that? Did they use some sort of contraption?
Jamie: He’s showing me some sort of contraption. When I think of the word contraption, I think of something big and bulky, like “wow, how did you build that?” but what he’s showing me is something really simple. It’s a rectangular shape, very smooth, clean lines—not buffed wood. It’s not fat.
Me: What’s it made of?
Erik: I don’t know.
Jamie: Erik!
Me: Is it some type of metal?
Jamie: That’s what he’s showing me, yeah. It looks like some type of metal, and it’s more silver in color than copper or gold.
Me: Is it from this Earth? Can it be found here?
Erik: Some of the materials are; some are not. There’s this guy in Florida—the Coral House. He’s an old dude. He built a castle for his wife who died, and he built it all by himself—thousands and thousands of pounds singlehandedly.
Me: Wow!
Jamie: See if you can find that on the Internet. If you can, that would be fascinating.
Me: I will. I will. So, did he use the same contraption?
Erik: Yep.
Me: Interesting!
Erik: And it had a lift like a claw, but the actual weight of an item, like if you would say, “Oh, that’s a thousand pounds,” he could move it like it was fifty. It works in the same way—creating surface resistance by changing the electromagnetic field.
Me: Well, how did he find it?
Erik: He did research. He was into Egyptian pyramids—same kind of knowledge for the pyramids, too.
Me: Did he make the device or find it?
Erik: Both.
Me: So he found one and made it from that?
Erik: Yeah. He made one using an old one as a blueprint.
Me: Wow. Is Stonehenge on top of a vortex? You said it mapped out the vortices, but—
Erik: Yes. It’s on top of one.
Me: Okay, so that’s on top of one of the vortices. And what are these vortices useful for?
Erik: It’s how the Earth balances and heals itself, and it actually should be a life force that humans and other life on Earth should be connected to, though we’re often not.
Me: Why is it so important to be connected to these vortices?
Erik: Cuz it’s like pure source energy!
Me: Oh, is that related to the zero point field?
Jamie: He’s really not answering this one very quickly.
Me: Maybe we’re not supposed to know.
Erik: Well, there are two things that can get you: The human brain can only understand so much.
Me: Gee, thanks. I’m acutely aware of that, thank you very much.
Jamie laughs.
Erik: And I can only tell you so much.
Me: Ah! Okay. Do you think that knowledge is going to come from the aliens? Can you tell me that?
Erik: Yes. That’s where you’ll get that information eventually.
Me: Okay, but it’s somehow related to the vortices?
Erik: Yes. Absolutely. Just remember that God Source and aliens aren’t in a lifelong battle against each other. There’s a lot of harmony over here.
Me: Yeah. Isn’t God Source everything?
Erik: Yes, but people can’t define that in their heads. They’re human. People are having a hard time realizing that God created Black people and Asians and Hispanics and different religion, so how the hell are they gonna understand that God created aliens?
Me: Yeah.
Sign up for Jamie’s web class on staying safe while communicating with spirit. It is on Wednesday, May 15 from 6:00-6:45 PM EST/5-5:45 PM CST/4-45:45 PM MST/3-3:45 PM PST. It should be spectacular! Register here:
There are still spots available for Erik’s web class on Saturday the 18th 10:00 AM-11:30 AM EST/9:00 AM-10:30 AM CST/8:00 AM-9:30 AM MST/7:00 AM-8:30 AM PST. Erik would love to have you there, and you won’t regret listening to his rascally sass.
Erik will speak for 45 minutes, then you can ask questions for the next 45 minutes. Sign up here: