Tag: Earthbound Spirits

Welcome New Visitors

Welcome New Visitors

Dear Reader, Although Erik sometimes paints a rosy picture of the afterlife, time and time again he stresses that suicide is not the answer to one’s problems. If you struggle, please understand that the information in my blog and my books is no substitute for professional help. Please click here for a list of resources…

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How Opening (Good) Portals can Help You Channel

How Opening (Good) Portals can Help You Channel

Once I learned how to do “Portal Work” I did so on all the CE mediums and was astounded by how their accuracy rate soared!! Opening up portals that are shut but shouldn’t be allows all sorts of information (and abundance, of course) to flood in, including communication with the deceased and other spirits. So,…

Earthbound Spirits, Attachments, Possession and Ghosts

Earthbound Spirits, Attachments, Possession and Ghosts

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! While my husband was racing motorcycles, I did a lot of yard work. Months ago, I put broadleaf weed killer on the weeds in the backyard and it worked well, but now I have big muddy swatches everywhere. At least the weeds contributed to the greenery! So I…

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